Jonathan: The Kloster Jule Øl is brewed in the town of Roskilde, about 20 miles from where I lived in Copenhagen. It is apparently (according to the Danish language explanation I found on their website) a beer especially brewed to go with a very special Danish traditional dessert served only at Christmas time. The dessert is called Ris ala Mange. It is absolutely a great dessert, made partially from specially cooked rice. The beer is best served just under room temperature when it compliments the dessert pfectly. So now you know that!
Here's a recent American critique. He (she?) gives the beer 4.5/5 points:
"Pours a deep brown with big ruby highlights, very red and glows when held to the light. A nice off white/light tan head grows quickly and retains quite well, turning from fizzy to a nice ice cream lump leaving good lace. Nose is kind of weak. There is some dark fruit, a fair amount of spices and some honey like sweetness. Almost a sharp borderline citrus smell.
Taste is much more complex than the smell iindicates. Starts off on a fizzy slim kick, but quickly gets much richer. Alot of different dark fruit character going on in here. Some sweet yet astringent fruitiness, plums, dates. The caramel character is also pretty strong. There is quite a bit of spice going on in here as well. very nice. A certain licorice candy action in here as well. I dont know if they put any anise in this, but it could use a little lick of it. The finish is alot more dry than one would guess for the style, or for the pre finish taste. A good dry fruit flavor lingers on the aftertaste along with sugar and some grassy, fruit rhindish flavors.
Mouthfeel is a bit odd. Starts off fizzy and a touch thin, but as the richness flexes its muscle during the middle of the flavor, it is almost like it thickens up. Carbonation could be toned down just a bit. The dryness at the end is odd, but I kind of like it. Drinkability is pretty good. The abv is hidden extremely well, but the complexity and richness in this one calls for a slow sipping session. Overall a very interesting beer. Im glad I picked up a couple of these to put some age on. The complexity is very impressive. There are bretter BSDAs out there to be sure, but this one is very unique and very enjoyable as well. Defenitely an experience. Enjoy this one slowly. Good beer."
We'll save some for you! Until then,