Got some update pics, some water tests, and just some general stuff

The LED's are now at 60% blue-55% whites, everything is looking pretty good so I'll leave it there until I get back from Vegas in early November I think. I have some corals coming back from the dead it seems. On the left overflow, there is a purple rim cap that had not been heard from for 3 years, and it is growing nicely, got good color and everything. Don't ask me, I just maintenance the thing?????????????? I the back on the right hand side I have an Orange cap that had been gone since about the same time as the purple rim, so I don't know, you all tell me wtf is going on. It doesn't make me angry, I just have no idea why these would appear out of the blue after being non existent for so long, it is kinda weird.
Did some water tests this morning:
Alk- 8.45 dkh
cal.- 415
Mag.- 1395
Everything looks good there, I have been working on the alkalinity, trying to keep it stable, and I think I have finally found the dosing amount that I need to do that, let's hope it stays that way!!!!!
And last but not least, I actually cleaned the glass so the tangs could see out this week and took some pics, hope you enjoy

If I missed anything or anybody got questions, you know where to find me don't you?