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well, they do have an upgraded high output membrane right? They test them for accuracy eh? I have never bought one from them though.
Had a shocker last night as I was about to feed and my Rhomboid Wrasse jumped out of the tank and landed at my feet. :eek:

He looked a bit ood down there, and that's about a 5 foot drop. Anyway I grabbed him up and tossed him back in, but to my fright, did not see him durig the entire feeding session nor when I searched the tank for about a half hour after...

Anyway, about 20 minutes later there he was, back in general pop. Glad I was there, as I would hate to lose two of those suckers to fish stick disease! :lol:
well, they do have an upgraded high output membrane right? They test them for accuracy eh? I have never bought one from them though.

Nate posting from Colleen's log-in here...

I BOUGHT the "upgraded" one. When I peeled the lable off the membrane, it was the same DOW part number that was on the one I pulled out that I'd gotten for half as much from :evil:
sucks to be you! :lol: That funny stuff. BUT...their whole gig is testing and rejecting membranes that don't stand up to par. WHat would be more interesting is to test them side-by-side and see what gives. Even that would be somewhat random though I would think.
well I had to don the wooden shoes and use the shop-vac AGAIN tonight. I left the RO/DO valve open to fill the SW mixing tank and forgot about it. Not a big spill but still a PITA to be reminded that I am stupid so damn often.

While I am proud of my use of gravity, I think when I remodel my system I will use a pump with a high water cut off. :rolleyes:
Hey pal, why not run a fitting from the "high level" point on you container to a drain! Or better yet, to a 20-30g trash can dedicated to the purpose. This way you don't end up losing the "lost" water. All of my potential overflow issues have a safety to a drain (I HAVE brain farted before).
I'll give it some thought. There's no convenient drain, but the bucket idea would at least give me more time and save the water. When I open the RO/DI tank valve it's coming out at a very high rate though. Maybe if I used an overflow that drops into a bucket to make some noise that would work well since that is what usually alerts me to a problem.

Thanks Dan!
Check out these rescue fish from a local aquarium:



Yes, that IS the color of the tank water...something like asparagas leavings eh?



And regardless of the orange bucket, we should still be able to see the fish right?

I don't know why I get involved with this stuff. Got the message last night and when I got to the aquarium this morning, most of the fish were already in a bucket. Now they are acclimating to my QT tanks.

Once acclimated to clear water I will take more pics and post. These will all be up for adoption so stay tuned!
Nice looks like my dirty bucket after vacuuming the bottom of my tank and sump.

What kind of fish are they? I see a yellow tang?
Well today I got an email alarm from my ACIII Pro telling me that there was a power outage. Neighbor called too to verify his power being out. I was at the store and my wife was about so I asked her to get to the house and check it out.

When she called me she said the power was back on. It had only been out for about 40 minutes, so that is really not a big deal, but I asked her to put an eyeball on the tank room and make sure everything was OK.

So she called me and said the tank was running fine, no issues. OK good! Then she called me back and said the QT outside the tank room was on fire. I asked if there was water on the floor and she said no, and in the background I could hear the smoke alarm. So I told her to get off the phone and put the fire out.

I booged on home to assess the situation and found that during the power re-start there must have been a wicked surge as my PH cord caught on fire near the power strip. So I got that all squared away and took a look in the tank room. Everything seemed normal but on a second pass I noticed a Koralia had not re-started. Got that going and checked the main.

There I discovered that two of my other powerheads were not functioning and upon further inspection I discovered that the power supplies are toast. Both of them were hooked through DC4HDs which is interesting in itself since the other equipment also on those was all fine. So, tomorrow a call for some new stuff! :mad:
Hmm interesting indeed. I would have expected the fuse on that DC4HD to be blown before anything plugged into it got overloaded.

That sucks man. Now would be a good opportunity to get rid of those POS Vortechs anyway :D
I would have expected that too. Especially since I have popped the fuse in a DC4HD before. Oh well. Nothing a little cash can't fix! :rolleyes:
yeah well, it happens. mostly to me too. :rolleyes:

BTW, I am studying vacuum bagging. Turns out I can get the equipment and a variety of fiberglass, kevlar, and carbon cloth through my marine suppliers. And apparently the kevlar is nearly a strong as the carbon cloth if applied correctly.

I am considering using coosa board for the box as well.
Well today I got an email alarm from my ACIII Pro telling me that there was a power outage. Neighbor called too to verify his power being out. I was at the store and my wife was about so I asked her to get to the house and check it out.

When she called me she said the power was back on. It had only been out for about 40 minutes, so that is really not a big deal, but I asked her to put an eyeball on the tank room and make sure everything was OK.

So she called me and said the tank was running fine, no issues. OK good! Then she called me back and said the QT outside the tank room was on fire. I asked if there was water on the floor and she said no, and in the background I could hear the smoke alarm. So I told her to get off the phone and put the fire out.

I booged on home to assess the situation and found that during the power re-start there must have been a wicked surge as my PH cord caught on fire near the power strip. So I got that all squared away and took a look in the tank room. Everything seemed normal but on a second pass I noticed a Koralia had not re-started. Got that going and checked the main.

There I discovered that two of my other powerheads were not functioning and upon further inspection I discovered that the power supplies are toast. Both of them were hooked through DC4HDs which is interesting in itself since the other equipment also on those was all fine. So, tomorrow a call for some new stuff! :mad:

OMG!!! Sounds like you're really lucky to still have your house standing! Thank goodness for your reef tank and whatever a ACIII Pro is for sending you a message. (Just what is that and how does it work?) Also, what is a DC4HD and how does that work?

I'd say you're one lucky guy!

A note on this statment

I just wanted to clarify that fuse will not always blow for a power "surge" as a surge is a inrush of higher voltage power not necessarly current... This is why all devices should be plugged into a "good quality" surge supressor not just a cheap HD jobber with the breaker... I have seen a lot of damage caused by a high voltage line fallin g on a lower voltage line it does happen more often than you would hope and therby taking preventative measures is a good idea. I will typically use any surge supressor that is willing to offer a insurance by using thier products. BElkin, APC are 2 names off the top of my head that make good products and will pay you if your devices cook due to a surge. Sorry to hear of your situation though man that sucks to losoe expensive equipment might be enough money to talk to your homeowners insurance...

Hmm interesting indeed. I would have expected the fuse on that DC4HD to be blown before anything plugged into it got overloaded.

That sucks man. Now would be a good opportunity to get rid of those POS Vortechs anyway :D
The AC3 is a tank monitoring/controller it watches several things in the tank the ac3 is one of the higher end models that is pretty pricy however you can get power fail alert systems that dial your phone as well, this is what I use until I buy a AC3...

OMG!!! Sounds like you're really lucky to still have your house standing! Thank goodness for your reef tank and whatever a ACIII Pro is for sending you a message. (Just what is that and how does it work?) Also, what is a DC4HD and how does that work?

I'd say you're one lucky guy!

Hey Vicki, what he wrote on the ACIII Pro. (Sensaphone is not so cheap either!)

A DC4HD is a Neptune electrical control unit that includes a fuse for over-current. I have seen in the past where one of the 4 plugs will also go bad, so even with the new power supplies, I might still have an issue to be resolved.

And MC: I am not going to call my insurance company over $150. The two power supplies are $50 each plus overnight shipping, and I can scab a new cord onto the Tunze Nano Mod no problem.

BTW, if lightning strikes near me on a regular basis but I avoid being killed, can we really call that lucky?? :lol: