My 300 Gallon sps tank

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You guys should look into algae turf scrubbers. They work much better than protein skimmers at removing nuisance algae.
Not really. Just tons of research on them. The concept has been around forever, and an algae turf scrubber works great so long as you remove the algae at the right time. I learned most of my info from Algae Scrubbers • Index page. If you wait to long the algae dies and the bad stuff goes back into your tank. Also you need more than one algae scrubber so you can alternate cleaning them. Basically the purpose of the turf scrubber is to remove all the bad nutrients that would normally feed the nuisance algae in the DT and instead have the nuisance algae in the scrubber. The reason the algae grows in the scrubber verses the DT is because the scrubber is exposed to air where there is more C02 to feed the algae than in the DT as well as higher flow and better lighting. The down side of the scrubber is it needs lots of flow and tons of light to be effective. This makes it terrible at energy savings. The best way to overcome that would be to run your scrubber off of your overflow and use led lighting. However so far Led has not been very good at growing algae. What I believe proves that an algae scrubber is effective is that many people who run a scrubber and a protein skimmer at the same time find that their skimmer pulls little to no skimmate after adding the scrubber.
Don't get me wrong here, but most of the folks that I know that are running primarily sps tanks are skimming the hell out of things and it works for them. I am also of the belief that everything in this hobby is a cycle, and instead of panicking, (guilty), just ride the tide. I have spent close to 10 years running sps specific tanks, and have seen alot of stuff, research is great, but practical application and experience is the best teacher. In theory, everything works, but until you put that theory into action and see what actually works................................ that is the true test.
Oh, and one more thing, what works in your system is not gonna work in mine generally. each tank is sooooooooooooooo much different than another tank.
I beleive skimmers work great as well. That is why they sell. I was merely suggesting a great alternative to removing nuisance algae. I myself have little experience with them, but I spent roughly 8 hours every day researching this hobby since I work a night time security job :) My tanks hardly need any filtration at all, in fact Ive never even had an algae problem before. This is because if I see algae i reduce my feeding or lighting and it goes away. I however do not receive the same explosion of growth that many others get though. I view this as the trade off.
Bennett Algae scrubbers are just another way most folks avoid maintenance and instead lock things into biologicals. The concept that is IF the N and P are dissolve in the water they will absorb N and P according to the Redfield ratio which is 106 parts carbon, 16 parts Nitrogen and 1 part Phosphorus, But the algae is also limited by co2. So when you follow this concept you are going to be letting the algae consume a great deal of carbon in the tank (something bacteria and corals themselves greatly require) and then you also rely on the P and N being dissolved and have to pass over your scrubber. But in a reef tank your going to e P and N coming directly from sand and LR and when they do that they can consume it directly into their root structure with out even worrying about whats in the water.

In the case of Charlie he has chosen to go bare bottom, in dong that the concept is to remove the detritus/waste/extra food and so on prior to that stage, thus avoiding having to bining them up into biologcal's one of the pros is that you dont have to create a type of house of cards, and one of the cons is that if you dont keep up on maintenance you are punished. So your kind of suggesting something that is counter against the type of tank Charlie runs.

Sorry. I'm not suggesting anything for anyone specifically. I just saw several people complaining about nuisance algae so I recommended looking into turf scrubbers is all. I understand the benefits of bare bottom. I am considering doing it for myself in my nano that Im putting together. Sorry if I upset anyone.
Sorry. I'm not suggesting anything for anyone specifically. I just saw several people complaining about nuisance algae so I recommended looking into turf scrubbers is all. I understand the benefits of bare bottom. I am considering doing it for myself in my nano that Im putting together. Sorry if I upset anyone.

