More problems..I just can't win!

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Jan 15, 2006
Hello! I am still treating my Potters in my 20 gallon and now I got more issues!!
This is a letter I wrote to another website, I didn't want to rewrite it so I copied it. Its very long. Terryb, Steve, I would appreciate your opinions on the issue!

Hello Crew!
In January, I received my new 240 gallon. 8' tank. I had been so excited when I ordered the tank [early Dec.], I went out and purchased a small Hippo Tang and a three inch Whiteface Tang [Ancanthurus Japonicus] [ I know-patience, sometimes I lose control!! lol] I had two cycled 55 gallon tanks set up to quarantine them and I figured they could stay in those tanks until my 240 was ready or I could move one or both into my 125 for awhile. Well they both had ich , no surprise there. Both went through 5 weeks Hyposalinity..SG at 1.009 ..I know Bob is not a fan of Hypo but it worked. Both fish were spot free for 5 weeks before I started raising the SG to normal. Both fish did well and two weeks later I stupidly moved the Whiteface into my 90 to give him a little more room. In this tank I had two Ocellaris Clowns, one Arc Eye Hawkfish, one Salon Fairy Wrasse and one Blue Devil Damsil. He did well and loved to play follow the leader with ole 'Charley Brown Wrasse' [everyone picked on him]. After about a week, He started swimming in front of the powerhead. And to my surprise, someone came in while I was sleeping and painted light colored polka dots all over him! He looked as if he was ready to join the circus. I thought maybe this was due to stress, maybe the bully of the tank [Hawkfish] had been at him. I left him in there for another 2 weeks as he seemed fine otherwise. After 2 weeks I got worried. I moved him back to the 55. At this point I was not sure what I was dealing with, none of the other fish in the 90 were having problems [and to this day, they are all still fine] I again dropped the SG to 1.015. I treated him with Furan-2. This cleared up the polka dots but left tiny bumps all over him. You could only see them if you were right up against the glass of the tank. Okay, so I am still not sure what I am dealing with..I had thought Flukes was a possibility, but I thought the Hypo treatment would have gotten rid of that issue. I decided to give him a Paraguard dip. I prefer this over Formalin. It was an hour dip at their recommended dose. I watched him through the 20 gallon tank and to my amazement saw tiny strings coming off of the fish. They were all over, I even saw some come out of his gills. After the hour was up, I placed him back in the qt. I preformed 2 more dips on him, only these were freshwater dips. I unfortunately didn't have an hour to sit and watch the fish. Both times more strings [or worms] came off but less with each dip. I followed with a treatment of Spectrogram . He returned to his beautiful self! And after two weeks I moved both my Tangs to my 125. My 240 has been up and going for two months, but I wanted to let the tank age a little more before adding fish.
I need to give you a little info on my main [are you still awake?] Its been running for 15 months. All occupants have been in the tank for 12 months with the exception of two Ocellaris Clowns who were added six months ago after they spent 4 weeks in quarantine. I had no problems,all fish were healthy. Occupants include, 1-Iridis Wrasse [awesome fish] 2- Argi Angels, 1 Candy Hogfish, the 2 Ocellaris Clowns and my favorite Raccoon Butterfly [Queen of the tank]. Around October of last year, after talking with others that had Raccoons, I decided to try some coral. YIKES! I know, Raccoons are not reef safe but a few other people had been successful in keeping both. I added some Button Polyps and Hairy Mushrooms. Well, my Raccoon loved them. I had to remove them to another tank. I noticed after adding the corals [I did not quarantine the corals, I know I'm bad] white specks on my Raccoons face. Very tiny flat white specks. Kind of looked like debris.Its not ich, lord knows I know what that looks like! In November, I notice one of my Clowns had a small abrasion. After a week or so it appeared as if her skin was peeling. She did appear irritated and even let the Cleaner shrimp clean her. She was eating well and not gasping for air so I kept an eye on her, did a few very large water changes and after a couple of weeks she was back to normal. A couple of days ago, I found a crab. I am wondering if this is where the abrasion came from. They have found a new spot on the other side of the tank from the crab.
Anyway, since then, all has been fine except for the occasional specks on my Raccoons face. I thought it safe to add the Tangs now. I added them on a Sunday . I did a water change on Wednesday .I cleaned off the rocks which sent debris flying..When I turned on the lights a few hours later both Tangs had tiny bumps ! Many of the bumps appear under the skin .You cannot see them unless your right up at the tank.It looks a lot like what the Whiteface had before only without the polka dots. No other fish are effected, just the Tangs.. Along with the bumps under the skin, are a few tiny white specks [like the Raccoon] I am so disappointed. And very confused. This still does not look like ick to me. The fish do appear irritated, often swimming in front of the powerhead at night. I am getting my quarantines ready again, bummer! I recently ordered a book of fish diseases which will hopefully give me some answers. You can always find lots of info about Ich, but not much on other issues such as Flukes. So I come to you for help as usual. I just don't know where to go from here. I plan on giving both Tangs a Paraguard dip, I would like to see if the little worms or strings appear again. I plan on placing them both back into quarantine. I am ,at this point, not sure what to do with the other fish. I plan on giving them all dips before moving them to my 240. I had planned on moving the sand and rock from my 125 into the new tank but now I don't think that's such a good idea.
Could this be a type of Fluke? Is it possible to have a Specie specific parasite? Can you come to my house and take a look? Just kidding. Any advise is appreciated. Sorry for the long letter but I felt I needed to give you as much info as possible
Geez, when it rains it's pours :shock:

