My 24gal "Pod"

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Thanks guys!:) Everyone is doing well in there...Must be those hardy wild corals:p Since this photo, when doing my water change tonight, I put the MJ 1200 back on the return for the pod and I'm just using 1 MJ inside the main display now. I started disliking the look of 2 powerheads in such a small tank so I may be up to something soon to take care of flow if I decide not to mess with the Tunze nano stream. I'm not rushing anything but tossing around some ideas:)
Here's where I have the maxijet now. It works really well in this spot surprisingly! I helps create surface aggitation when it deflects off of the glass and provides flow all around the tank. I had (2) of the MJ1200's in the tank and a MJ900 for the return, but what I did was just left (1) 1200 in the tank, put the other 1200 on the return and took the 900 out completely.

Oh yeah...The I layed out the rocks a little wider seeing the powerheads aren't in the way anymore and like it better this way. :)

I need to get some more "something" in there instead of posting the same boring pics
how about a toothbrush..maybe Gaby could frag some of her toothbrushes and give you one!!!
LOL!!! No thanks...I don't want to add a nuicance algae or parasite from her toothbrush in my tank that may possibly eat away the tank's glass and cause all the water to spill out:p
LOL!!! No thanks...I don't want to add a nuicance algae or parasite from her toothbrush in my tank that may possibly eat away the tank's glass and cause all the water to spill out

ppff you wish ... my tooth brushes are special and very lovable :p :lol:
krish man where dop u get all your money drug running to the u.s. no doubt lol
atleast uv go lots of projects and a lot of fish tanks to set up now u could proply have ur own fish shop
i like ur nano man its really nice id probley put sum more rocks in and grow zoo's or discomorphs on the bottom glass a bed of zoas would look awsome
keep up the good work
and how r u find ur water chemistry in the nano more maintenece?
LOL Morgan! Naw...I work hard for my money the legal way:p The tank is the easiest one foor me to maintain so far. Water changes are a breeze and it appears that I may not need to supplement anything anymore, but I'll have to continue testing a bit first to see, but it seems the water changes alone do the trick! As for more rock, I have some more pieces drying out a bit before I boil it that I may use. We'll see:)
Just thought I'd add these photos here as well from the link above. Here's the tank after the 2 corals died and got the bacterial bloom

And here's the tank a few days later:)
