Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

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that good, i was also thinking,i can still try this, if i can find the sweet spot in hight, so i can get the flow to the water fall started,i might be able to find the right spot for my return to push the return water back up an into the tank, maybe just a shallow pan for a return, but i may not get the push i need for the return,unless i go to a deeper pan, i dont know, just thinking. View attachment 29240 to see if it can be done without the aid of pumps
I was able to add a frag tank with out any additional pump. I'm sure you can do the Algae farm like that too.
Today I thought I'd show what's up with my screen. I'm back to using just my main original bucket (that started with pre-grown screen), since the 2nd bucket that I used for the build thread is on loan to the lfs. I'll be posting progress pics of that soon. But for my tank/screen, N and P are zero of course. I check every day unless I forget. The main development has been true green turf, i.e, not green hair or slime. Now, hair and slime are always there (they grow right over everything else), but I started noticing that after regular cleanings there were still some green remaining. I thought I was just rushing and missing it, but it got to be too much green. So on the next cleaning I used the camera, and when cleaning I found for the first time true green turf. I also let it grow more than I normally would, so the pics would show more:

Here is the screen just before cleaning, looking down into the bucket (both sides looked about the same).



Here is the screen pulled out (still not cleaned):



Here is the screen after a regular cleaning (scrubbing) with fingernails and toothbrush. Note that tons of green remains:



Here is the screen after scraping with a razor blade:



Note how most of the green turf is on the top half of the screen, near the lights. The flow is the same; only the light is stronger near the top (the very top is only one inch from the lights). It had been exactly on one month since I'd used a razor before this. It took that long for the real turf to grow (both red/brown and green). Real turf takes so long because it is very tightly packed and strong, with very little water. It looks like the green turf grows a bit faster than the red/brown, however, and is not quite as strong; it grows longer too. However I still could not scrub it off with my fingernails or a toothbrush, no matter how hard I tried. Only the razor could get it off. Took about 5 minutes; not bad for a month of growing.

Anyways, intrigued by this green turf, I went down to the beach with a camera so I could search for what I've been wanting for a while: Pics of how real turf lives. Sure enough I found it on the pylings of the pier at Paradise Cove (just north of Malibu):





It's exacty what was on my screen. The white specs you see are sand. In order to get the second (closup) pic, I had to pinch the turf very hard and pull it out... like pulling out plant roots; then I held it up for the pic. Note also that it's low tide, which means that the turf holds its color and stays alive for many hours in direct sunlight with no water. Further down the beach I found the same turf on rocks that were 100 feet away from the water.

So, like I said before, real turf is used to living out of the water, and that's why I say that to simulate this (as Aday's machine does) you need some type of on-off-on pulsed flow, and the easiest way I could think to do this was a wavemaker timer (although, as I'll post soon, other folks are coming up with ingenious ways too.)

And again, the importance of light is clearly apparent with this green turf, since it grew no more that 6" away from the lights at the top. And lastly, it does look like some of the red/brown is being replaced by the green, which makes sense since the original red/brown came from IA with their different nutrients and lighting.
that is what is in my tank on alot on my lr, after i stwitch the the mh and t5 lighting....iam going to try you setup, it couldnt hurt,,, thanks for all the help....
hey thats bad a$$ santa!!!! here is a pic of my screen when i started and tonight after work.... think i should scrape it off?:shock:
datona: You probably have green hair algae, not green turf. If you can scrub it off with a toothbrush, it's not turf. The V shape is because it fits into a 5 gal bucket.

freeta: That's great you have some growth. I'd wait until it's much thicker though, especially on the left side. Can you get that light right in front of the screen?
datona: You probably have green hair algae, not green turf. If you can scrub it off with a toothbrush, it's not turf. The V shape is because it fits into a 5 gal bucket.

freeta: That's great you have some growth. I'd wait until it's much thicker though, especially on the left side. Can you get that light right in front of the screen?
some of it comes off easy, parts of it i cant even pick it off vary easly....
Reader Hits Zero!