I am still treating my Potters in my 20 gallon
How's that coming? Please update the other thread with your progress. I'd be very interested!

and now I got more issues!!
I does appear you may have a worm problem, there is also a chance it could be a parasitic copepod species. Also sounds like you where unlucky enough to get one that does not require an intermediary host. Meaning, it can reproduce in your tank <<see here>>. Without actually seeing what it is or microscopic verification, this is going to be best guess. As far as the PARA is concerned, I do not think it's going to be strong enough for what your dealing with. Also, FW dips are actually quite a weak remedy for most parasites. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Again, it depends on what.

Bfly's are actually notorious for worm problems so I would not be suprised if you beat it the first time only to have it re introduced. There is also the possibility it's in the tank as I noted above.

QT'ing is definately in order and I would suggest all the fish get treated wether symptoms are present or not. I know you don't like it but formalin is really the best option done as a bath for 30-60 min @ 20 drops/gal. Be sure the bath is well aerated before and during the treatment, the cloudiness clears before you begin and the temp stays below 80°, 78° preferabley.

Do this for a series of three dips, three days apart. Also try to syphon (vacuum) the bottom of the QT's as often as possible. You should leave the display tank fallow for about 2 months. Not sure if that will be enough though.

I would also be sure you keep close watch for signs of internal parasites/worms. Feed garlic at each feeding and take note of the color,texture and consistancey of the feces. Watch the belly for changes in gurth and the overall body weight between the tail and the gill plate. Even though the belly may appear full, the body may look thin.

When you treated with the Furan, what was the dosage and did the area affected look like a red rash or whitish lines that looked similar to dry skin/excema in humans?

Hello Steve!

I am going to answer your last question first. When I treated with Furan-2 , I went by the directions which I now know was only half dose. I also followed directions on the Spectrogram, I am sorry, I don't know what the dose was.

yes, it looked like excema and thats how my Hippo looks now. The Hippo appears much more irritated than the Whiteface. Both are eating well. I also forgot to add, I have been soaking their food in Prazipro, a product containing Praziquantel. I thought I'd try it anyway, before I remove the fish. What is your opinion on using Prazipro in the water? I will have to order Formalin, not too many places around here carry it. I do have Quick Cure:eek: Formalin/ malachite green combo..a double wammy! That stuff really scares me! Quick cure is very available around here

Alrighty, just when I thought I was done with the daily water changes in my qt' I go again!!:rolleyes:
Thanks again Steve!
yes, it looked like excema and thats how my Hippo looks now. The Hippo appears much more irritated than the Whiteface. Both are eating well.
We need to be careful here, do any of these appear to be open sores/wounds? If so, formalin/formaldehyde anything is a no go.

I also forgot to add, I have been soaking their food in Prazipro, a product containing Praziquantel. I thought I'd try it anyway, before I remove the fish. What is your opinion on using Prazipro in the water?
Praziquantel (Droncit) works best when ingested and is a very good internal worm eliminator. How much did you use and was it more than once? It should usually do the trick after the first dose...

