Me, Myself, & Sherman too.

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I started the acclimation for the CBB and Scopas yesterday and it will take about a week. Once that is done, I will night release them into the display.
I just made an interesting discovery that will undoubtably solve my alk/Ca issues: Today I came home and the reef was at pH 8.18, the bubble counter was hopping along as usual, but the reactor was only at pH 8.02. This has been an on-going issue and I finally decided enough was enough. I started checking the entire CO2 delivery system:

Bottle full? check!
Bubbles flowing? check!
CO2 emitting from tube? no!
(but I did the classic moron move and removed the line close to the reactor and sprayed water all over myself.) :rolleyes: it the one-way valve? no!
Is there a clog? no!
Why hasn't the bubble counter plug blown off? It would have to right?
What the heck is going on?
So now I am down to just a small amount of tubing coming out of the bubble counter, yet I don't feel any CO2 on my tongue...
Plug it with my thumb? yes!
What happens? A tiny needle-like stream shoots out of the base of the tube near where it connects to the bubble counter. Ahaaaaahhhh!! And I solved the puzzling puddle of SW on my walk-around...the damn thing has been leaking through a super small pinhole all along...and this is CO2 compatible tubing. :(

Problem solved I am things should be working much better. pH in the reactor dropped immediately and I am back in business. I hope to report on my alkalinity testing some time this week.
Im glad that you found the problem that has plagued you for a while. Apparently the tubing is CO2 compatible but not pin-hole compatible.......
so true...I wonder how the hole got there though. very strange, but it has been there for a very long time. sabotage maybe?
So last night we released the new scopas and CBB into the display. This was done after a week+ of acclimation to the main tank, and after lights out. Both fish are doing quite well. The CBB is out in the open and already going to work. The scopas is being careful and staying out of everyone's way. It looks great though and no evidence of any injuries so far.

I really like this scopas because it has a rather purple hue to it. In fact, the LFS where I got it, The Shark Reef, has another one just like it. Eric, the owner, has some pretty tight relationships with collectors and sometimes gets in very nice specimens.
How do you acclimate for day's ??

Maybe match the salinity it came in and drip more salt slowly rising the salinity?

But then the differnt salt's etc would also be a shock right?

The only kind of aclimation I know of is drip !

Now usually fish come with only enoughp water to survive in for a few hours.

If you add oxygen and a heater I guess that would lengthen it ?

Are you giving the fish beer? :-0

Sorry, I was not specific enough in that post. The fish were in QT for 3+ weeks, and then i slowly acclimate them to the display through a line gravity feeding from my refugium. This line goes to a main gate valve, transitions to 1/4", and then to a float valve in the QT.

This is a very old shot of my original QT and the line coming from the upper left (display fuge) and down to the QT.


I just open the gate valve and using a pitcher, remove a couple gallons or so per day. The QT fills back up with system water, and the top off remains constant using a Litermeter III dosing pump. Salinity stays solid. O2 is provided by a surface fan and a skimmer.

This is a shot of the current QT and you can see that line and FV mounted under the right side red support.

Well when you put the fish in the qt tank that is an acclimation right there! and so why another accliation ??

But why when the first one is the crutial one to my thinking as the water in the bag will be a different oxygen and Ph than any good watyer and thus needs a slow drip acclimation!

So I am guessing/Trying to understand! that you then do a slow water change to the qt tank from the main tank?

Am I all wet about this ???


Geez...I hope not!

Acclimation occurs any time you move an animal/coral between two bodies of water. My initial acclimation to the QT takes usually 4 - 6 hours depending on species and water volume. But the QT is an independant system, so they have to be again acclimated when I move them to the display.

And essentially, yes, it is a slow week-long water change using water from the display.
You've got quite the system :)

Some time I am gonna have to make it over to see your tank !!


:eek: Some very disturbing comments now Costco will kill the liquor business? I sure wish they would kill the WA State Liquor Board. Talk about a den of theives!

I am going to try it. I really like 3 Olives (regular). Much better than high-end Stoli and Smirnoff, but I have to figure the Costco line is probably bottled by one of the heavy hitters. Maybe Bronfmann or Stoli?

Doesn't matter as long as I can drink it, dose my reef with it, and remove paint with it, I am happy! :D
Haven't tried that yet. But it's a good idea. I'll try it the next time sherman is over, and report back here.