May I introduce myself??

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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little mermaid

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2006
Hi. I've been signed up for a while, but I do believe this is my first post. I am not very familiar with the site, but hopefully I can figure it out enough to post a bit.

I'm Christy, and I'm from Alabama. I don't think I'm your typical redneck, but who am I to judge that, huh? I've got a 92 gallon corner tank, with a 20 gallon sump/fuge under the cabinet. There's 135 lbs of live rock in the tank, along with lots of corals, a few fish, and your typical clean up crew. (I'm sure most of your eyes have glazed over by now, so I'll hurry along....;) )

I've been in the saltwater hobby for going on 2 years now, and I research ALL THE TIME...I don't think I have a life, other than the tank. Oh, I've got a hubby and 2 kids who pop in front of the tank or computer screen to beg for food, too.

So, what?? Do I post a photo or something?? You all seem to have a great time, so I was hoping to jump in, but hated to do so, without asking first. Hopefully I'll see you all around?!?!!?

FWIW, here is a not so flattering shot of me from May, and one of my tank, also from May...maybe I can get them to post here, if not, I just made a complete moron of myself.....
Welcome to RF! I'm sure you will find all the answers to any question you might have. There are a ton of people on here with years of experience and insight. Hope you have fun. Oh and nice lookin tank ya got :)
Thanks James and Jake. Already feeling welcome! Thanks for the compliments on the tank, too! Hopefully I'll get some better shots up of it in a bit...trying to figure out the My Photo Gallery at the moment.
Why thanks! I finally got 1 and only 1 image uploaded. I need to resize my others before posting and since it's 1:00 a.m. here, I'm calling it a night! I'll be back tomorrow night, hopefully. See you all around.

Welcome Christy, good to see someone closer to home joining RF! Post Away & get those Pictures up, we always like new Eye candy, looks like you already have a nice tank going there, when you get time give us some details of your set-up, plans how you got here etc.
Hope you enjoy the website!
Sweet Home Alabama!!!:D Welcome to RF Christie!! Glad you've decided to post here:) Definately a great place to hang out...People are really friendly here so I'm sure you will enjoy yourself tons! Thanks for sharing the pics! Another face to go with a name and your tank looks great! Hope you enjoy it here:)
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!! I hope you enjoy the site!

Christy, as you already know this place is the best,nice to meet you and your tank, hope to hear more of you in the future. Steve
Well aren't all of you so sweet?? Thanks! As for the Rose, she's/he's my pride and joy. I know I shouldn't have an anemone in with my corals, but they are just so pretty together! It actually split for the 1st time last week, and today is the first day it's sticking it's head back around into the light. I missed getting to look at the clowns play in there everyday!

As for the tank, I hope my hubby doesn't read this, or he will be like "Exactly how much HAVE you spent??" I just added a 20 gallon sump, with an ASM G3 skimmer. I've got Chaeto in the middle chamber, Return with a Mag 9.5 on a 3/4" Seaswirl. Love the Seaswirl! I've also got a Mag 18 on a closed loop.

I've got 2 MH's on the tank, I run it open top, so no heat issues. I just ordered a Tunze Osmolator, but it was on back order, so I've got to be patient on getting that here, and then hooked up. I never realized how many talents you aquire when starting up a fish, electrician, Making mountains, landscaping...I love it!!

I'll try to work on some of my photos, and get them uploaded. I like to see "eye candy" too! You guys and gals seem really nice, so I'm sure we'll have a blast! I am a night owl, so you will see me mostly at night. I don't sleep alot, I would rather play on the computer, or with the tank. I think I have a problem......

Thanks again for the warm welcomes. I took a peek at a few of your tanks, and WOW!! You guys make mine look shabby....hopefully I'll learn some secrets! I need some help on photography, too! I've got the equipment, just don't know how to use it properly. I am hoping the photography thread will help out with that!

Brenden said:
Dont we all. ;) (that is why we are here) :D
Does your mag 18 make a lot of noise?

The Mag runs silent, actually. It's up under the stand, so the cabinet doors are shut, which may be why you can't hear it at all.

I'm proud I'm not the only one with a "problem", too...:)
Hey Christy!
Welcome aboard. Sorry i am so late with this but i just got back from vaca today and doing some RF catching up! You're right about us having fun out is truly a BLAST! Sooooooo.......Post more we'd love to here from u!

Thanks Willie. Lucky you! Been on vacation....where did you get the luxury of going?? I would like the chance to sit in my PJ's all day and do nothing, but lately, that hasn't been possible. Hopefully I'll get to post more frequently! Gotta love the weekend coming up! Nice to meet you.
Christy we live inland a bit where it is hot (90-100F) so we went to the oregon coast and sat on the beach. Rented a house right on the beach. It was cooler 70-80F. And my daughter loved romping endlessly down the beach!

sorry i'm late !!
Welcome to RF doodette :D !!

i hope you find the site very helpful and fun (yeah some of us are way crazy but you'll get used to it...... *coughs* Krish *coughs* Brenden :D ).
I think its' awesome your in the hobby and enjoying it :) .