My 300 Gallon sps tank

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My alk is within limits, but I am going thru a growth spurt, and am having a heck of a time keeping it there. It will get back to 8 dkh in time, but I am not gonna rush it. It is at about 7.7, so that is acceptable.
Charlie, glad to hear things are improving!! If anyone can get your tank back to the glory it once was, it's YOU! You've been doing this, SUCCESSFULLY, long enough to know what you're doing! You're absolutely right in not trying to "chase" your alkalinity around, during the growth spurt, as long as it's within acceptable limits. It's just too much effort, constantly changing the amount you dose, constantly testing, to keep up with the changes...etc.

I can't wait to get back over there for a visit, and see how much it's improved, since our last trip over.
It is a wait and see proposition sid, I am real good at waiting and watching, add beer and I won't even have to do that. Like I said once before, ignorance is bliss. We will see what it looks like when I get back from Vegas a week from Wednesday.
This is what it looks like as of today


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Yay! I can't wait Charlie!!! =) That definitely must contribute to your beautiful system. I currently don't use a refugium. Not with a sandbed at least. I have a bunch of live rock in my sump. My cheato is buried under the rock. It is probably dead by now. =/ I need, I think, to set one up. Do you think that would help my SPS? They grow so freakin slow!!!! :mad:
Yay! I can't wait Charlie!!! =) That definitely must contribute to your beautiful system. I currently don't use a refugium. Not with a sandbed at least. I have a bunch of live rock in my sump. My cheato is buried under the rock. It is probably dead by now. =/ I need, I think, to set one up. Do you think that would help my SPS? They grow so freakin slow!!!! :mad:

Is it possible that you just have slow growing sps?????????????? :):) Remember................. nothing good ever happens fast Gina, and I have heard a saying about Rome too:washing:.

I wish I would have known that you needed a calcium reactor, mine is brand new, never been used.

One thing................. do you clean out your sump real often? Having a bunch of live rock there is OK, but it does collect detritus, just a thought.

Hey, I found some pics from last December of my refugium, nothing has changed so here you go


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I have cleaned the detritus in the sump a couple of times. Probably not as much as I should. I notice you run a BB tank. One thing I have noticed is that my sand is pretty dirty. I vacuumed some cyanobacteria out of my mainly display that was collecting in the sand bed. There is a lot of filth in there. I rinsed the small particles of sand with fresh saltwater to try and clean it a bit. It took quite a bit of tries to get it clean. I seeded a nano with the extra sand, but the accumulation of filth is a little concerning. I have a tiger tail, but he isn't out much. I have seen him twice in the middle of the night cleaning the sand bed where his home is. He doesn't really do much for the sandbed. I have 1 conch that is barely ever out. I notice you have xenia and caulerpa in your refugium as well as a DSB. Do you remove both from your system from time to help with water quality? Thoughts? Suggestions?

LOL, what kind of reactor do you have? I still need a regulator and Co2 tank. I have heard the best regulators are the ones. They are pretty dang expensive. 230.00!!!!!!!!! OUCH!
I have cleaned the detritus in the sump a couple of times. Probably not as much as I should. I notice you run a BB tank. One thing I have noticed is that my sand is pretty dirty. I vacuumed some cyanobacteria out of my mainly display that was collecting in the sand bed. There is a lot of filth in there. I rinsed the small particles of sand with fresh saltwater to try and clean it a bit. It took quite a bit of tries to get it clean. I seeded a nano with the extra sand, but the accumulation of filth is a little concerning. I have a tiger tail, but he isn't out much. I have seen him twice in the middle of the night cleaning the sand bed where his home is. He doesn't really do much for the sandbed. I have 1 conch that is barely ever out. I notice you have xenia and caulerpa in your refugium as well as a DSB. Do you remove both from your system from time to help with water quality? Thoughts? Suggestions?

LOL, what kind of reactor do you have? I still need a regulator and Co2 tank. I have heard the best regulators are the ones. They are pretty dang expensive. 230.00!!!!!!!!! OUCH!

The xenia comes and goes by itself. I remove between 5-10 lbs of caulerpa every 3 weeks or so. What kind of flow do you have in there Gina, does the cyano accumulate in the dead spots?
I have so much flow. I don't know what to do with it all! Right now I have a reeflo super dart on 3 sea swirls plus 3 more outlets on the bottom. I am also running an MP40. My Torches and Hammers do not like a ton of flow. I try to keep it away from them a bit. They still get a healthy amount of flow though.
I left for a trip to Alaska. My tank sitter fed the tank an entire 3 bags of fish food over the course of a week. I showed them (my mom and dad) how much to feed. I guess they didn't pay attention. So 3 entire bags of food most likely found their way into the sand bed. I don't believe that my fish could eat all of that. =*( Ever since, I have had a problem with cyano. Ugh!!!!