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Maybe it is my eye sight but I believe the Tang is showing improvement - definitely not drastic but I think it is coming around - I have to make better notes on the Angel since he seems to have it the worst or is much more visibly evident - Have them on the Zoe and Zoe con now.

Thanks again everyone for the replies
Yeah do bout 10 - 13 gal a week to week and a half on a total prolly round 130 gal system - got the 2- 30gal breeders(viewable fuges) 20 long frag out 75 main display built a large skimmer for the system prolly overkill but ya never know -
just built the infamous MJMod - of course the largest but seemed too much for the 75 so gonna go with the smallest but a pair or so of the big boys will be going in the 210.
Just an update - the Tang's lateral line seems about 3/4 of the way mended and the angel's rt side seems to be mending but the left side is a little slower. Hopefully by Xmas they may be recovered!
Good luck with them. I hate to see them like that due to the lack of care from the previous owner. I'm dealing with an infection in my yellow tang right now, his body is full of red blotches :( BTW, that angel is a Juvenile Koran Angel. I've got a 6-1/2" one, great fish. Good luck
I'm dealing with an infection in my yellow tang right now, his body is full of red blotches
Not always an infection. Is this in the main or QT. Check the pH/alk and do some large water changes daily for a few days with well aged/aerated SW. If that is ineffective, Kanamycin or Maracyn II in a QT will work just fine.
He's in a QT now. I have been battling with water quality in my holding tank(until new tank is running). It would get better and go away then come back. But a few days ago it got really bad and is covering about 70% of his body so I got a QT setup and he's in there right now. Only a 20g tank but its all I could muster up. Doing water changes every couple of days, feeding lots of veggies, and seaweed. I will check out those treatments you said and get some ph/alk readings. Thanks.
Sometimes it can be as simple as low pH causing acidosis. Larger than normal water changes will usually fix that, Be sure the tank top is open, breathes easily and there is ample surface water agitation.

If water quality is low/poor, you need to do daily water changes if not twice daily. Until you get that under control, the problem will persist. If it continues to get worse or will not abate after the water change routine, definitely treat it.