MY NEW 240 up and running 3 months

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WA coral

im watching you
Aug 30, 2005
Well here are some pics of my massive project up and running. I never thought it would be this much work and planning but it was all worth it big thanks to big t and everyone else who helped carry that sucker into the house. I am running a sequence dart 3600 gph for closed loop 4 outlets split into 8 and a little giant 1200 gph for my return into a 60 gallon sump. lighting is 4 250 halides 4 48 inch attinic vhos and 2 96 watt pc lights and 260 watt pcs on the sump. The stand and hood were all hand built by me and josh, its not perfect but works great and looks good unless you are looking hard for inperfections this whole setup measures 100 long and 94 tall. Most of the corals were out of my 125 but there are also some new additions. Well thanks for looking and let me know what you think.
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that looks awesome!! super job! what fish do you have in there? I see clowns and a hippo tang.

your corals colors are fabulous!
Wow nice size tank! Great swim room for the fish. Keep up the good work.:)
Well fish are a sore subject at the moment I have my original fish that were transfered ( breeding pair of clowns, hippo tang, firefish, green spot maderin, and 4 chromis) I have tried to add fish 4 times now 3 more chromis a archiles tang , a naso tang and a sail fin tang and every time they seem fine and a couple of days later they seem stressed out and die? It sucks Its like my original fish have banded together and put a hit out on any new fish I thought with everyone getting new larger teritory things would be good but I guess my fish are just thugs. I am looking now for some more hearty reef safe fish that will whoop them into shape
Looks fantastic.:)
As someone who has just done a upgrade to a 240 gallon tank I do know how much hard work you've put into it

There has been a bunch of 240's setup recently.
Hey maybe we could start a "240 Club" :)
I think that would be cool a 240 club I was wondering how your transfer went? did that hearter ever come in handy? I saw the pics of yopur tank empy but not with all of the live stock in it. I am sure its full and looking good by now. Thanks for the complements guys
Well fish are a sore subject at the moment I have my original fish that were transfered ( breeding pair of clowns, hippo tang, firefish, green spot maderin, and 4 chromis) I have tried to add fish 4 times now 3 more chromis a archiles tang , a naso tang and a sail fin tang and every time they seem fine and a couple of days later they seem stressed out and die? It sucks Its like my original fish have banded together and put a hit out on any new fish I thought with everyone getting new larger teritory things would be good but I guess my fish are just thugs.

that is so weird, i have the EXACT same problem and we set our tanks up at about the same time. all of my original fish are doing GREAT, but i add any other fish and they stop eating, randomly die, or they get something that kills them but it doesnt spread to anyone else:confused: . the only fish that i have been able to keep alive (out of many) were wrasse's, a bar goby, and a hawkfish. i am going to start major QT'ing and if that doesnt work, i guess that i will have an empty tank? anyways, that is an awsome tank and count me in on the "240" club.
that is wierd I was only able to keep a wrasse alive besides my original fish also but he started to pick on my clams so even though he lived he had to go , The next fish I was gonna try was a flame hawk due to I think it would hold its own among my punk fish. I tried Qt but it seems eating was my biggest problem, my other fish feed so veratiously that it is hard for a new fish to get in there and even when they do it seems my fish are kicking it out of the inner circle everyone postures agressively and no one will swim with them its almost like they banned the new fish to outside to be a loner. I think that is why a wrasse or a hawk will live they are more solitary instead of community fish, they dont need to fit in to live they are fine on there own. well just a thought its wierd anyway
Really a kumbaya circle I was thinking more along the lines of tank tours and beers, but I guess I could tag along for the circle. LOL And as for upgrading from a 55 I just want to warn you it happens so fast pretty soon it is an upgrade out of necessity for space reasons and it is all down hill form there , all of ther sudden your thinking of the next upgrade before you finished the one you just started and realizeing that if you take it any farther you are going to need to upgrade your house just for the tank. anyway thanks for the compliment and I hope you get your upgrade soon just dont go crazy like me. at least as the wife says
Well I added 5 new fish today 3 more chromis a 6 line wrasse and a lawnmower blenny. these wernt my first choices but with the luck I have had with adding things I wasnt going to spend 50 bucks on one fish so I figured I would pick cheap and independent fish. I would like to have more big show fish instead of little cheap ones but I am sure I will get one when I am ready or that is when my fish are ready to accept some new community fish.
Well I added those fish and they were great and doing fine. AND THEN I decided to add a copperbanded butterfly for aptasia control, it was supposed to be qted already before I got him, BUT he had a small case of ICH and it spread to a couple of my other fish so I now have hit a major set back and all of my fish are in qt tanks and all of my rock is also out of the main display, so all I have is coral laying all over the bottom of the tank. I have about a month or 2 to go before I can take a picture of anything healthy and nice looking. So I guess I am delaying showing off for the time being. I will post pics as things improve though. thanks for the interest
Sorry to hear of the disease. Why did you remove the rock from the main display? The rock will need to remain fallow to ensure not carrying ick, as well as the tank. Keep them together?