Me, Myself, & Sherman too.

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The worst part of it is the wicked headache I get after laying down on the plank. I am sure that is some sort of latent stroke thing, but it kills. And don't diss my aquascaping have to have real vision to understand it. :eek:


Palys having a hard time like most of my polyps.

It looks pretty good for what you're blaming it to be! you should plant those some time cause they are not gonna come off that easy if the encrust even more, or are they?

Hope it gets better, and you of course(depending on how you're doing) :)
Yeah Dan, a cyphastrea occelina I picked up from Tyree at the Coral Farmers Market. It has changed form 3 times...looks a lot more like the one Sanjay has now. It used to be much smoother. Now the coralites are very pronounced.

And Nelson...I know I should pull these frags off the rack, but to be honest, that's hard work. My back hurts, and I don't want to fall in.
Lol, we just went to value village but all their skis where just sold out! we couldnt even get a sled.
Up here it looks like a winter sport resort right now.
I finally tested this salt. gettankedaquariums

I have emailed him regarding a dried purple Nori sample but never heard back. He sent a sample and my fish loved it. I think it's important to vary their diet, so I am always looking for a change-up. I also emailed him about proportions for mixing 1 gallon and did not hear back. The way it is packaged, you basically need to make an entire batch so this may not apply for those with nanos. (You know, tanks under 150g)

This salt comes in bags with a separate bag for the calcium as already stated. The salt looked clean and the calcium looked quite a bit like Driveway Heat.

Method: Because he did not get back to me about a smaller batch, I mixed approximately 75g worth to 1.024. This was done by under-filling and using 3 bags of product, and then adding more water until I got the 1.024. I know that's a bit low for many reef keepers, but there really is no way to bump it up and stay true to his "recipe".

Once I had it mixed to 1.024, I allowed it to aerate and mix for two days before testing. I did not test for pH, as I find that discussion to be worthless. It does not matter what the pH level is IMO.

Salinity: 1.024 (refractometer)
Alkalinity: 3.8 dKh (Salifert)
Calcium: 400 ppm (Salifert)
Magnesium: 1320 ppm (Salifert)
Ammonia: 0 (API)
Silicate: 0 (Seachem)
Nitrite: 0 (Seachem)
Nitrate: 0 (Seachem)
Phosphate: 0 - .008 (D-D)

I was truly inspired by the lack of ammonia and silicates in this batch. Typically most salts will have some readings for these. My only issue is with the low alkalinity which I am baffled by, especially in the light of others' results. It may be that like so many "upper-end" salts,. this is marketed to people who run low alk. systems, like Zeo-Heads. (Jan, darling) Whatever the case, I can't (won't) use it like that. I am certainly interested to know why he doesn't just bump it since this is a "custom" salt.

BTW, I have not sent a sample to a lab, but may do so this week.
Hi Jonathan,

I am on a wait list for a 150 gallon qty of the Gettanked Salt. He has just introduced a new lower-alk version for zeovit users. His original version mixes up at 10dhk (I think that is at 1.026 though?) His new version mixes up at 7 or 7.5 dhk. He will be selling the salt in 25 and 5 gallon bags, so people with smaller tank sizes can also use it with confidence. A lot of people are saying good things about this salt and the reaction of their tank inhabitants to it. So I am pretty anxious to try it. The only thing that pains me is the shipping cost. I would love to get a group togehter to share costs on a direct shipment from a shipping company.

BTW, Gary has said in a couple of places that email is not the best way to get in touch with him as he does not check his email all that often. He encourages people to call him on the phone with any questions. In fact he sent me his phone number once...I'll send it to you in a PM

I finally tested this salt. gettankedaquariums

I have emailed him regarding a dried purple Nori sample but never heard back. He sent a sample and my fish loved it. I think it's important to vary their diet, so I am always looking for a change-up. I also emailed him about proportions for mixing 1 gallon and did not hear back. The way it is packaged, you basically need to make an entire batch so this may not apply for those with nanos. (You know, tanks under 150g)

This salt comes in bags with a separate bag for the calcium as already stated. The salt looked clean and the calcium looked quite a bit like Driveway Heat.

Method: Because he did not get back to me about a smaller batch, I mixed approximately 75g worth to 1.024. This was done by under-filling and using 3 bags of product, and then adding more water until I got the 1.024. I know that's a bit low for many reef keepers, but there really is no way to bump it up and stay true to his "recipe".

Once I had it mixed to 1.024, I allowed it to aerate and mix for two days before testing. I did not test for pH, as I find that discussion to be worthless. It does not matter what the pH level is IMO.

Salinity: 1.024 (refractometer)
Alkalinity: 3.8 dKh (Salifert)
Calcium: 400 ppm (Salifert)
Magnesium: 1320 ppm (Salifert)
Ammonia: 0 (API)
Silicate: 0 (Seachem)
Nitrite: 0 (Seachem)
Nitrate: 0 (Seachem)
Phosphate: 0 - .008 (D-D)

I was truly inspired by the lack of ammonia and silicates in this batch. Typically most salts will have some readings for these. My only issue is with the low alkalinity which I am baffled by, especially in the light of others' results. It may be that like so many "upper-end" salts,. this is marketed to people who run low alk. systems, like Zeo-Heads. (Jan, darling) Whatever the case, I can't (won't) use it like that. I am certainly interested to know why he doesn't just bump it since this is a "custom" salt.

BTW, I have not sent a sample to a lab, but may do so this week.
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Hi Jan! :D

What I got was 25g bags so maybe I got the newer version? At any rate, no way it mixes up to 10 or even 7 dKh.

On the phone call issue, I just don't have the time or brain bucks for that. I rarely you the phone unless it is a good friend or I need to reem out a supplier.

Regarding a large order...I received mine broken up into USPS flat rate boxes, which he probably has figured out is the best way to go. Shipping by truck can get extremely expensive depending on how the company rates loads, whether it be by weight or simply by pallet. In my business, I buy enough volume that my suppliers ship for free. That's one of the reasons why we have lower prices than our competitors.

Since it appears Gary is making this by hand, he just may not have the capacity for very large orders. Plus, you have to wonder why it isn't in distribution. FIrst answer is that he can make more money, which is very understandable, especially since the distribution side of the hobby is a bunch of idiots. :rolleyes:

Anyway, get some and test it. I was quite pleased at the total lack of ammonia and phosphate, but I really want a higher alk mix.

And please understand, I think as a group, we aquarium keepers are getting screwed on salt. Every time I buy I get upset, not because I can't afford it, but because I know it is way over-priced. If I pay a premium, I want a premium product, and unfortunately, we are just not seeing that in aquarium salt.

Hi Jonathan,

I am on a wait list for a 150 gallon qty of the Gettanked Salt. He has just introduced a new lower-alk version for zeovit users. His original version mixes up at 10dhk (I think that is at 1.026 though?) His new version mixes up at 7 or 7.5 dhk. He will be selling the salt in 25 and 5 gallon bags, so people with smaller tank sizes can also use it with confidence. A lot of people are saying good things about this salt and the reaction of their tank inhabitants to it. So I am pretty anxious to try it. The only thing that pains me is the shipping cost. I would love to get a group togehter to share costs on a direct shipment from a shipping company.

BTW, Gary has said in a couple of places that email is not the best way to get in touch with him as he does not check his email all that often. He encourages people to call him on the phone with any questions. In fact he sent me his phone number once...I'll send it to you in a PM