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:eek: well okay..I suppose I should remove the Prazipro? And I should probably not drop the sg to hypo since I will use the tank water for the dips..watcha think?:confused:
You should use newly prepared SW for the dip that has been aerated/mixed for a day ahead so the Prazi is of no concern. Remove the Prazi by Saturday either way. Match temp and salinity of the QT's current state for each dip phase but be very sure you check the pH. Low salinity formalin dips will not harm anything. You just need to be especially careful about the pH level and that the temp does not get close to 80, keep it at 76-78 max. Add 20 drops/gal of the formalin to the dip container, aerate until clear and continue to aerate during the process. Make sure you wear gloves, eye protection and if possible, do this outside or at least in a very well ventilated area. As long as the fish do not show an adverse reaction, the dip should last 30-60 min.

Well, when I turned on the light to feed them, it appears the Hippo does look better and he ate
All the other fish in the 125 are still uneffected by whatever this is.[knock on wood].very strange
I haven't done the dips. Both fish look MUCH better though I am sure not out of the woods yet. From what I am reading in my new Noga disease book, if this is the type of fluke to reproduce on the fish, the eggs are uneffected by treatment and will hatch around 21 days later.. Thats one type of Flukes, since I am not sure what type I am dealing with, I plan to keep them in qt4-6 weeks possibly retreating them

The other fish in the main still look great!

My Blueface , who I moved to the qt that once held the Whiteface, Has some spots that come and go as the day goes on. This started 2 1/2 weeks after I brought him home. I did clean this tank before placing him in it but I cannot remember if I also cleaned out the filter:oops: I am afraid he may have these Flukes, or maybe he had them when I brought him home? Who knows..He is eating like a PIG so I am slowley dropping the SG and treating him with Prazipro too. I am really leary about treating him. I know these fish can be delicate [and he cost $229.00:eek: ] I don't want to lose this guy! He is a beauty! Prettiest fish I have! I need to get pics!
Well, thats my update!
Check back later!
Just turned on thier light to feed them. They are now SPOT FREE! The Hippo still looks a little rough from all the scratching but they look great!

Well, I spoke too soon:oops: Spots WERE gone, now their back:mad:
At this point I am debating redosing the Prazipro or doing the formalin dips.
I have been leaning more towards the dips. I was thinking about doing the dips in the qt. I would remove the carbon and bio-wheels, dose the tank, change 60-75% of the water then add the carbon and later the biowheels. I hate to remove the Hippo, his eyes are cloudy. But, I will probably move them to dip, just to keep the water in the qt stable

DARN IT!! They looked good for a few days then 2 days after removing the Prazipro-SPOTS:eek:
Wow, tough stuff!! :eek:

I would really not recommend using the formalin in the QT. It's really nasty stuff and will destroy all the nitrifying bacteria. Even if you do put a newly seeded biowheel back, there's no way to be sure the formalin is gone just with water changes and carbon alone. There is no way to test it. Not a great chance, still risky. Aside from that, you will potentially be placing them back in a tank with a so-so biofilter. If the fish are not in the greatest health, it could be rather dangerous.

I would actually suggest you attack it on two fronts. Redose the Prazi after a good sized water change and do seperate formalin dips. Make sure the dip is repeated every third day for a total of 3 dips. I think you'll have much better success and a little less potential for disaster in the long run. When transfering the tang, corral with a small smooth plastic container to reduce the potential for eye abbrassion.

Have you been siphoning off the bottom of the QT as much as possible?

Yep, I syphon the bottom everyday when I change the water. I will treat them as you suggest..That was my plan the first time but we decided to see how the Prazipro worked. These Tangs are driving me nuts!!:lol:

I keep thinking back to when the Whiteface had this the first time. He was in with other fish [different fish in a 90 gallon], those fish never came down with this..then I moved him to qt and lowered salinity [not to hypo] and treated with Spectrgram..that product also seem to clear it up [for awhile] I have been reading my Noga book, I can't find anything other than flukes that even sounds close:confused: Spectrogram may have helped any secondary infection brought on by the flukes but it wouldn't have killed the flukes themselves...I don't know why they completely disapeared after the spectrogram [for awhile]
Yep, I syphon the bottom everyday when I change the water.
You where maintaining the Prazi concentration I'm assuming...

I will treat them as you suggest..That was my plan the first time but we decided to see how the Prazipro worked. These Tangs are driving me nuts!!:lol:
Truely I did think the Prazi would be enough. I know I talked you out of that but at the time, I did not see the need. :oops:

I have been reading my Noga book, I can't find anything other than flukes that even sounds close:confused: Spectrogram may have helped any secondary infection brought on by the flukes but it wouldn't have killed the flukes themselves...I don't know why they completely disapeared after the spectrogram [for awhile]
Boomer might be able to help you with Noga's book, I don't have that one. Look for references to trematodes, cestodes, roundworms and the like. Since this is most likely either a Monogenean trematode or Cestode, the Prazi should have done the trick. Makes me wonder if my earlier guess/assumption about parasitic copepods might be more on the mark. Either way, the Prazi + formalin dips should put an end to it.

Yes I dosed the new water with the appropriate amount of Prazipro...Maybe the Prazipro WILL work, I believe I read that the eggs are uneffected by treatment, thus the need to retreat [to dose again, not run away;) ] We'll see..they are eating so thats a good sign.

I am going through Noga's book reading everything....of course, sometimes I feel like I'm reading Chinese:confused: Some of it, I just don't get
Kim - shoot me a PM or phone call if you want photos taken...

Sorry to hear this came back
Temp is around 79

Thanks Nikki, I'll let you know..I have to start work at the Abyss tonight and I am not sure if I'll be working Thursday and Fri....Sat I work At PA..