Markee's 120g Reef Tank(:

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Has anyone ever had an anemone try to eat a frag of your coral?

I came home today from Bloomsday and my anemone was upside down in the middle of the tank. I grabbed him to put him back in his spot and he was holding my pink birdsnest frag, the first one I got from you, Michael, and he was obviously trying to eat it because his stomach was starting to come out like they do. Now my frag looks like crap, the poor thing was mangled by the anemone. I'm afraid he will do it again to my other coral. Has this ever happened to you? Should I maybe start feeding him more? Do I need to get rid of him if he continues to try and eat my coral?

my RBTAs are huge, at least 16" in diameter, so their sweeper tentacles extend out a good bit and do attach to other corals, but Ive never seen one eat a frag before.
Mine stings other things badly if they get too close, and I wouldn't doubt that it would eat one if it fell into it's mouth, but they don't go hunting for corals. If you keep an anemone, you must keep it away from corals or be prepared to face the consequences.
He is away from them, but he's been moving a lot lately and must have gone swimming, but he had the frag stuck to him and his stomach started to come out. I don't think he'll do it again but I just wanted to know if it's happened to any of you. If not then he probably wont do it again, and I don't want to have to get rid of him cause he's really pretty:) also, how long does it take for my clowns to start hosting him? Because they've been in there a while now but still havent..
there is no guarantee that the clowns will host in the anenome at all. however, I have heard of some people forcing the issue by taking a collection cup (square one that hangs on tank) and putting anemone and clowns in same cup for 15-30 mins..this may or may not be feasible to you, so take this advice with a grain of salt..otherwise, you have to wait and see what happens.
Well this stinks. I came home one day and my girl clown was missing and I ended up finding her behind the tank. Then, a week later, probably out of depression, the boy jumped too. :( Poor guys. I guess I will have to get a new pair. But not for a while. Were planning on redoing a lot of things. First, we're going to put a sump/refugium in and buy a new skimmer. And correct me if I"m wrong Michael, but I think were redoing the overflows too. I also want to get new bulbs for the lights. It's too yellow. I want it more blue. So in the next month or so, the tank will be totally transformed. Can't wait!
Sorry to hear about your losses. I had an arowana jump on me years ago when I had a freshwater tank that really upset me! :doubt:. Looking forward to the new changes. If you are running halides and want a nice bulb that usually gets top praise is the Phoenix 14K. Really nice color and all around bulb :)
Its always a bummer losing fish.. But were going to get a new pair, either of these three, black ocellaris, naked, or clarkiis. Which one would you pick? I found a website that sells a mated pair of clarkiis for $40-
Clarkii Clownfish (Amphiprion clarkii) - Breeding Pair - $40.00 : The Reef Shoppe, Welcome to The Reef Shoppe.

I do have halides, and I was thinking about changing to those exact bulbs, but Michael (returnofsid) told me that there are 50/50's where there should be actinics in the light fixture, and if I switch to actinics it will be bluer. Again, correct me if
I'm wrong Michael. lol. So I might switch to the Pheonix bulbs in the future, but were going to do the actinics first.
To comment on a few things that we're hoping to chance, in Markee's tank, in the near future, I'll chime in. We visited Markee's family, the other day, to give them some advice on how to improve their set up. There's definitely room for improvement and I'll be helping them implement some changes.

We're going to add a sump/refugium, with an insump skimmer. To do this, the tank will need to be emptied and removed from the stand, so the sump/fuge can be placed in the stand. This isn't all a bad thing, because the tank is also sitting out of level, pretty badly. So, while doing this, we'll also shim the stand, to get everything nice and level.

As for lighting, the tank is lit with a 2X250MH fixture, that has 4X65watt CF bulbs, for actinic supplementation. The existing CF bulbs are 50/50, BUT, the blue sides are completely burned out, so only the white side is lit.

The overflows probably need an overhaul, but I'm still not sure what direction we'll take. Currently, there are LifeReef oveflow pipes running, which I'm not at all familiar with. They have a floating "bulb" on the stand pipe, similar to what you'd see in the back of a toilet. I'm going to be doing some research into these, and possibly replace them with Durso stand pipes.
Thanks Michael, you said it better than I ever would:)

So is $40 a good deal for a mated pair of clarkiis? They are 4in and 3in it said.
Haven't updated this in a while. So how about I fill you all in. My tank is doing awesome. Corals are all thriving and the tank looks great. Since the last time I posted, I have made some major changes with the sump, skimmer, overflows, and light. Ever since that, my tank has been just amazing. Changes in livestock: I brought the blue tang and maroon clown back to the store, and now I have a tomini tang, starry blenny, and a single black clownfish. We are hoping to add a mated pair of vermiculate wrasses, a green mandarin, and either a chevron or orangeshoulder tang. And another clownfish because the other dissapeared yesterday. I have one problem with the tank right now and that is that there is a little bit of a flatworm infestation, but we're slowly taking care of it. So other than that everythings doing great! Heres a pic, sorry that its such a bad picture (its from my phone) :


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Added some new corals today!

-superman montipora
-sunset montipora
-rainbow montipora
-purple haze montipora
-one little candy apple red zoanthid

Thanks again Ben for all my new corals. They look awesome and I'm super excited to watch them grow! :)
I've posted pics before but it won't seem to let me.. I have no idea why.

So I told you all that I have the flatworms. I was doing a little research and like I said I will be adding the pair of vermiculate wrasses hopefully next week and I have been sucking as many of them out as I can, but I was wondering about your opinion on getting blue velvet nudis? People say they work great on different sites and then you could just find another reefer that needs them after the flatworms are gone. Are they worth trying? Thanks!
Ok here are some pics. Got a green mandarin yesterday :) soooo cute. Oh and I will be adding a golden dwarf moray eel this weekend.


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