Me, Myself, & Sherman too.

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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So here is a pic of the Yelow Poci I picked up from Dan Martinez yesterday. It had a rough ride home as I realized all the water had leaked out of the bag by the time I got home. It does look good though, with nice polyp extension and decent color.


Thanks Dan! :D
Well, I finally found glycerine locally at our high-end grocery store. It was in the health department and by the looks of it, I am guessing 100% vegetable oil would work just as well. This 4 oz. bottle cost a little over $5, so not savings over getting it from MD.

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put it in my Ca reactor CO2 bubble counter. I am always having to refill it with water and it's a PITA. This way it won't evaporate. Bubbles go real slow too, kind of like, well, something I experienced in my college days. :rolleyes:
Just a quick update. Camera is on store duty. :(

Anyway, since Winter has arrived, I thought I would remind everyone to check their powerheads after outages. We had some brief outages yesterday and I found the Tunze Nano not running today. These el cheapo powerheads don't seem to take power fluctuations very well. The Koralias need coaxing sometimes too.

So the moral of the story is, check all pumps/powerheads after an outage to make sure they are running! :)

Corals look good. The frag shelf is completely full of sweet young corals. Got a new bud on the Aussie Duncan a couple of days ago. Fed my wandering PLTA last night and tonight. I don't know what it is up to, but it has a suspicious look...hiding out under the reef.

Several of the corals that apparently had died during the dino battle are showing signs of fighting back. Even the birdsnest that completely RTN'd has a finger with some flesh on it. I think all it takes are a few viable cells for a colony to come back, so what I do is leave "dead" colonies behind the rockwork and see what happens. I have had corals re-start after having appeared to be dead for months.

Otherwise, all is well on the least the part I can see!
Well, I have finally run out of patience with Eco-Tech. After well over a year of struggling with their pumps, being bait-and-switched, having my tank ruined, and losing a lot of livestock, I cannot let it go any more.

They have repeatedly insisted that my tank room conditions were making the pumps run too hot, and offered multiple solutions, mostly consisting of minor alterations and using the pumps at far less than the expected flow rate. They have now changed their mind and are insisting that my tank is at fault, claiming that it is improperly manufactured.

It's with great disgust that I post the following:


These are different angles of one area of my tank that crazed heavily because a Vortech pump over-heated. I do not recommend that you use these pumps on any acrylic tank. They operate anywhere from 109F to 150F and over time the heat can ruin acrylic.





Check my thread on RC for more discussion.
It looks like those self righteous RC mods closed down your thread J. :mad:

Hmmm... One has to wonder if they didn't get a push by Eco-Tech who just happened to be their sponsor as well :rolleyes:

Lame to say the least.
Or maybe a change for the worse :)

I just got banned from RC for my avatar which has a picture of my own son picking his nose. Apparently that was "inappropriate for a family forum"

Forget it I'm done with RC.
Don't sweat it Dahn. The mods over there are seriously out of control and everyone who reads my thread will be ticked off about that for sure. There's no reason for them to ban you for that. It's just petty crap oozing out of petty minds. Over the last year or so RC has lost most of its real experts and many of its more accomplished reef keepers because of this very kind of stuff.
Oh I'm not sweating it J.
RC is no longer an enjoyable place to be around anyway.

So... What do you need me to bring on the 19th?
Jon- Just read your post on the Vortech's.... Ouch!

Sound like there isn't any chance of resolution with them at this point; sorry to hear/see the results.

Had hoped to see you at Vicki's and trust you are feeling better. Merry Christmas and Good luck, D
Thanks Danno...Hope you have a great holiday. I wish I could have gone to Vicki's but I was seriously ill. I am much better now and looking forward to the 1-19 meeting. There is indeed a chance of resolution with Eco-Tech, believe me. failure to do so will result in some major ugliness.

D: We'll talk in the next week or so to discuss. I will need some help from you and Sherman just getting things straightened out and planned so that the event goes well. You might consider bringing one of those cool meat dishes you do. I'll put out a buffet but a little cultural variety might be nice.
Check out my ITEM.

Getting things squared away. Tried to get my son to clean the octo but it didn't turn out well. I think I am going to soak it in a Rubbermaid with muriatic acid.

The viewing room is about half-way yarded out!
While taking some top-down pics of the clams for the clam forum, here's what I found:


The problem with the clams started after I introduced these cleaner wrasses and I watched this one nip at this clam several times in the space of about 10 minutes. So I guess i have to trap the buggers!

here are some more top-down pics. The quality is not too good because I was really trying to get pics of clams, but what the heck! :D