How long has your tank been set up Bennett????????????
The tank I have now has been set up for a few months (58 gallon). I had an 8 gallon nano set up this past year. I could not keep a tank while I was at college, but before that I had one all the way through highschool (2 years because I graduated at 15) and took it with me to Montana where I had it set up for about a year while I lived at home and went to college. I went to 5 colleges in total before graduating so keeping a tank was not a possibility.
Woops didn't realize my first post went through. Just to clarify though, I love the hardware as much or more than the livestock. For me most of the fun is setting up a new tank. I've probably had 20 or more tanks with longest one set up for probably only 2 years. I actually bought about 5 different tanks when I was in college planning to bring them back with me when I graduated but I ended up selling everything I owned and flying home since the cost to move was too much.
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Bennett, I finally got some time to sit down and think about this. I would have thought that during your tons of research, the fact would have come up that both Devon and I are running external refugiums even as we speak. Algae, whether it be nuisance or beneficial, is a natural thing, and I don't think think that anyone who has had a reef tank for a longer period of time has not been affected by it.
My particular case was bad maintenance habits, and there is no real excuse except for the fact that I tend to be rather busy during the summer months, and that is when this occurred. If you had gone back thru this thread, or anyone elses for that matter, I believe that you would have discovered that we can all get lax at times. Having the system volume that Devon, Lost Creek Reefer, me, and Rob, (OK he no longer has a system), it tends to become an all week project sometimes just to do the proper maintenance.
My system volume, if you had checked, is close to 450 gallons, almost 8 times your present volume. Bigger systems are more stable, but also can be alot more of a pain in a** if something does go south. I hope you understand this!!!!!!!
I also believe that alot of what you read on the net is garbage, they are only trying to get you to buy their particular product. The only way to learn is practical experience, and talking with people that have been there and done that. Pardon me if I rant, but I was PO'd, and maybe still am, but I will get over it. I have also found out over the years that the worst thing that you can is constantly tinker with your tank, just let it be, keep up on your maintenance, and things are gonna be just peachy keen fine. My ex wife used to call it arm coralling. Keep your hands out of your system. Tinkering with your photo period and your feeding regimen is a quick fix, and not beneficial to anything that lives in your system, JMHO.
I hope to God that you can see where I am coming from here, and whether you like this or not, it is what it is.

Damn, no wonder people don't like me...................................:):)
hey Charlie,
glad to hear things are looking up. i still say and i'm sure you would agree, we are are worst critics!!! i saw some of your issues but your tank still looked good and a few months later at the "big tree patry" i thought your system was looking great. so my point is that you are right in your thinking, time will tell everything.
thanks and keep taking pics. i need the fix :)
Ya, I read through yours and Devin's thread. I wasn't trying to impose anything or claim I'm super knowledgable. I just like to constantly try new things. I also beleive leaving a system alone is the best thing you can do for it. Some people used to call refugiums algae scrubbers. The concept for both is the same. An algae scrubber is just a different take on the same principal. I plan to employ all "proven" methods possible on my new tank. I alread have a new bubble magus protein skimmer on the way so I'm not bashing skimmers, I like to try new things and algae scrubbers seemed lije a fun DIY project with seemling lots of sucess, or so I have read. I just thought you or Devin might have better sucess with Algae Scrubbers on your systems, but apparently I struck a chord, so I'm sorry.
hey Charlie,
glad to hear things are looking up. i still say and i'm sure you would agree, we are are worst critics!!! i saw some of your issues but your tank still looked good and a few months later at the "big tree patry" i thought your system was looking great. so my point is that you are right in your thinking, time will tell everything.
thanks and keep taking pics. i need the fix :)

Thx man, I will try to get some newer pics up this afternoon, it is to damn cold to go
Hey Charlie,
What regulator do you use on your calcium reactor? We just picked up a calcium reactor from Kevin, and I have no idea what regulator to go with. =(

I've been interested in the algae turf scrubbers myself. They are kind of interesting. I have found several threads where the individual has a large volume of water and the scrubber seems to work well for them. There is a really nice system out there that a person can buy for the ATS. They are currently in use to purify municipal, agricultural and industrial waste waters. How about this? Use a big a** skimmer and an ATS.:dance: For a big system, however, a person would need a huge ATS to make a dent in improving water quality.

Either way, you have an awesome tank. :high5:
What calcium reactor????? Have one, don't use it, you want it?
I have never said that an ATS won't work, what got me into trouble was poor maintenance, that is the bottom line. My 75 gallon refugium has continued to perform, I take 5-10 lbs of macro out every 3 weeks. My skimmer is a dual beckett monster, maybe a little antiquated, but it still pulls stuff out.