May I introduce myself??

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I am learning quick, I twist people's words

ROFL! Yep that's me:p

Having kids around is a blast! There is never a dull moment! How's that?

Are you guys taking Lamaze Classes?? Loads of fun!

I love children so I know what you mean...I'm just counting down the days:) As for Lamaze classes, we were going to take them, but we figured whatever they would have taught my wife in those classes, would go straight out the window when those labor pains hit so she said she'll just do what teh doctor says and hope the epideral (sp) does all the rest:D
The Lamaze classes are good for the guy, actually! In ours, they gave all of the men an icecube and told them to hold it for 1 minute and try to do the breathing to help with the pain.... :eek:

All the hubby's are being so sweet and holding the cube, I look down at Eric, my hubby, and he has hit fist closed, with the ice cube under it, on the floor!! Cheater!!:lol:

It did help me quite a bit, though. I would love to be a Labor coach, I do enjoy that kind of thing, how sick is that???:rolleyes:

Either way, it's definitely an experience. Is this your first?
Yeah...This is our first:) I'm really looking forward to what's to come. All I'm praying for right now is that my wife comes out of the delivery with no complications and that we have a healthy child. The doctor says, everything looks great so we shall see...:)
Welcome, welcome.....I'm sooooo glad to have people closer to the Atlantic.
I just joined in a couple weeks ago and have already bought some pumps and light retrofit kit here at RF.

I live in NE Tenn, a fer piece from you, but I'm planning on going to the frag swap in Chattanooga. Are you going? I think its 8-5

I have to run, but will talk to y'all later.....
Thanks!:) and I think you are probably the first woman

Well he...... I thought you had a small child already krishi. I'm so confused between all you guys. Lamaz is cool, but I had to take the knockout route. Emergency C-section, baby flown out to Louisville, KY on xmas eve. It was a sad sight.

She's 14 and couldn't be greater. I will not share that with her due to her handicap of pubescence (sp??).

Good Luck!

Talk to ya soon!

It's "supposed" to be a girl. 6 confirmations so far so I sure hope they have it right or else I'll have a son that wears pink!:p
Little mermaid that's awesome you like pain :p :D .... me on the other hand .. well i'm a wimp .

Krish did take his lamaz class what he's not telling you is that.... he failed :lol::lol: .

well if you wanna be a coach little mermaid, you can come over to Seattle and be my coach but you gotta be here by Monday :p :D .
By the way how did your son take it when he saw your little girl for the first time?
My son Antonio (3 year old) doesn't have a clue about his little sister, he told him, showed him but he still doesn't get it.... i know it's gonna be a shock for him since he's the king of the house :rolleyes:
BJ--I am trying to talk the hubby into going to the swap, so maybe I'll see you there.....he keeps acting like he doesn't want to go, but I know I can get him to cave, eventually....I know how to work him:D

Gabby--So you're expecting too!!?? Wow, baby boom going on in here, I guess:eek:

As for our boy, not to scare either of you, our little girl arrived a month early, so she was in the NICU for 6 days. Around day 5, the NICU nurse felt sorry for him, and let me take Alexyss over to a window so he could peek at her. Up until that time, he was staying with relatives, while hubby and I stayed at the hospital with this imaginary baby girl:rolleyes:

Once we brought her home, I requested no one come by until that night, and I took her and Reece into the living room and let him hold her, and told him all about how it would be. He took it really well. I would notice him watching me while I rocked her, and such, with this longing look in his eyes, and I would let him come sit with us while I rocked. He was such a trooper about it all. Now, he's totally into the "Big Brother" role, watching out over her, fixing her a snack when he gets one, etc...He's an awesome kid!;)

And for the record, HE WAS OUR LIFE, so your little guy may be a bit jealous, but I'm sure he'll like the company, too!

Man, I am long winded....I apologize!

I hope I get to run into you at the swap, BJ! I'll be the lunatic running around with zoo's and acros hanging out of my pockets, :lol:
I'm trying to talk my hubby into it also. But, that has a downside. I wouldn't want him to know how much stuff really is!

Will talk to you closer to the fifth.

Hey BJ, I am about 2 hours from Anniston. Out of curiosity, did you attend the Nashville Frag Swap?? I was there as well.
Gabby--So you're expecting too!!?? Wow, baby boom going on in here, I guess

As for our boy, not to scare either of you, our little girl arrived a month early, so she was in the NICU for 6 days. Around day 5, the NICU nurse felt sorry for him, and let me take Alexyss over to a window so he could peek at her. Up until that time, he was staying with relatives, while hubby and I stayed at the hospital with this imaginary baby girl

Once we brought her home, I requested no one come by until that night, and I took her and Reece into the living room and let him hold her, and told him all about how it would be. He took it really well. I would notice him watching me while I rocked her, and such, with this longing look in his eyes, and I would let him come sit with us while I rocked. He was such a trooper about it all. Now, he's totally into the "Big Brother" role, watching out over her, fixing her a snack when he gets one, etc...He's an awesome kid!

