MarineTeng's 28 gallon nano

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Reef Padawan
Dec 2, 2004
Bellevue, wa
Here's the plan
30 custom tank from Handegard (25.5" x 15.75" x 16.5"), homemade by ???? top's a bit uneven but i don't mind

PFO mogul pendant w/ icecap 175w ballast aqualine 13k or hamilton 10k bulb
(in the picture the aqualine 13k is in) self wired with some tips from mattseattle and a converter from him, power cord made from lowes, only thing not included in the picture that was used was a wirecutter/scissors

30 gallon long fuge fed by cs50 overflow
sand bed w/ pleneum and seio 620 which are both in the tank in the tank picture, pleneum still needs to be cut/tested in the tank
Return Pump is undecided/unknown at this point, would like suggestions (just need inexpensive and reliable... doesn't have to be high flow cause i think i'll have enough in the tank)

i'm too ashamed to put up a picture:cry: or not willing to take one, a seaclone 100 old style, will upgrade

More to come, planning on getting some Live Rock one way or another, will edit this later

Other Equipment:
Heater - still choosing among the used heaters in my home
RO/DI unit -
Kent Marine Hi-s 35 gpd unit, hanna tds meter - still getting the calibration fluid
Salt - Oceanic
Stand to be built, will be simple and not terribly appealing yet functional, plan on using 2x4's some plywood and bathroom tiles, still debating on height and where the fuge will be, i kind of want it to the side that way i could put something in it and see it and make it easy to use, the one that's under my other stand is too cramped and is annoying to take out cheato
more to be edited tomorrow, going to bed now
thoughts, suggestions and comments always appreciated
Custom Glass

Hi MarineTeng Hey i think that Nano has some great possibility's;)
I like how your setting it up and Its cool to watch the DIY work that you have been doing and Kudos to those who are helping you.I like the fact the sump will be on the side gives allot more flexibility.. good choices so far :)
yup, i plan to, if it comes up that i need calcium in the system apart from water changes i hope to do one of liveforphysics's DIY calcium reactors
here it is, a few days late but nonetheless there
the overhang is to hang an mh pendant, the two tallest beams are far enough apart to fit the cs 50 overflow between them to go to my sump which will be in an L shaping extending perpendicular to the bed on the wall side, now to the tank...

oh, and yes, those are penguin pillow cases and sheets
ok... pics to come tomorrow hopefully when the lights on... lots of stuff gone in
my lights
live rock thanks to Blazer88 nice stuff aside from the apaistia, but will be fixed soon
peppermint shrimp
2 emerald crabs
two ricordia
and some xenia
more to go in after Creation Festival 2006
Pictures, here they are i'll go in time sequence somewhat,
here's the light above the tank, 175w 10k hamilton on ice cap ballast which is above as you can see, note the tank looks a lot whiter then the yellow tint it has in the picture, also micro algae has taken to the glass, suggestions for methods of cleaning woudl be appreciated

Now the Frontside shot, from the door way (I removed the penguin i have on there to help the cycle, Blazer88 saw that when he was over)

Then the end shot looking down the length of the tank

and the Bedside shot, this is what i'd see if the lights were on when i was in bed

And the full shot with the light (Frontside)
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Now for the livestock pics, though especially the ric and xenia pics don't do them justice, all these pictures were taken in the 5-10 mins i had while the lights were still on
First the Mushrooms that came with the rocks, will be leaving, but took pics anyways

And the Xenia, i've got several clusters of these similarly sized, just a pic of one though

And the Rics
A White rics with Green flourescent sort of tips, not visible in poor quality pics, The green colored up a lot since i bought it yesterday

And the Purple, Green and Pink Ric

live stock not pictured, red shroom (anyone want to buy?) some random shrooms, two emeralds for the hair algae, a peppermint for the apaistia and a few snails cause they're snails, they were just on the rocks
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Cool! Nice bedside setup! I was just talking to Scooter about that last night saying if I had a tank in my bedroom, the sound of hearing the water running would have me running to the bathroom all night!:p
krish75 said:
Cool! Nice bedside setup! I was just talking to Scooter about that last night saying if I had a tank in my bedroom, the sound of hearing the water running would have me running to the bathroom all night!:p
well every night i sleep well never getting up, it's weird to sleep places now that are quiet at night