Me, Myself, & Sherman too.

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Ed:...actually the look was more of concern as I had to type and re-type that post several times so it would make sense. :lol:

Sherman: such a liar. :p We also had some Bigfoot, which we have determined to be stronger than the Jolly Roger. Two is definitely the limit. And we had some sharp mustard seed cheese to go with it. Bigfoot + Crater Lake...well, we had fun. And we were able to ignore our kids for about 2 hours.
Jonathan -- Easy on the juice there... Trying to get your fish drunk or what? :lol:

Sherman -- Thanks again for lunch. Your mod is almost done by the way :lol: I can probably bring it on Saturday to the dojo.
Ed, I insist that people don't make sense after they visit my place!

Don, what am I going to do with a Maxi Jet?? Actually, last night I got pretty torqued at the Tunze Nano Stream as at some point during the day it got jammed with snails and when I cleared it and plugged it back in, it would NOT restart in the right direction. To be honest, it took nearly half an hour of screwing with it to get it to blow water. I think the Nano Stream is junk. I'll get one or two Maxi Jets the next time I do an order.
Jonathan... I can mod that nano stream for ya to making spin the right way everytime if you like :) it would be a very simple mod too. I can't believe Tunze didn't even put in a stopper for force the propeller to spin the right way.
not a bad idea. when I get the Vortechs straightened out I'll free up the nano. and let me just say, I can't believe it either. In fact it sometimes doesn't start at all in any direction.
Jonathan -- Easy on the juice there... Trying to get your fish drunk or what? :lol:

Sherman -- Thanks again for lunch. Your mod is almost done by the way :lol: I can probably bring it on Saturday to the dojo.

Hey no problem Don. I needed to get out for a while! Thanks for the MJ Mod. I stuck it in the tank about 6" below the surface and it still blew water OUT of the tank! Nice work by the way, it is totally silent. I pulled one of the Seio's out from behind the rockwork and put the MJ in its place. I was somewhat concerned about it staying where I put it but it does a very good job of pinning itself to the glass :D .
Yeah.... It's amazing what that little MJ1200 can do. Alot of people don't really believe how much flow (2000+ gph) this thing can put out until they've seen it in person. I'm glad you like the mod. You could always glue a magfloat to it for a mount?
I could do the mag float mount but there is no need. I'm using it to keep the tank bottom behind the rockwork clean and add flow. Me loves the bare bottom!
some recent tank pics....

Please keep in mind that I lack in both photography skill and equipment but these pics give an idea of how the tank is maturing.

Long Shot:


Side Shot:



:eek: What's all that icky purple stuff all over the place? :p

Like I said before this tank really has to be seen in person to get the full effect. Great tank Johnathan! (and the brew isn't too shabby either)
:lol: Thanks Brian. Every time I clean it I scratch it...Maybe I could get somebody to run some acrylic on their jointer???
Went by IAP today to check the garage sale stuff...lots of various skimmers, RO/DI etc. and I found a cool tank to swap out for my QT. It was actually built as a low-sided sump but it will be perfect for a snail grow-out tank as well as a frag tank. So bizarre that it exactly fits on the tank room table, which is not a standard size. :)
So Don Nguyen just opened up my Tunze 6025 and found it worn with a broken shaft. Here are the pics:

Worn 6025

A bit strange indeed since I just got the thing. Perhaps it was all the snails messing it up, but it seems unlikely. Whatever the case, this PH does not seem to be up to Tunze standards. :(
I posted on the Tunze forum on RC. Lets see what Rodger have to say about the shaft breaking. Been reading a lot more into this "known" issue with the nano and what most people are describing is the shaft coming loose from the base. In your case however, the shaft is actually snapped off at the base. This IMO should never happen.

I'll check out the thread. "Known" issue? What the "F"? It should have been pulled from Marine Depot as soon as it became known.
So I got annoyed by my 29g Tall I had been using for a grow-out tank and happened upon an extremely good deal from Brian at IAP on a new tank. This was obviously built as a sump, but is ideal for grow out because it has more water volume, low sides for easy access, and chambers for various soon to be discovered uses. :D It also is pre-plumbed with a BH so that I can expand it later. And yes, the bottom is blue acrylic...

It is 22.5" x 48.5" x 10" giving it a total volume of about 47g. I estimate that it is actually holding about 40g based on my water level. So not a huge difference but a better layout. I will have to do something about lighting as well. Although snails don't really need good lighting, I want to have enough for growing macro, and the ability to switch to reef lighting should I need to QT corals in this tank at some point too.

The 29g will either be set up as a sump for this tank, or kept isolated as a true hospital tank.


I still have the twin top-off float switches, one for RO/DI and one for display system water. There is a small heater but since my tank room stays between 78F and 80F, that may never come on. I also transferred over the Prizm, and I know some of you are shaking your heads, but this skimmer has done well for the past year and will be fine with the low bio-load. I can easily upgrade if needed.

Top down:


And some snail eggs that appeared over night after I set the tank up:


So Don, what are we going to do for PHs in this tank???
Time to get some MJs Jonathan :D

I have a feeling you already know my answer to that one :lol:
Check out how Sherman's is holding up.