Me, Myself, & Sherman too.

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Ouch...that hurt! :lol:

Sherman is trying to pawn off his Seios on me...

Mesh mod the Prizm? I haven't heard of anyone doing that. Have you? Any threads on it?
I guess it's s good thing your wife doesn't hang around geeky reef boards or you would find yourself in the dog house for saying that :lol:

Braver men have died for less :lol:
I guess it's s good thing your wife doesn't hang around geeky reef boards or you would find yourself in the dog house for saying that :lol:

Braver men have died for less :lol:

Dog house? Me? :lol: :badgrin: I don't know what that is!!!!!:evil:
Well I am glad the sump worked out for you. I first built it as a refugium sump and then changed my mind on the set-up. So it has been sitting in the corner for many months. I'm glad it was a good fit for your application. :)
"Pawn" is such a strong word. I prefer "loan" if you don't mind!!!

My bad! :p

Don: I'll have to take a look at that thing. The pump is so small, I never considered modding it.

Brian: It looks pretty cool I think. I appreciate the great deal too. I am still contemplating adding a sump to that sump, the skimmer situation, and lighting. I am going to drop by and talk to you more about those cool T-5 lamps you have on your holding system when I get a chance.
Janathan - I am going to send the nano with Paula to Aikido today. Hopefully Tunze will be able to replace it for you without any issues. Despite what Tunze claims, I still think the pump needs a stopper in order to self correct the spinning.
OK. I got a message back from MD that they cannot help me. Then I got a message from Roger at Tunze saying that the prop was not machined correctly, the shaft is brittle and that I need a new back half (which is really the whole thing IMO) but that he is temporarily out. He also offered to upgrade me to the 6045 for just the difference in price.

What do you suggest? If the 6045 is not controllable either, I guess that won't be too good either. I could use a recommendation from you. WHile I have him on the hook, I could "upgrade" to a 6055?
Don't get the 6045. It is nothing more than a 6025 with a less restrictive shroud (this you can do yourself easily if needed). And you're right, the 6045 isn't controllable either as it is the same exact AC motor as the 6025.

"He also offered to upgrade me to the 6045 for just the difference in price." So in essence he's really not doing anything more than what he should be doing anyway---replacing your motor and propeller.

The only controllable nano is the 6055 because it uses a DC motor instead. You will need to get a controller with that too. That's about $209 for the 6055 and another $30 or so for the controller. This pump is also not yet available in the US.

If I were you I would just hold out until he can replace the 6025 or ask him to replace the motor only with the 6045 motor (it's the same exact motor block so there technically should not be any price increase/difference) Oh yeah and a new propeller.
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Well Don, after installing that MJ 400 mod you loaned me today, I have to say I am definitely not going to buy any more Tunze! That thing kicks butt! :D
Glad you like it Jonathan :D

I ordered some rare earth magnets to try out for mag mounts. They should work really well also.

I could picture your main tank using some MJ1200 mods mounted on magnets :D Whaddaya think?
That's crazy Don :lol: ...If I were going to do that, I would have already bought an array of Tunze. I just don't like the wires and electricity in the tank, as you already know. But they definitely make sense for other applications like the grow-out tank, the fuge, and probably my son's 29g tall, still to be designed.

I am going to put my Kill-A-Watt on it when I get it back from Sherman, and then we will see what it is really drawing. I also can give up a couple TOM PHs for you to play with. Why is your workmanship so much better than commercially available stuff??

Well, Sherman and I were checking out the tank last night and I noticed a couple dead xenia heads. I asked what could cause that and he said, "sometimes they just die" today I was watching my tank (which I don't do enough of) and saw why the xenia heads died. That damn sailfin went right up to them and took a few bites! Unbelievable.

BUT, that may mean that some time in the future it could develop a taste for aiptasia...cross my fingers and hope they die.

I bought an Aqua Medic 8 x 54w T5 pendant from Sherman today. I will be hanging it over the grow-out tank as soon as I can figure out how to do it. The nice thing about it is that I can use just half the lights if needed, and my current idea is to have four 6700K bulbs for algal growth and four 15 - 20K for frags. That way I can just use half the light for regular snail duty and all of them when/if I have frags in that tank.
Yeah I can see having wires and electricity in the tank being an issue for you. When I upgrade my setup, I am planning on building 2 motorized oscillating mounts (swirler-stein) and mount these MJ1200 mods. That should provide more than enough random flow IMO.
I agree...But not everyone is a mad scientist you know...or has the talent to turn junk into gold! :lol:
I just sent another shipment to Brian at Project DIBS which included 57 Columbellids, 150+ Dibs Turbo sp., and 3 stomatella. To be honest, I could have easily collected 1000 DIBS Turbo sp. between the grow out tank and just the overflow on my display. I really have a crazy amount of them and I wish I could export a bunch more!

I checked DrFoster and they didn't have any 3/16" rigid tubing so don't worry about it. We'll have to find another source for that, I think Petsmart carry these in their store. I will check it out next time I'm in Silverdale.