My 300 Gallon sps tank

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It's tempting, but cannot in good conscience tear down the 75 right now, got some hard to find Lake Victorian cichlids holding eggs/fry. Actually 6 females. So I'm safe for a few weeks to a month:):):)
I like the sailfin picture and I still miss my triggers. Keep up the good work!
I just worry about a trigger and our clams. I would hate to set one, or two, up to be dinner.
I know this may be difficult for some of you to understand, but just go with the flow and you'll be fine ;).

I got some new stuff last weekend and thought i might put a few pics in here just cuz.

New Hammer, left side:

New Torch:

New Gorgonian:

New acans from Joanne over in Spokane:

The acans are kind of an experiment, I am not really sure my Emperor will not look at them as being lunch, but I only put 1 little rock in the display for now :).