My 24gal "Pod"

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Krish,i have that exact stuff in my 20g on one of my rocks....what is it exactly???
OH OH Ron may have your nightmares Krish, we hope not though, can you remove it easily like vacuum or do you have to scrape it off?
LOL! Well, I went through all that trouble with boiling my rocks for nothing because outof all that rock I boiled, I used 1! I just have the big rock that was on the left side of the tank, a small rock almost totally purple and one rock I boiled. The shapes of the other rocks sucked and 2 I took out would need to boil now as well if I wanted to re-use them. I almost pitched the tank last night out of frustration because I couldn't get anything to look right, trying to rush to deal with the baby and so forth and losing my ricordia in the process :doubt: Hopefully I like the look when I get home because I haven't seen it since the tank cleared up with the lights on...
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Krish, I've heard dynamite cures problems like this. Might want to give that a try. But then again you might have to move when it's all said and done. :D..

No, Hopefully you get this thing figured out. I like Gabby's idea. why not some new rocks.
LOL! dynamite may be the ticket:p About new rock, I may just end up with another problem. I went home earlier today to take a peek with the lights on and I'm happy with it. So I'll just watch and wait.:)

I'll post a few pics tonight:)

Krish,tank looks good i hope this takes care of your problem you had.I feel for you my freind,hang in there.
it looks good dood .
nice shots on the shrimp too

Thanks Gabbs!:)


I know I been away awhile, But what happened to the other Tank you just put up? Did I miss something? Hmmm?

Yeah...You missed it Bob(LOL) I'll have to catch you up on things:p

Bob, It's just Krish, He changes tanks like he changes is underwear. Daily.. Well I hope it's daily at least.. LOL.. J/k..

What's underwear James? :confused: (LOL)