Me, Myself, & Sherman too.

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Oh I read it alright J.

just didn't know what to say to that... At least nothing appropriate for the forum anyway LMAO
Got to take my wife's car to the Volvo dealer in Fife and hit Ballard on my way back, so I am going to stop in at Barrier Reef. Anyone from Kitsap want to go?
Most of the shots i took did not come out at all...

Tyree Sunset from Steve Weast:


When I got this coral, it was just the raised part and it is growing like mad in my system, even with the dino problems last month.

Misc. Acro frag. This one was bitten off and spit out by the female maroon a couple three months ago:


Adult GBTA:


Baby GBTA: (this one is promised to Vicki!)


Front shot:


Usually I won't post a pic this bad but this is another encrusting coral i got from Steve and I wanted him to see the growth edge on it. This one is also growing like crazy. The color is off quite a but as this is a multi-colored coral with lots of blues and greens.

Here's one of my coraline snipers in full camo...


Nice helmet eh? :lol:


oops. sorry about that, some beer got in the way. :rolleyes:

Side shot of frag rack:


Top down of frag rack:


Top down of frag rack, on acid:

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Thanks Ed. I wish they were better but I just don't have the time to devote to better photography.
As long as you find the time for the important things... like the excitment about your tank (not to mention what type beer might fit in that fridge in your system room), all is good guy! :D
Went to Barrier Reef today and picked up some corals. I had sent them a couple of emails without a response, but upon seeing them check their system, it appears they never got them...internet gremlins!! :eek:

Anyway, I also visited with Dang and that was as fun as always. He is such a cool guy, and a very generous soul. I passed off the trumpet frag and he forced me to take a tabling acro. :D

It's always interesting to see his system and he just seems to have a green thumb. There are very large coral heads growing in his display that appear to get very little to no light at all and minimal flow, and yet they are vibrant, beautiful colonies. I would never even consider placing corals like that, but in Dang's tank, they fall over and continue to thrive. He must be doing something right that's for sure.

I have to go back to Fife to get my wife's car, so I am planning to stop by Vicki's and give her the GBTA baby. Hopefully I can get it out of my tank! :D
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yes,,it 's great to see you again ,,anytime door always open,,and thanks so much for coral clear across the sound for me ,,and thank you for the kind of words and comment and advise:):):),,,i will make a trip to your place soon.
Well I added 6 neon blue gobies today, 4 of which I can easily locate, especially the two that immediately started humping on the back glass.

Also, got these frags from Eric...

ORA Birdsnest:


ORA Green Birdsnest:


And I got these from Barrier Reef yesterday...

Sale rack acro:


Delicate Coral:


German Green Acro:

Just got back from World Famous Vicki's pad. I brought her a baby GBTA and she artfully peeled it off the rock. It is a great specimen and she put it in a tank of about 400 ocellaris clownfish...seriously, her kitchen is like a breeding lab. There are 20 + tanks in there including a dedicated pipefish tank, a seahorse tank (with probably around 50 babies), brine shrimp hatching and grow-out tanks, rotifers, and peppermint shrimp hatching and grow-out tanks. She even has some peppermints settled out that are totally swet. I am very impressed at her success!
Hey Jonathan!

Good seeing you as always and your son is a real joy.....

Here's a shot of the gorgeous anemone, though a little overwhelmed by all the clownfish babies.....

How about a FTS so the REAL story is told?? That just looks like a few clowns getting to know the anemone....

I hope it opens up nice for you today. It is the best specimen I have had so far.
Nice corals. Love that german I hear ya about vicki's. Been there my self and forund several AWSOME set ups. She has here hands full :D
The picture doesn't do the ORA German any justice at all. It is an amazing coral IMO. I sure hope it grows well in my system.
Got this purple slimer from Dang at the PSAS Frag swap yesterday. This coral is sweet and under the 20K halides looks like purple fire. It has to do its time in QT, but I can't wait to get it into the display.

OK, so here it is. I built this pre-filter from a box I picked up at Lowe's. I think I read about the box in cprowler's thread...but not positive. Anyway, the box is good sized @ about 29" x 16". I installed a 3" Hayward bulkhead through the bottom using the wood as a mount. Below that is 22" of 3" pipe with the end submerged in the inbound sump.

The overflow feeds are just temporary as I have some mounts coming to hold them in place better, and I will be moving the skimmer outflow to this floss box as well. Inside I have press-fit perforated PVC sheet. This gives me a lot of surface area to keep floss changes down. I have three kinds of floss I am experimenting with, all from Aquatic-Eco.

So far it is working very well and because the bulkhead is slightly elevated inside the box, I should be able to trap most detritus with the floss and the lip. It has made the inbound sump much more volatile, but that doesn't seem to be having any ill affect.


If this works well, then I will spend the time building a replica out of black acrylic.