My new Nano!!!

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how did you get rid of the cyano so fast ? or you just blowing it off daily ? i have a very simialar setup and i just cant get rid of the cyano. starting to think its my bulb burning out before its time.
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Angie made me try something I've always told people to NEVER do, except as a last We used Blue Life Red Slime Control. If you do ever try this route, which I'd never recommend until you've worn out all other options, siphon out as much of the Cyano as you can, prior to treating. Also, be aware that a few hours after treating, the water will turn bright pink!! Yeah, it looked like the fish were having a RAVE!! It says right on the box, "Will not discolor water." However, I'd been pre-warned. I left it alone, didn't do any water changes, didn't use carbon...etc. The next morning, the tank was crystal clear.
nice i have some of that and have been afraid to use it. but im at wits end and need a solution. bought some dr g's red slime remover but still havent used it because it says to turn off the tank for 2 days and leave an airstone in the tank then doa 10 % water change 48 hours later.
Like Michael said Jake, your welcome anytime!!!! I love Zoas and can always use more. I need to re-aquascape the Nano though. Have decided I don't like the Arch anymore. We'll see how it goes when I decided to do it though.
I think the tank and LR arrangement looks great! I'd leave it personally.

It's not that I don't like the arch rock in there, it's just I don't have alot of rock in there and it's all centered in the tank. I want to be able to get rid of 1 or 2 of the frag racks so that I will have more room for stuff as well. I'll play around with it and we'll just see how it turns out from there. LOL :D
Okay, well I figured it was time for an update!! We had to move the Nano to a temporary spot due to the upcoming 200g being set up!!! WOOHOO!! So Michael and I found some great new Zoanthids at our LFS and there GORGEOUS!! We also bought a NEW Tailspot Blenny due to our other "TuTu" dying or sprouting legs and walking out of the tank. So the new and improved "TuTu 2" is small and doing well, but was hiding while we were taking pictures of course, so hopefully we'll be able to get some pictures of him soon. So for now you get pictures of the corals and such that we have in the tank. Hope you all enjoy!!!

The Zoas in this picture are one of the 3 we found at our LFS.

These also are another find at the LFS and the Sexy Shrimp is cleaning them around the base.


This is a top down shot of picture 2.








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And more.....

"Cootie" is a little blurry, but I like the fact that both frog spawns are in the picture

In this picture the green ones were a bit closed due to a snail. UGH!!

This is my one loney little Orange Bam Bam. I had a whole beautiful colony and don't know what happened to them all. I hope this one hangs in there!!!

I know I already posted one like this, but the clam is a bit more open on this picture and you can really see the colors in it.

And the 3rd Zoanthids we found at our LFS. A little blurry, but you get the idea.

And a good final picture of the top of the arch in the tank....LOL.
So I haven't updated in awhile, so I guess I better. I cleaned the tank this morning and found more bristle worms than I could handle. Manged to catch 2 of the little bugger....yuk!!! As soon as everything settles I'll get a full tank shot and some shots of some the new zoas that I've gotten lately. So please stay tuned!!! ;)
So here's the pictures I promised. I got some full tank shots today and they didn't turn out to bad. Hope you enjoy!!!

This picture is big, but that way you can see all my
Yes there sure is. I'm really wanting to reaquascape. The arch rock make it really hard to put anything on. I know it looks like I have it full, but if I were to bump something or a snail were to cross over, it would all fall off except the
My goal is to get it done in the next week or so and make more room for the zoas to grow grow!!!;)
I remember i was over there a few months ago and i totally fell in love with the arch rock hehe. It was right after the clam decided it was his permanent home hehe. It's a gorgeous scape and one I'm certainly jealous of!
Ahh yes I think I was working when you came over, but not sure. I like the arch but it sure makes it hard to put anything on it. I have 3 frag racks FULL of stuff. I can't find anymore room for anything in there.....LOL
And Thank you for the comment....:)