And for the record, HE WAS OUR LIFE, so your little guy may be a bit jealous, but I'm sure he'll like the company, too!

Man, I am long winded....I apologize!

ouch about the whole month early :( .
yeah i'm pretty sure he's gonna be a little jelous but hopefully it won't be for to long.
This summer was the baby season here in RF:D, Sherman,Slickdonkey, Mungus had babies :D and now the last ones seem like Krish and i :p.
Mine seems like might comes out this week if she keeps it up which i'll be glad to get it over with :p, but you never know.

So you girls are planning on going to a fragswap ..... that's just awesome !! :) .
get as many corals as you can girls !! .
When did you all find the time to be making babies, You have tanks you have to take care of.
A little late, but welcome. I've been here for a while. I am just quiet.
I can't resist answering Gaby, My son was 18 months old when I brought my daughter home from the hospital, I went in to the livingroom sat on the couch and had him come over to see his baby sister. He came over and looked at her, and SMACK he took his bottle and hit her right across the face. I couldn't beleive that, he was never mean. I asked him why he hit his baby sister. All he heard was " his baby" and from then on, she was his baby, I was forever chasing him down. He will drag her every where with him. That was his baby, and he didn't want anyone messing with her. They were very close for a very long time.
They are now 20 and 21, and still the best of friends. Just wanted to tell you this, Just don't worry to much. They have a way of working things out. It will be all right.
She still has had a mark on her face her whole life where that bottle came down on her.
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My son was 18 months old when I brought my daughter home from the hospital, I went in to the livingroom sat on the couch and had him come over to see his baby sister. He came over and looked at her, and SMACK he took his bottle and hit her right across the face.

ROFLOL!!:lol: They can be a handful sometimes, can't they??

Thanks for the warm welcome, too. Your mandarin is gorgeous!:)
When did you all find the time to be making babies, You have tanks you have to take care of.

lol !!! i don't know but you should see me with cramps and changing my water just because i don't want the tank to be dirty when i go into the hospital :p :lol: .
don't be quiet Mandarin.... post away !!! even if it's something simple, it's always nice to hear what others have to say :D .

I can't resist answering Gaby, My son was 18 months old when I brought my daughter home from the hospital, I went in to the livingroom sat on the couch and had him come over to see his baby sister. He came over and looked at her, and SMACK he took his bottle and hit her right across the face. I couldn't beleive that, he was never mean. I asked him why he hit his baby sister. All he heard was " his baby" and from then on, she was his baby, I was forever chasing him down. He will drag her every where with him. That was his baby, and he didn't want anyone messing with her. They were very close for a very long time.
They are now 20 and 21, and still the best of friends. Just wanted to tell you this, Just don't worry to much. They have a way of working things out. It will be all right.
She still has had a mark on her face her whole life where that bottle came down on her.

LOL!!!:lol: :shock: i guess you didn't see that one coming :D .
Yeah i try not to worry to much but ohh boy the closer i get the more nervous i am :p .
It's awesome when the kids get along, i think that's one of the sweetest things ever because then they can talk to each other and help each other.
Well let us know how you all are doing. That also goes for Krish 75 and his family. Hope all goes smooth. Just make sure to hind all bottle's from the siblings before you bring the baby in. :badgrin: :lol:
Thanks, He is my favorite fish.(If you all couldn't guess;) ;) That is one of the main reasons I set up my 180. I hope down the road to get a couple of females and a nice looking male. Maybe they will mate. I don't know if I know enough to try to raise mandarins. But I read an article once about how the mandarins (dance in the tank) while they are courting, and when I saw the vidio, I was hooked even more. They are a truely beautiful fish.
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Hey BJ, I am about 2 hours from Anniston. Out of curiosity, did you attend the Nashville Frag Swap?? I was there as well.

Hey Littlemermaid, I forgot about this post. How was the Chattanooga swap. I didn't get to go:cry: :cry: and no I didn't get to the Nashville one. Is there somewhere that posts annual events like this one???

I'll holler at you if I get to come to Anniston to see my niece.

Talk to ya
Hi BJ! Actually hubby wouldn't go, and I wasn't up to that long drive alone, so I sat home too:(

Actually I think both events are yearly. I get posted about them over at ReefCentral in the Alabama Reefers club. I can always post here with the info if you're interested! Maybe we could go to the next one together and leave the men with their remotes!!:lol:

I haven't been around much and it looks like I've missed babies! Yay! I've gotta go scope out those threads now!