'Gone Postal' who is on the RS site, becomes the first homebuilt screen user to reach zero nitrate. No pics from him yet, but he says, "My trates hit 0 for the first time in the 5 months that my tank has been up. The lowest i had ever gotten them to was 5. I built my setup [9 days ago]. I have some growth, but nothing too spectacular. The screen is completely covered in brown, but it seems as if it's just surface algae - not really hair algae, etc like I'd originally expected. Comes off really easy. If I just wipe my finger across, the screen is clear again."

And here's a second person below, with the build-of-the-day. He says "I am currently running this system, and I'm hoping to reduce my nitrates from a steady 20 down to zero. Here's my set up on the 2nd week. (water is supplied from the output of my UV filter)". Note that he drilled his pipe, instead of cutting a slot in it; he said he did not have a rotary cutting tool, and thus he had to make it only one-sided:


Not trying to pick a fight here but..I jumped over to another forum where I learned most of what I know about reefing. Santa monicas thread was attacked rather quickly by a few people. A few of the people I know consist of a co-curator of the new San francisco aquarium, the owner of tigerpods and arctipods corp.. and several other people that frequently write reef related articals for reefing magazines etc. and all have been in the industry for decades.
One person posted a video link that was quite lenghty and educational. The video stated that turf algeas can be harmfull to SPS corals and kill them rather quickly. I guess that explains why my SPS that are touching my back wall keep STN'ing. Darned lazy snails

Again, Im not trying to pick a fight. I just think that new reefers should look at all the facts before jumping in.

Here is the link to the thread
Not trying to pick a fight here but..I jumped over to another forum where I learned most of what I know about reefing. Santa monicas thread was attacked rather quickly by a few people. A few of the people I know consist of a co-curator of the new San francisco aquarium, the owner of tigerpods and arctipods corp.. and several other people that frequently write reef related articals for reefing magazines etc. and all have been in the industry for decades.
One person posted a video link that was quite lenghty and educational. The video stated that turf algeas can be harmfull to SPS corals and kill them rather quickly. I guess that explains why my SPS that are touching my back wall keep STN'ing. Darned lazy snails

Again, Im not trying to pick a fight. I just think that new reefers should look at all the facts before jumping in.

Here is the link to the thread

Trido I think Santamonica already addressed this very video (see previous posts). I'm not an algae expert, but I assume the algae on your back wall isn't turf algae, and therefore it isn't the source of your STN'ing.
Yes, they don't want to hear that the turf bucket is for people trying to reduce N and P cheaply. That's what the title of that thread, and this thread, says. By not needing other devices, the filtering become much cheaper and easier. The title does not say "sps" or "doc". They don't get that. Besides, I've found that people who are against turf have a direct or indirect tie to skimmer manufacturers, whether they work at a LFS, distributer, marketing, parts supply, or has a family member or friend who does. By the way, if you watch the whole video (which they didn't when they posted it), it actually disproves the very thing they were trying to prove. Regardless, that stuff is of little interest to a typical person who is "just trying to get the green algae off their rocks and glass", which is what this thread is about. Oh, forgot: Their claim to fame is "Algae kills corals". Yes. That's what the video was supposed to prove. So if you have any algae in your tank, or you have a refugium, according to them all your corals are going to die.
As I said. Im not trying to pick a fight here. I thought that some of the posts over on RDO had some great insight to the other side of the coin. The algea was one of many points brought up in that thread. As I said, I know who those people are. They are well educated in this industry and asked for facts and studies. Santa monica didnt have any DATA to prove his claim that the turf scrubber could replace my skimmmer as the title of the thread implies. Just pictures and personal experiences. I think its great that you taken the time to take step by step pics and document as much as you have. Good for you. I also think at the same time that you chose very poor wording for a couple of your threads.

Just to be fair, Ill post the link to RC. Im not picking on you just helping people gather more information. Ive sold SPS frags to alot local people and if your turf scrubber could potentially cause them problems (not saying thats the case, I have no interest or care to set one up and havent read all of your details or posts) then they should be able to reaserch more information and make the choice for themselves. You dont have to bash me and be rude for making that information available to them.
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FWIW replies that are derogatory and snide dont help to make your point.
They make you look immature and uneducated.
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