Parameters: Alk-7-9dkh, Calc- 420-450, mag 1300, sg .26, Trates, trites, am, po4 undetectable. PH-8-8.2, temp 78-79.
Lighting is a retrofit 6x60" t5 with 4 tek 2 reflectors in the middle with two diy IC reflectors to 60" on each end. I'm overdriving them at 100w a piece using two IC 660's.
Bulb's are all Ati except one, the KZ FP and are front to back - B+, AB, Fiji purple, B+, AB, B+
No heaters in tank. The return pump is a QO4100. It works for now, will pry replace it with an ocean runner in the future. But for now its efficient and quiet. Its only pushing 500gph with head loss. The flow in the tank is always being changed. At the moment i'm running a mj high flow mod and a new sunsun 3k gph powerhead. I have around 5500gph flow.
I have alot of skimmers but at the moment i am running a octo nw200 recirc'd with a sicce. It is pulling 40scfh as a meshwheel and being fed with a 300gph feed pump.
This will be replaced with a cnc(octo pro) 300 askoll. I'm waiting for cnc to send me a replacement collection cup as it was broke in shipping.
My sump is the normal 3 chamber sump. Its 48x16x16. The first chamber is being used as a fuge and is 16x16. The second chamber is 16x20 and the third is 12x16. The total system is around 160g water volume.
For calc and alk i use two part from bulk reef supply. Works perfect for me so far.