Markee's 120g Reef Tank(:

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If healthy I would say $65-80. All depends how much you really want to keep/get rid of it.
Very healthy, not very aggressive, my mom wants to keep her more than I do:) she is cute but I want to try a more unique tang, a not as common one.

I was wondering, do you have any experience with golden/blue cheek butterflyfish? I think they are so pretty and wanted to know if I could keep a pair in my tank? And this would only be if I got rid of the tang for some extra cash, because the blue cheeks are SPENDY!
I don't have experience with any of the butterflyfish personally. I would guess that they are like most butterflyfish though, and coral eaters :(.
A 6" Hippo Tang is no where near "XL." Just so you're aware, it'll get MUCH larger than

Most Butterfly fish are NOT at all reef safe and will eat corals. While there are a few that are reef safe, the Chaetodon semilarvatus is probably not one of them. There's a good chance it could go after corals and/or clams. A lot of butterfly fish are also very difficult to adapt to captivity, because they are difficult to get to eat prepared foods. I believe the one you want, falls into this category.
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Ah yes, the golden "masked" butterfly..I had a lengthy discussion with Robert Fenner about these butterflies, according to him they are hardy butteflies, will nip at corals, but I tend to feed my fish 3-4X a day. With that said, I have tried 2 times to add them to my tank and both times they ending up dying and I cannot tell you why that is..

Yes, they are pricey as they are only found in the Red Sea.

I would highly suggest that you QT them for at least 4-6 wks before adding them to your tank and where ever you are getting them from make sure that they are dewormed..if they can't tell you, assume they are NOT, and do a 5-7 day PraziPro treatment while they are in QT.
Hey Michael, I just said XL cause I looked on a website and they were selling XL blue tangs and it said 5+" so sorry:) didn't know. If they're not reef safe and die easy I guess not :( oh well.

I was thinking the same thing.. I'm guessing a club, but this is just an old man speaking. LOL


LiveAquaria has a Golden Butterfly available, but darn it is expensive. Had thought about it, until I saw the price. This takes away from my angel collection, so will pass for now. :):)
It was a movie, and a very scary one. But also very good. lol

NC2WA- I looked at those, they weren't there yesterday:) but $199! jeez! I actually found a site selling them for $99! On Live Aquaria, why are their masks black?
I don't actually have a QT... although I've been needing to set one up because I'm going to be getting new fish and coral for this tank soon and they need to be added the right way.
Didn't get any pictures tonight but I will try to remember to tomorrow.
I would agree. depending on how big your fish are going to be, a nice 30 or 40 gallon would be good to have .
So we took the maroon clown in today, and I moved all livestock from the 29g into the new tank. That was two clowns, Tony the tomini tang, and two high fin red banded gobies, oh and I can't forget Hulk, our emerald crab:) So I took down the biocube for a while... Kind of makes me sad to see it empty :( Other news, I went to Brandy's and got some new coral, Aussie Delicate, purple with pink polka dots Cyphastrea frag, setosa frag (very bright, I love it!), and a large frag of her pink birds nest colony. They are awesome and doing well, thanks Brandy!:) Pics probably tomorrow, I'm too lazy to upload them tonight.