So I am curious (as we all are) as to just exactly what are you installing over your aquarium; fixtures, controller what else. More importantly the why? You have been/still are a die hard old school kinda guy, so what got you off the dime to bypass everything else & go with the LEDs. What resources, recommendations, articles (any comparison articles???) helped you in this decision. This is cool
I am installing 2 of these:
OBD Helios 120w LED Aquarium Fixture| | | Fixtures| Oceans by Design| Your one stop shop for custom glass aquariums| Oceans by Design| Westar| Welcome to Oceans by Design
and 2 of these:
OBD Helios 180w LED Aquarium Fixture| | | Fixtures| Oceans by Design| Your one stop shop for custom glass aquariums| Oceans by Design| Westar| Welcome to Oceans by Design
and the controller:
Customized Typhon Controller w/ box| | | Fixtures| Oceans by Design| Your one stop shop for custom glass aquariums| Oceans by Design| BoostLED| Welcome to Oceans by Design
The link to the tank I left in the last post to you is primarily what prompted me to make this change. I had spoken with Devon sometime in October before I went to Vegas. I saw these fixtures, and called Mike at Oceans by Design. I have known Mike for about 7-8 years. I also know that Mike does not beat around the bush, he deals in quality equipment, and he is not gonna bullsh** me. I think we talked for about 45 minutes the first time I called him and I have been in contact ever since trying to figure out what exactly I needed. Between us we finally designed a lighting system that seemed to fit what I had, and to be honest, I think it is gonna work. I know that the acclimation period could last around a year at least, but hell, it isn't like I don't have the time to mess around with
I also spoke with the lady that has the tank in the link, and if you looked at that link and looked at the PAR values she was getting, I was convinced. Soooooooooooooooooooooo, off to Seattle I went

. It will be February before I actually realize what I am going to save in power costs Kevin. I am also going to keep a close eye on the temperature in the tank, and I am prepared for that

. I have 2 more heaters that I am going to install at the same time we do the change next Monday. I think what I lose in heat in the tank can be made up for, and if I have to get another heater, then by god I will get another I have pretty much thought this thru pretty well, I just have to sit back and see what happens after I get them installed. The fixtures will be adjustable above the tank, so lowering and raising them will not be a concern. Believe me, I am scared you know whatless

, but it just seemed right Kevin.
The folks at Oceans by Design will stand by their stuff, and I know they are only a phone call away.
I am also looking at their skimmers, but that is another post for another day. I got a great walk thru on them when I was over there, and I think that it is possible that more power savings are in my future, but that will depend on $$$$$, we all know that. I hope I have answered your questions my friend
