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I keep this tank at 79.
I did read on the liveaquaria website that the recomended temps were 72 to 78, but I got in touch with other people that are keeping them, and they all said that a degree or 2 above 78 was fine also.
I guess the pics show it was at 80 when the pics were taken, but my goal has been 79.......really.:)
Ah, I like the the bubble, hammers and frogspawn. They make such nice movement in a tank. I guess they don't have a lot of color though?

The green and purple hammers are very colorful, I had an awesome one that I lost a year ago due to a heater malfunction the water was 93 degrees... :(
The green and purple hammers are very colorful, I had an awesome one that I lost a year ago due to a heater malfunction the water was 93 degrees... :(
I have a purple tipped hammer that is coming back from being almost nipped to death by a Navarchus angel I had. mfinn's hammer corals are stunning!
That stinks about the heater malfunction! I had that happen to me once too. A heater is one piece of equipment that I now replace immediately if I even have an inkling it might malfunction!
this looks like an exciting build... what is in the back right corner of the tank. I can see some sort of display on it.

thanks and keep the pics coming.
this looks like an exciting build... what is in the back right corner of the tank. I can see some sort of display on it.

thanks and keep the pics coming.
It was fun, for a while...........

It's a digital thermometer.
Simply beautiful. Love the dimmentions
I do like them also.
I had a 40 gallon ( 30" x 18" x18" ) in the same spot for several years and always thought, if I just had a little bigger tank, couple inches this way and that way..........
Got bored today so I tried taking some pictures.
It sure can be tough trying to take pictures under led lights.
Here are a few that are ok.




Man i had to log in and say what a beautiful fts mfinn! I dig all the hammer. I have no frogspawn, hammer, or torch.
Keep it up!