My New Baby 180

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drool drool drool dood !!!
you got a lot of zoos :D , it looks really neat hehe.
my clown is starting to look like yours, it has all the black on the fins and stuff ... just not so much black on the edges of the white :) .
is the other clown one of Elmo's? he/she looks pretty too .
Yes Cesar I love it. Its hard work taking good shots. Have to hit the book a little more. I know there is a way to adjust the viewfinder ( I think thats what its called ) what I see thru it is not clear so its hard to focus.
PS I did use auto fix on photoshope :( :(


Im no expert but if you can try this... (maybe you already did)

Turn off all pump...
Set to Aperture Priority... F8 (or higher)
Set lense to widest.
Set Whitebalance to Flash
Set exposure to -1
Then observe the speed... if its too low like 20...
Bump up the ISO as needed. Dont go beyond 800...
If speed is still slow... use tripod.

In my case i can go as low as 20 without tripod... but anything below that it will be hit or miss.

Hope this one works.
How do you like your lift system for your lights? Shane and I are thinking about using the same system.

Love it. Sent you a PM. All is good here. Need to take some pics and update my thread. Forgot I had one going :eek: ;););).
Couple shots of SalmonSlayers amazing tank. Picture quality is poor as I used the camera on my iphone.


Thanks "B". Not bad for being up all night :D. Been a long time posting on this thread. Here is some from the front.

Been a few. Here are some I took today. Also some new additons sunset mill, P monster, one on a blue golf tee not sure the name it was a gift, blue/purple Efflo, green toad stool, red chalices, ice blue mill etc.











Stellar pictures of an awesome system Tracy! You have such colorful zoas, I forgot how nice they are until I saw your latest shots. Nice green toad stool too...well, let's just say everything looks good dude! PM'd you
Stellar pictures of an awesome system Tracy! You have such colorful zoas, I forgot how nice they are until I saw your latest shots. Nice green toad stool too...well, let's just say everything looks good dude! PM'd you
Thanks my friend. We still need to hook up with your son and brett.

Somebody drank too much coffee....:eek2: Looks great as always though!


Thanks and also for letting me piggy-back. All is well, how are yours doing???

Ths golf tee coral is "Upscales Collector Edition Cyphastrea Decadia" :)

(Upscales is the originator of the Oregon Tort)
WOW, the one they only frag twice a year. Sweet, thats GOOD LOOKING OUT and many thanks. I may need to call someone in thats good at fragging frags ;);) Chop-Chop.

PS: I need to clear something up That coral "blue/purple Efflo". Someone told me it was, then someone told me it wasn't, it was, it wasn't. I looked it up on the internet and the only thing close is that its growing out not up. It looks close but I have to retract until for sure what it is, Sorry :oops:.
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