My 300 Gallon sps tank

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Got some update pics, some water tests, and just some general stuff :).

The LED's are now at 60% blue-55% whites, everything is looking pretty good so I'll leave it there until I get back from Vegas in early November I think. I have some corals coming back from the dead it seems. On the left overflow, there is a purple rim cap that had not been heard from for 3 years, and it is growing nicely, got good color and everything. Don't ask me, I just maintenance the thing?????????????? I the back on the right hand side I have an Orange cap that had been gone since about the same time as the purple rim, so I don't know, you all tell me wtf is going on. It doesn't make me angry, I just have no idea why these would appear out of the blue after being non existent for so long, it is kinda weird.

Did some water tests this morning:
Alk- 8.45 dkh
cal.- 415
Mag.- 1395

Everything looks good there, I have been working on the alkalinity, trying to keep it stable, and I think I have finally found the dosing amount that I need to do that, let's hope it stays that way!!!!!

And last but not least, I actually cleaned the glass so the tangs could see out this week and took some pics, hope you enjoy :).

If I missed anything or anybody got questions, you know where to find me don't you? ;)
that's crazy about the caps but way cool. can you get a top down pic of them. the purple rim on the overflow looks fairly big? is that the satosa above the hammer on the left?
your post made me wonder what popped out of the "liverock" I took over to Kevin and who ended up with it?
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I can't get a top down of either, I tried :(. It just baffles me tho as to why they are coming back, but I guess I shouldn't worry too much huh?

Yepper, the setosa is as big as a dinner plate now, I think the hammer is gettin a bit shaded, I may have to do a little trimming ;).
there had to be some small part of it that was alive in order for it to come back. makes me wonder about the wild reefs. 3 years seems like a long time for it to be "hiding" but hey i'd just be happy!
An Alk reading of 8.45 dkh? What are you using to for a test to get that specific? My Salifert test isn't that precise.
I have always done that, if it is between you split the difference.

So if there was .43 ml left in the syringe I would call that 8.7 or 8.8, I suppose that's where you would say 8.75 ;).
OK, so it has been a while :). Been doing a little bit of traveling and been busy getting the holidays all lined up. I put in some water tests and the last full tank shot I got from about 2 weeks ago


ok, I agree, I've got a really bad case of it coming up then. I've got about 40 lbs of birds I'm going to be cooking:):)

I thought it might have had something to do with adult beverages.:wave::wave: