my new 55gal tank

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Mar 2, 2009
puyallup washington
after a long battle of overstocking my 24gal nano:lol::D:lol:...i then decided to do a will be my second and last tank...

heres some pics..after a month or so of cycling i put 1 stalk of xenia to test if its ready and its pulsing..water parameters are ph 8.2,ammonia 0,nitrite 0 and nitrate 10...then i added a couple of hermits after a week they did good,then i added a serpent banded starfish then last i added this pretty yellow tang who eats nonstop:D

im still thinking about what other colorful peaceful fish i can add(i already have a black and orange clowns,yellow watchman goby that i will add soon from my 24gal)..any suggestions?thanks

i have an aqua c urchin pro protein skimmer with mag 7,30gal sump..tank has 2 drilled holes for return and overflow..for flow,,i only have a spraybar and a koralia nano anyone has a suggestion on powerheads?:)im thinking on getting 2 koralias im just not sure what number...will the 1's gonna be ok?or 2's?or 3's..?help...

my lighting is coralife 2x150w,2x96w true blue actinic pc,3 lunar blue moon glow led..i have 14k on the left side and 10k on the right which i will change later to 20k

in the pics i only have the right side mh on..(10k)

thanks for looking i will post pics later on once everything settled in...right now i have the diatom bloom...
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Very nice...We have a K-3, on our 55 and its okay, could be more flow because its a 55 long. But we had our K-4 on there and it was just right, good flow all the way across the tank. but I needed a little more flow in the 46 Bow (SPS) tank so we switched them and the flow is just enough. Id' go with the 2 K-4s in that tank myself. What kind of corals you going to have in that tank?
yes its 55 planning on keeping mostly LPS,a few sps and some softies (xenia,zoas and ricordeas) can see my corals on my 24 gal nano thread:p oh and i have 1 rose anemone...right now just the spraybar and koralia nano,i can see a bit flow on the thinking about putting the koralia nano pointing where the sps are,planning to put them on the far left side where the big rock is..LPS on the bottom..then anemone on the top right side corner..ricordeas on bottom right corner and zoas in the should i put koralia 4 on both side?i have mostly LPS...thanks:)
Yeah, i would do one on each side, on opposite sides of the end glass, so it makes the whirlpool action, you know what i mean? and with 2-4's, that *should* be all the flow you need....
And hey, barrier will have the koralia's 30% off this weekend!! Bonus! We kept our sand pretty minimal too, we got this neat type from barrier that has aragonite sand with bigger chunks of shells and coral rubble in it. Its pretty neat, but you def have to watch the k4's blowing the sand around, but if you point them more at the surface it doesn't do too bad.
I would also add 2 k2s to the middle. I've noticed that the k3s do not reach that far. I have a total of 6 (mix of k3, k2 and k1 2 of each) on my 75g 4 feet long tank.
Your tank looks lovely. I love the shape. I have a 55 gal. but it is tall. Your rockwork looks so nice and wow, I would kill to have some of those zoos! (well not really kill ya know)
Thanks for posting the pics. I love to see the that was then and this is now pictures.
new pics

ok a little update on pics...after i lost some of my acans(you can see in previous pics)...i got really really frustrated and traumatize about putting an acan...but then decided to buy(cant pass a good deal:)thanks taichimaster)i added new corals and got rid some,glued most of the zoos,and move all my shrooms in the middle...i even added a clam that i got from a very nice friend......heres new pics....