My Sohal Tang has Bulimia

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Smart Bass
Jun 27, 2006
Mill Creek, WA
Eats like a pig very aggressively, then occasionally empties his belly to make room to eat more.:doubt: Even chases the Majestic away from food to get first dibs and the angel is a larger fish. Total glutton! :lol:
thats crazy! My volitan lion wants to steal any and all food from my vlamingi tang. he is even steal sheets of nori from him, how crazy is that?

A fish that 'eats like a pig' is often a sign that it is starving:

Quite often the fish that eats like this is not getting proper nutrients. This can be caused by the aquarist not providing the right foods with vitamin and fat supplements, or an intestinal infection/worms that are taking nutrition away from the fish, or both.

First, review the foods being provided to make sure the right ones are being given/offered. Then, it is best to de-worm the fish by using Praziquantel. Fortunately, the de-worming process doesn't require that the fish be moved or treated in a quarantine tank. :)
i have a tang or two that eats like pigs...i feed them proper foods and vitamins everyday(Zoe and Zoecon)!!..i don't believe there is anything wrong with them eating this way...tangs are just pigs in general, ..they search for food all day long
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A fish that 'eats like a pig' is often a sign that it is starving...Quite often the fish that eats like this is not getting proper nutrients.

Respectfully, Sohals are the kings of the reef and are born food hogs. This fish is bright, healthy and growing on a diet of Nori, brocalli, mixed chopped fresh scallops, clams, fish, shrimp, frozen gel foods, reef flakes, and the like.

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Thanks Ron. The hippo will be back in the display in a couple weeks. Been in Hypo for 4 weeks; for the second time:mad:
Right after put in the display, he showed signs of ick. Got him right out and nothing else got any thank God:rolleyes: I suspect that the salinity might have risen a tad last time or a resistant strain living in it's gills, or who knows. This time he is in hypo for 6 weeks minimum. Hippo is happy as ever, the king (sole occupant) of my 72.
The tank is looking good Mike (saw your other thread). Damn, you have a lot of stuff in there.

Thanks Ron. The hippo will be back in the display in a couple weeks. Been in Hypo for 4 weeks; for the second time:mad:
Right after put in the display, he showed signs of ick. Got him right out and nothing else got any thank God:rolleyes: I suspect that the salinity might have risen a tad last time or a resistant strain living in it's gills, or who knows. This time he is in hypo for 6 weeks minimum.

It could be present in your main display and the other fish just aren't showing signs. Throw the hippo in hypo for about two months and if it happens again that would be the most likely explanation.
The tank is looking good Mike (saw your other thread). Damn, you have a lot of stuff in there.

It could be present in your main display and the other fish just aren't showing signs. Throw the hippo in hypo for about two months and if it happens again that would be the most likely explanation.

Got a lot of softys, star polyps, shrooms, etc out. Getting better all the time:)

Good plan. Would surprise me if it was in the tank though, since there are three tangs in there with zero signs but you never know. :rolleyes:
Right after put in the display, he showed signs of ick. Got him right out and nothing else got any thank God I suspect that the salinity might have risen a tad last time or a resistant strain living in it's gills, or who knows
how long ago did you put the hippo in the display and remove it????? if it has been weeks, i would think that it would have presented itself on some of your other tangs by now, but you never know...
It was added to the display 7-8 weeks ago and removed within 2 days of showing it's first infestation. The rocks that it slept in were also removed and QTed with it in Hypo. Started the hypo 4 weeks ago. Put off treatment for a couple weeks as was too busy to start it properly sooner and the hippo's Ick signs went away as soon as it was put in the QT. I will follow Brian's suggestion and give it another 3-4 weeks since it seems very happy in there. It has a lot of base rock and flower pots to swim in, and is eating very well. One advantage of the larger QT, less frequent water changes due to more stable condition.
Nice variety! Is your majestic nipping on your corals? I've always heard not to mix corals with the Majestic but see it done in the forums.