My 24g aquapod soon to be coral

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I agree. That maroon clown is not going to allow another clownfish in the tank, especially one that small.
whats going on over there!? been a while... no update... everything still living? did the tank get an xmas present?
hi everyone, sorry there hasnt been any updates. I have currently been making some bad decisions that have gotten me in some trouble and have prevented me from buying anything new for my tank. Everything is in good shape, there hasnt been to much going on with the tank. The clown is very very happy, he hosts his mushrooms and often is upside down in his one-headed duncan. The goby is always a recluse -.- its very irritating to have such an amazing creature with such beautiful colors be hiding 75 % of the time. I wish that I could be trading/swaping/buying/selling frags with all of you nice reefers, but i have been prohibited atm. I am always accepting donations, gifts or anything of that matter. Once I get some things in order I can be moving along with this tank again.

In other news, im looking to be buying (eventually) chemicals and test kits. I am looking to buy calcium, alkalinity and magnesium along with the proper kits. I was wondering if any of you had any extra kits or chemicals laying around that maybe you could give to a less fortunate reefer at the time? anything will help and thanks for your time
- Davin
Hey Davin, on a 24g system I'd save your money from buying any supplements for now and just keep up with water changes. Unless your going to stuff this with sps more frequent WC's will be more than enough. PH, Nitrate and maybe a Phosphate kit will tell you plenty. If your ever up in the Mill Creek area I'd be happy to give a Green Birdsnest mini-colony and a few other starts if interested.

Cheers, Todd
hey guys,
im looking to get another fish for my tank :) but i want a fish that will get along with my maron clown but not bully my Two Spot Goby (Signigobius biocellatus).
i would also like the fish to be happy in my 24 gallons, colorful and very active.
I would very much appreciate ALL of your input
- Davin
so I have decided between what fish i would like to get, but i would like your guys' input first. I had a sixline wrasse before, but he seemed to disappear around the time the heat rolled in, but i would like another because he was BEAUTIFUL and I love there fishonalities :) I was looking at some other fish today at my LFS and a longnose hawkfish greeted me and man was I in awe. I know that with both of these fish theyre both known to be really good carpet surfers, but i can design a chicken wire or some sort of gaurd, something like on russter's 20 gallon.
Thanks for all the help
- Davin
Lately I have been looking at my tank and looking at others tanks and i wonder Why does theres look so good and mine doesn't? Than it hit me, its my rockwork/aquascape. So I took everything out of my tank and did some cleaning and assorting and I got the look i wanted. I went with a Cave Effect on my live rock. I also got rid of some rock, coral and inverts. Well thats all i have to say here are the photos
Putting all the critters and inverts back in :D

Im sure you can all guess, but this is the zoo rock :)

work station

I was going to do this, but it ended up being to large. Also the new design I have now looks better :D

I will get a picture of the corals and clear tank tomorrow
- Davin
Hello fellow reefers,
it has certainly been awhile since I have updated my thread. A lot of action and changes have overcome this tank in the past month or so. My tank has gone through mutliple changes, water changes, aqua scaping and many other things. I finally this morning got what I wanted from my tank. I re-scaped one last time and now everything is glued down for good:). Over the past month I have been buying, selling and trading corals.


- all mushrooms that were in the tank
- 2 headed dendro
- giant mushroom rock with the devils hand leather on it

- Green tipped frog spawn
the green tipped frog spawn had 3 heads when I first baught it about 2 weeks ago, now the coral has 6 heads
- White tipped purple torch
had 2 heads, it has multiplied to 4 heads in the past 2 weeks
- Unknown birdsnest
- Unknown sps, green and purple
- Purple tipped/rimmed green monti
- 30+ headed frag of zoos
about 12-13 of them are whammin watermelons and the rest are greenbay packers
- Green ricordia
- 2 headed purple tipped green hammer
- 3 headed purple tipped green frog spawn

- My 2 spotted goby has been declared dead :rip:
- The duncan I have been housing has finally decided to split
I came home to see that he is forming a smaller head on the right side, I am very excited
- The turbo snail has found a new home:D:party:
I had had enough of his non-sense and knocking of things over

Green ricordia

Three headed purple tipeed green frogspawn

Unknown birdsnest

Green unknown sps

Purple tipped green monti

6 headed green tipped green frog spawn (my favorite)

4 headed white tipped purple torch

2 headed purple tipped hammer

Devils hand leather

Duncan, idk if you can see the head, but it is underneath, it looks like a little dark ball of tenticals

The zoo rock, but it needs more:/ anyone wanna help?:)

Sorry for blurry, colorless, off pictures. My phone can only take such good pictures. Trust me though, everything is 5 times more colorful in person.
UPDATE: lately I havent been ontop of my thread, but i thought it was time to give you guys something:) Last night I went over to a buddies house to trade some corals and i ended up coming home with some amazing things. I seemed to have picked up a nice size piece of a sunset monti and a golf ball sized rock covered in blastos. I am planning on adding some life to the tank this weekend, who knows what will become of the tank by monday.

I was wondering if you guys could help me figure out what this brown/red spotted stuff growing on my rocks and glass, it comes over at the touch, but is it harmful? How do i get rid of it?
It looks as if you are having a red flatworm outbreak. If you were to take away some nutrients you would see the population drop. They are feeding on alot of your detritus and undissolved organics. So take thoseaway and the population goes with it.
It looks as if you are having a red flatworm outbreak. If you were to take away some nutrients you would see the population drop. They are feeding on alot of your detritus and undissolved organics. So take thoseaway and the population goes with it.
what exactly do you purpose I do?

so i was doing some research and I found this - Flatworms | How to eliminate them!
has anyone ever had this outbreak? does the product actually work? It is called flatworm eXit
I have no real knowledge about it but have heard of Velvet sea slugs that eat flat worms. I dont anything about them beyond that but I like the idea of using a biological means of getting rid of something instead of chemicals.
ive heard both six line wrasse, a fish i was planning on getting anyways, will help deplete there numbers. Ive also heard that Nudibranch (Chelidonura varians) also eat them, but neither of them have been said to 100 % do the trick. If anyone else has some input that would be great, because I hate the look of the pests, 2 no one wants a pest and 3 I have always had a clean tank up untill this... So if anyone else has some input let me know, because i could go out today and get both a six line and a slug...
so yesterday I added another "pump" but I dont have it running any hoses so its being used as a powerhead. from what i can see, some of the worms have depleted, but only in certain areas, what do i do? Ive really been considering giving barrier reef a shout and having them order me a velvet sea slug. what is your guys opinion on these little critters?

Because I was wanting to put some more life into my tank I added a couple new tank mates for ole' uneven to play with:)