My new Nano!!!

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As Angie mentioned, we added the fish that this tank was set up for, last night. What Angie didn't mention is that Madison named this fish as well. Sooo, now we have a Percula Clownfish named "Cootie" and a Tailspot Blenny named "Tutu."

This morning, we see "Tutu," but so far, it is hiding, so no pics yet. Sorry!!
Here are some pics I shot this morning though.

Cootie (so far, we've been unable to teach Cootie to pose. Still working on it though.)


Maybe Kedds Reds.

Bam Bams

Radioactive Dragon's Eyes

Frogspawn Mouth

One of our Candy Canes


We have 2 Frogspawn colonies in her tank. This one's tentacles stay short, while the other colony seems much longer.

Michael was able to get a better pic of Tutu. Tutu is finally starting to come out in the open a little bit. Here's also a couple of pictures of a couple new additions. Enjoy!!
Tutu. Barbie had 3 and Michael and I debated over 2. We decided on this one, with Barbie's help in deciding.:D

A gorgeous clam we found at Barbie's.

1 of 5 sexy shrimp we got from Kevin's.
I was wondering where that clam was gonna go. I sure wish my tank was ready for one, they looked real nice! I like your blenny too. Keep those sexies well fed so they dont pick on your zoas.
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, been very busy. We don't really have any new pics yet!! Right now we're battling a Cyano problem and it's ugly!!! LOL. I have added lots of new Zoas though and we did add a Yasha Hasi Goby(sp) and a small shrimp and also a Red Neon Goby that we never see. We unfortunately lost "Tutu" our Tailspot Blenny. We're not sure what happened to him. I'm sure we'll be getting another. I've been thinking about re-aquascaping, but we'll see how that works out for
:( Sorry to hear about your tailspot blenny. I lost my first one because it jumped out of the tank. My guess is it was being chased by a sleeper banded goby. I ended up getting a second one and he/she is safe and well. I traded in the goby though.
We have no idea what happened to ours. One day, we just didn't see it. After a couple of days, we drained the back area of the nano and looked back there, with no luck. So, we aren't sure if it jumped, made it into the back chamber and got sucked up by one of the 3 powerheads that are back there, or what? If it jumped, it could have been gobbles up by the cat before we noticed it All in all, it sucks!! We miss Tutu.
Red neon goby? I've never seen a red one. If you can get a pic, I'd love to see it cause I can't find anything on google images. I've got 2 of the hybrid blue/yellow striped neon gobies which are always out and fun to watch cleaning fish.
Thanks for the info. Cute looking, but that's kind of odd that it's not out and about. From what I've read, most of the cleaner gobies should be in the open waiting for fish to clean. If they hide and don't come out and eat, it's a sign it isn't doing well.
I read through that, as well as tons of other information on them, before we decided to get it. There are some readings that they're a cleaner goby, but there are many others, including a lot on WWM, that say they aren't. Funny you bring that up, I was just reading a bunch of information on another subject on WWM and 2 FAQ in a row contradicted each I usually trust WWM for about the best information around, but I have seen some contradictions on there. Who knows, maybe they are some type of cleaner goby.