It can be added to the water directly (7.5 mg/gal, sometimes higher if digenean) but is not as effective unless you need to otherwise.

I will have to order Formalin, not too many places around here carry it. I do have Quick Cure:eek: Formalin/ malachite green combo..a double wammy! That stuff really scares me! Quick cure is very available around here
Formalin is just a 37% strength formaldehyde solution so the Quick cure can be used as a bath, you just use less but lets not go there just yet.

I only used a few drops of Prazipro in the food. I have not been able to locate any info about adding it to food....I should have came here, duh!! Any idea?

I just placed an order for Formalin also.
Thanks, Kim

I also ordered Noga's disease book, I can't to start reading up!!
Your going to have every fish med going soon... :lol:

The oral dosage for Praziquantel is 23 mg/pound of fish weight. A small angel would be about 1-1½ oz so you would need about 1½-2 mg of the Prazipro added to the food. It would work even better if mixed with Seachems focus.

steve-s said:
Your going to have every fish med going soon... :lol:

The oral dosage for Praziquantel is 23 mg/pound of fish weight. A small angel would be about 1-1½ oz so you would need about 1½-2 mg of the Prazipro added to the food. It would work even better if mixed with Seachems focus.


:lol: Yes, I have quite the pharmacy going;)

so how on earth do I measure 2 mg of this liquid:confused:
okay, I have nine fish in the I need to add according to the weight of all the this right? So confusing
Steve, here is the info on the Prazipro. I realize mg is the actually the strenth or amount of medicine in each dose...but this is chinese to me:razz: Question: How risky is this med in a FOWLER? I do have Cleaner Shrimp and snails and such. I wouldn't normally even think about it but just thought I'd ask;)

The World's First Ready-To-Use, Liquid Concentrate Praziquantel Treatment!

Liquid PraziProâ„¢ is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and super effective this revolutionary product offer you rapid control yet will not negatively impact your biological filtration. Send those unwanted pond visitors on their way, try Liquid PraziProâ„¢ today!

Key Benefits
Treats Flukes

Treats Tapeworm

Treats Flatworms

Treats Turbellarians

Highly Effective

Extremely Safe

Won't Negatively Impact Biological Filtration

Can Be Used As A Preventative

Excellent When Used With Ich-Xâ„¢

Non-toxic To Commonly Kept Aquarium Animals Or Plants.

Aquarium Solution® Sizes:

1 Oz (73251 - treats 120 gallons)

4 Oz (73254 - treats 480 gallons)

16 Oz (73256 - treats 1,920 gallons)

Pond Solutionâ„¢ Sizes:

16 Oz (73356 - treats 3,200 gallons)

32 Oz (73357 - treats 6,400 gallons)

Gallon (73358 - treats 25,600 gallons)

Directions For Use:

For treatment of praziquantel-susceptible disease conditions in pond, freshwater and marine aquariums.

As A Bath: Start treatment with as large a water change as practical or start with new water. Any water used should first be conditioned with ULTIMATE® or a combination of Liquid Buffered ClorAm-X® and Stress-X™ to remove ammonia, chlorine and chloramines. Do not stop filtration, but remove activated carbon and stop foam-fractionation (protein skimming) and UV sterilization. Shake vigorously before use. Measure Aquarium Solutions® Liquid PraziPro® at the rate of one (1) teaspoon per 20 gallons of water to be treated. (one (1) fl. oz. per 120 gallons) Measure Pond Solutions™ Liquid PraziPro® at the rate of one (1) teaspoon per 32 gallons of water to be treated. (one (1) fl. oz. per 200 gallons) This produces a concentration of 2.5 mg/L. Distribute the proper amount around the edge of the aquarium or pond or directly in to the filter box to achieve the best overall distribution. A single treatment lasting 5-7 days is normally sufficient. Repeat as necessary, but no more than once every 3 to 5 days. May be used as a preventative, at the standard dosage, when disease is likely. Do not use with other drugs or disease treatments. May cause temporary foaming.

