montipora question

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May 31, 2004
Olympia, WA
What happens to encrusting montis when they grow towards each other and touch?
I'm adding several different ones such as pokerstar, and sunset, rainbows to my tank.
Do they fight it out to the death, resulting in the loss of both corals?
Does the faster grower simply grow over the slower grower?
Do they touch and just stop growing in that direction?

Anyone have pictures of two encrusting monti's fighting?
IME one will kill off the other and keep growing over the dead skeleton.
IME one will kill off the other and keep growing over the dead skeleton.

What is the weapon the montipora has?
I don't think I've ever seen a picture of sweeper tentacles on encrusting monti's.

I know the plating montis try and out grow each other when they touch.
Hello I have several encrusting species that are touching. In the beginning a white line forms where they first make contact then very slowly (over years) one encroaches over the other. The growth of the losing coral more than makes up for the loss in other directions as these are such fast growers.

If I remember I will takes some pictures tomorrow.

What is the weapon the montipora has?
I don't think I've ever seen a picture of sweeper tentacles on encrusting monti's.

I know the plating montis try and out grow each other when they touch.

Yes, the faster grower simply grow over the slower grower. In decent water, the only thing that really bothers montis besides MEN is accumulated detritus and and burns from undissolved chemical
Do plate forming monties also kill each other or do they just go around each other.