Aw, c'mon now . . . reef club meetings are a way big deal!!! I was just going to suggest that as the reason why it's so busy over here. That's gotta be it!
You know, that would be my thinking to Kim, but I guess some folks just do not have their priorities straight

Anyways, I figured I had better get a head count going for Kim on this. I know I will be there, there are 2 coming from Spokane, and that leaves 3 more people that I don't know about, Devon, Kelan, and Kevin. So if we could, let's help Kim a bit and let her know how many straight jackets......................... I mean lawn chairs she is gonna need. Bring a spare lawn chair if you can, just cuz.
I just got off the phone with Kim, and according to her, our spot in her lawn gets shady at about 2PM in the afternoon, which is just more than perfect. The menu is great, I am put together a big ol green salad and get some dressings. Try and let me know what dressings are preferred, and I won't buy more than I need to. Bring your own bad habits, chips, beer, dips etc.
Looking forward to this Saturday, I hope you all are too

we found one, in whitefish, which is prolly way closer to Charlie than I ever want to be
Gee thx