MrGone's fish tank room

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So from the computer screenshot, it appears you have a Ca probe?

I wish! I was trying to think of a way to label calcium reactor pH, you only get eight characters. I have two pH probes on the RKE, one for the system and one for the calcium reactor.

Is there such a thing as a Calcium probe (and an Alkalinity probe)? I know once I get a feel for the calcium/alkalinity demands of the system I won't have to test nearly as often but at this rate I might need to cross my fingers for Barrier to have Elos test kits on sale again. I can't believe how quickly the alk drops, I really might need to look into getting a bigger GEO :-/
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Another idea is to charge people with high blood pressure to come and sit for a spell. Make a few bucks!
Really fascinating to watch this all come together. Thanks for all of the photos.

Thanks! Unfortunately I wish I had more time to sit back and enjoy it all. That is the only downside to the room, you kind of have to go out of your way to see the tanks (compared to having a tank in the family room). Now if I could cram both a couch and desk in there, and even a bed as Dieden suggested haha.
I dont believe DA makes a Ca probe, I was just puzzled to see Ca and a reading which made me do a double take. :)
I snapped a pic of one of my favorite acroporas

pixel peeping the polyp extension :D

It started out as this, brought it home in the May 2009 BRA sale
Everything looks amazing as usual!! Just gives me the itch even more LOL!

What happen to your build Krish?
Man this sucks! This was my first post in DAYS and a reply came back I had to wait 30 seconds between posts! So..........thinking i haven't posted in about a week i hit the send button again ,,,,,,,and then it does a double sorry!
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I also mounted a monitor to the wall under the cabinet tonight, I need to finish building a computer and wire it all but this will be for the myreef software.

I went with my Dad to QT Aquariums in Seattle and ended up picking up a couple things, they had a large green carpet anemone and a pair of bi-color angels (I only wanted one but have a thing about fish pairs that I can't resist). I'll try to snap a pic of the angel tank soon, it doesn't have very good light on it. At first the blue angel was being aggressive towards them which I wasn't expecting so I knocked over the rocks and made some new caves and now everyone gets along. Still I will be keeping a close eye on them but it is really cool.

Here is the anemone, this is a top down pic, the colors aren't as intense from the side :(
nice anemone! i have a rock covered with mushrooms and depending on the angle its tilting the mushrooms with be slightly diff color. you could try slightly tilting the anemone to manipulate the color? just an idea
nice anemone! i have a rock covered with mushrooms and depending on the angle its tilting the mushrooms with be slightly diff color. you could try slightly tilting the anemone to manipulate the color? just an idea

I might try in the future, right now though it dug through the substrate and attached to the bottom glass lol
So I had a huge dry rock order come in and things are looking better and the fish are happier!



Here is the 210 gallon angel tank

Here is the second 125 gallon reef tank/frag tank

This is just an update of the first 125 gallon reef tank

The bi-color angel pair
Nice!!! I think you need just a few more tanks! :D

nooooooooooo! haha

I really only wanted to have one nice display tank, it is still a bit strange to me to have so many tanks but it is pretty cool.

What it came down to is that I love angelfish as much as I love corals (ok might like the reef a little more :eek:). I had angels in my SPS reef and it worked for the most part but it got to the point where I didn't like the taste testing so I wanted them separate. I also would like to have a porcupine puffer but really like having a clean up crew in the reef.

The second 125g was my Dad's idea, I was skeptical at first (seemed a bit excessive) but it got to the point of 'well why not', everything fell into place. At first it was going to be one is my tank and one is his tank but the whole thing is pretty much shared so stuff goes anywhere and I think we both realized it just makes things easier to have the second 125g be more of a frag tank (plus he has a 210g at his work that he is working on filling so there is a surplus of room and a shortage of corals for a while)

I was originally planning for the 75 gallon to be a frag tank but it has become an introduction tank/softy tank. I've discovered having an extra tank around is invaluable when trying to mix territorial fish like angels and tangs and to help new fish get acclimated into the system and make sure they are eating well.
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Cool!!! My favorite angel fish was a french angel. Every one I've had, had a great personality. Always came up and ate out of my hand. Too bad they need big tanks because I was never able to keep one too long. :)
Cool!!! My favorite angel fish was a french angel. Every one I've had, had a great personality. Always came up and ate out of my hand. Too bad they need big tanks because I was never able to keep one too long. :)

Same with my Dad, he is looking all over for a French, that is all he's talking about!