my tank got really hot :(

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Oct 5, 2004
well doods/doodettes i don't know why exactly but my tank got really really hot (90 degrees).
My tank was pretty stable 78 degrees and now all of a sudden it's been getting really really hot :cry: and it's not even summer:doubt:.
i don't wanna just blame my in laws christmas present because it was nice, they got us a Dehumidifier and i swear i'm sweating all the time :shock: ,do you think this could be the problem?
I swear it's been hard because i had to turn my heater, my corals shrinked really bad :cry: .
I had that happen in my freshwater tank when my heater stuck on. Not sure what else may cause that this time of year.
hey gaby try turning the heater off for about 2 hours and lets see the difference.i think that the heater got stuck and couldnt turn off so id check those then if they're stuck then turn them off and time to complain to the maker.(LOL):lol:
Sorry to hear that Gabby :( I hope everything makes it ok... bad heater? Unplug your heater but keep an eye on the temp.. also check all plumbing/pumps.. a dirty or blocked pump can overheat quickly! Good luck and let us know what you find~
All my heating problems have been from a heater too. I had one stick in my hex tank once and it was 93. You could feel the heat from the tank when you walked passed it. It was amazing. I lost some softies, but no fish. I bet it's the heater Gab.
Gabby like they said check the heater, and check pumps and powerheads. There is some sort of problem. A dehumidifier would make your tank cooler because evaporation would be greater in a low humidity area. A humidifier could lower evaporation a little but if you have a fan on the tank it wont matter alot. Since yesterday was Christmas, did you do a lot of cooking? Did the house get unusually hot? Mine did.
well it seems like i need a new heater because the one i have just keeps heating and won't turn off, it stays on the whole time and before it used to just turn off when it got to the 78, so i guess i'll be buying one soon.
Yes Steve, we've been doing a lot of cooking here so much cooking that i even got to try formula one in my turkey :D .
Thanks everyone and i hope everyone had a good christmas :) .
I've had three different heaters go bad on me and continue stay on. I finally had enough and got a controller that will control the temperature in the summer and winter. I use the Ranco Temperature controller ( to control my heaters and my fans to maintain the tank temperature. I use the heaters that have malfunctioned and are stuck in the "on" position all the time. The controller has a sensor probe that turns the heater on to 80 degrees, then off, as well as turing on the fans in my canopy & sump when the tanks gets to 82 degrees. If you have a chiller, this will also control it in place of the fans.
I had the same thing happen to me yesterday, only it was the space heater in my fishroom... went down to do the evening feeding and the reef tanks were 88 degrees. Freshwater fish are arranged by temperature tolerance (low temp fish on the bottom shelves with no heaters) so they are ok but am pretty concerned about the SW animals. Snakes were diggin it... Hope your critters are ok!
I got Otto temperature controllers for my SW tanks and they work great, but when the whole room heats up and you don't have chillers... bummer. Ottos are 15 bucks from Angels Plus. Only problem I have with them is that the dial moves too easily-bump it and it could be set to 94 or 70. So taping it is a good idea. Also good to tape the cord for the sensor as the suction cup eventually gives way and if it falls out of the tank then most likely your heater stays on. So I use a digital thermometer with it to make sure there are no problems. The above mentioned controller is a probably better product though I haven't had any trouble with the Otto's in 2 years of use. This site also sells them and explains their usage really well at the bottom of the page:
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thanks everyone, i didn't know there was a temp controller, so i'm definetly gonna check them out :) .
The fishes and corals are fine after all, they were all really stressed at that time but not fishes are swimming fine and the corals are opening up again which it was great :) .
and yes Kate, my in law used my fish tank turkey baster for basting our turkey, so yeah i got some juices in the turkey :).
and yes Kate, my in law used my fish tank turkey baster for basting our turkey, so yeah i got some juices in the turkey .

Nice!!!...nothing like fish taste,when grubbing down on some homemade turkey..:D
How was the turkey? You developing better pigment and an interest in hosting in anemones? :)
On a sad note, my heat spike seems to have set off a disease outbreak in one of the tanks. Brooklynella, my favorite. The fish are now being treated. Good thing I had quarantined him, would hate to have brook in the main display!
You too, your fish ok? The one in quarantine got brooklynella but seems to be on the mend, the others are ok.
They look a lot better, thanks. Been doing the formalin dip thing. The angel lost it's pect fin down to the base and started to get it on the side. Glad my shoddy vision caught it before it got worse!