My Tank Has A Bullseye

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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2007
St.Louis, MO
I just picked up a tank today, 48"x24"x29" RR Oceanic. Brought it home, set it on it's stand, placed the canopy on top... Then I looked closely at the tank... Theres a dime sized bullseye in the glass! This must have happened while I was transporting the tank back to my house. The thickness of the glass pane itself is about 1/2". The bullseye is on the interior glass of the tank, and the depth is about 1/16"-1/8".

A few Questions:

I was wondering if I could repair this like a car windshield bullseye with a auto parts store "kit"(I've never tried this before)?

Does anyone know about the chemical quality's of glass repair resins(would it harm fish/coral)?

Should I sell the tank and take the price beat-down because the tank might just decide to explode one day from the bullseye?

Will my auto insurance cover the cost of a professional glass repair for free because my deductible is so high? Just kidding about that one.

To say that I'm "miffed" does not begin to describe my mood. I have been using four letter words non stop for about an hour now.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this and reply with your suggestions and comments.
That really sucks, call the place where you got it & let them know about this, If your not sure where it came from they may offer something to get it swapped maybe?
Scott, I got the tank in a trade with someone else. They now have my 6' long tank. The tank was not damaged before the move. And if I told them, I dont think it would change anything. This super sux.
Without a picture... About the size of a dime, no cracks outside of the circle, yet all the glass is still there, just alot of little cracks inside the circle, penitrating about 1/16"-1/8" deep. No glass is missing. Doing my best to descibe it without a picture, sorry.
On my 100g tank when putting it in place I chipped off a corner sliver less than a dime but longer, It was no more than 1/16" I never looked back. The way they repair glass these days is basically glue it, most glues become inert once cured. I'd get some professional opinions on it & really take an in depth look & see how much structural support is lost from it. If it was located high up & you don't have any through cracks you may be fine, I know they make 100g tanks out of 3/8" glass, being yours is 48" long it is fairly stout IMO.
Without actually seeing it in detail & even If I did I could only give you my opinion.


depending on where it is you might be ok. I had an old 55 gal that had almost the same thing in it no from transport but still. It was near the top of the tank so all I did was get a couple pieces of glass cut and and ciliconed them to both sides of the glass and let them set and I had no problems with it at all. as long is its with in 3 or 4 inchs you should be ok. Mine was about 3" from the top and I was fine.

sorry man but I can't see the pics that you posted
thats too low to do anything with man I think you are going to bit a bullet and get a new tank and see if you can find someone looking for a lizard tank
Is it a large pane or a side pane?

I replaced the bottom off a 30g tank & used it about two years full of water. You can replace just that one pane or have it done & It would be as good as new. All we're talking here is silicone & glass & lots of patience.
If it's in a discrete location, why not just silicone a small piece of glass over the spot? This has been described in many books on the hobby.

If the windshield repair looks like it will work - kudos.
miwoodar, thanks for the suggestion. The the glass chip is only about 1/16"-1/8" deep in a 1/2 pane. I suspect that the tank would be fine with no repair at all. However, while the tank is empty I would like to make the blemish appear smaller by using the windshield repair kit and essentially remove any sharp edges and restore some clarity. The resin is said to cure at five times the strength of glass. I got the windshield repair kit. Now I just need to find someone to bribe with beer, because the tank needs to be repaired in the shade, then cured in sunlight...

Funny thing is, I have a hard time carrying this tank around by myself. :)