Ingredients: oxybispropanol (as an inert solubilizing agent) and <5% praziquantel
Follow the directions given, 2.5mg/l = 9.25 mg/gal. I would give you a concentration in the higher range which is fine. It can either be done as a prolonged bath for three hours every three days for a total of three treatments or as a one time dose to the tank left for 5 days. Keep in mind though this works best for external worms.

Question: How risky is this med in a FOWLER? I do have Cleaner Shrimp and snails and such. I wouldn't normally even think about it but just thought I'd ask
It shouldn't bother anything but in saying that, I still wouldn't recommend it. The collateral damage it might cause to unseen organisms may not be immediately noticed if at all. Not a good idea to use anything in the display unless an oral dosage. The little bit that gets away from that will not negatively impact most systems usually unless small.

For now I am only going to move the Tangs. Give them a dip and start the Prazipro. I only have one 55 gallon available due to a new fish:oops: A Blueface, have had her for 2 far SHE'S doing well;) I will deal with the other fish if it becomes nessesary. They all still seem fine which is why I wondered if this was 'specie specific' but with the way my luck goes...well you know;) I will keep you posted!
It's not a matter of species specific but rather a species being more prone to than others. Bfly's without a doubt are the most common worm carriers though. It's hard to say wether one, all or none will be affected. If the system/fish are healthy enough, they can come through it unscathed. By far the worst at risk are any that consume the feces of tank mates, the tangs in particular.

I understand. I am trying to buy myself some time at best. Hopefully the rest will be able to fight this off in fact its in the tank. Hopefully , like you said, only the 'poopeaters' are infected!
I just dipped them in Paraguard [Formalin is not here yet] I placed them in qt with Prazipro..they are not happy:rolleyes: The other fish are doing great
I plan to do more dips on the Tangs when the Formalin arrives
At the level of Prazipro indicated above, I would hold off on the dips. Give the praziquantel a chance to work and if not then consider other options. You could end up doing more good than harm.
You also need to be sure formaldehyde based products are not used where there are open wounds. You did not mention above if that was still a concern??

Skip the dips? Gladly!! ;)

I don't see any open wounds on the Whiteface..I cannot get a good look at the Hippo. But I believe they are both okay. I placed them in the 55 qt with only the room light on so I can't get a real good look at them.

My Hippo was laying near the front of the tank when I first placed him in though And I could see the 'spots' were indeed worms

:D You twalkin do me?

Sorry, been busy. Well, I started the Prazipro Monday Morning. I also started to drop the SG. It is now around 1.018, I am thinking of dropping it to 1.009. I believe the Prazipro will be okay with Hypo? The Hippo is quite stressed. At one point I wasn't sure he'd make it. He is really covered. He was breathing heavy at first but that seems to be improving. Some of the spots on him appear black. His skin appears rough in spots. He has been laying around. Not eating. I had to place eggcrate between the two Tangs, the Whiteface was annnoying the smaller Hippo.
The Whiteface doesn't seem too bad. he is swimming around and eating as normal. From what I understand, a fluke infestation is much harder on young can kill them. The Hippo is maybe 2 1/2 inches the Whiteface , who will not grow as big as the Hippo is around 4".
The spots don't seem to be budging. I was hoping this med would knock them off...but it is a 5-7 day treatment so I guess I should be more patient.
I got my Formalin in the mail yesterday. I will wait and give the Prazipro a chance. The Hippo has been scratching and I am sure has abrasions so he cannot be dipped. I wonder, however, if the Paraguard is an option for the Hippo? It is not supposed to be as harsh..I don't want to do a freshwater dip...the Hippo is stressed enough;)
So thats the progress so far...not much. I will have Nikki come get a picture if this doesn't clear up. [if thats okay with Nikki;) ]

I'll keep you posted

PS...OH THE JOY! I saw some spots on my Blueface yesterday:shock: At this point I can't be 100% sure its ich but I started to drop the salinity...It will save me on salt anyway..I have been going through 200 gallons of salt a WEEK! Doing Hypo on these two tanks will put me at 200 gallons every two weeks..I am trying to budget:lol:
As of today it has been three days, if you have seen no improvement, I would start the formalin dips. Use the same dose as you would for Brook. Unless the hypo actually has bloody open sores, it should be okay. Just be very watchful for signs of stress and remove immediately if so.
