nano cube

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Well-known member
May 15, 2006
My girl friend just paid off her car, and now is super happy.

she just said to me about 2 min ago,

"wanna set up a small tank at my house?" she ment one of thos super cute small tanks.

i said ill think about it,

opinions? brand, lights, make, 5 gal?

i could so totaly do this, cause she said she wants it (lol) (cant beleave i said that) but

gotta think about this today, ill be back later tonight.
I'd just get her an all in one tank like an Aquapod. You can get them with pc's or metal halides depending on what you guys want to keep in it:)
ill let ya know how this goes, later.

Im not sure whats up yet, i have to think more about it and figer out what i wanna do. (if i do)

well she wants to learn on her own, and get her own thing going..

i got a few questions,

BB would be eazyer?
filter stuff that comes with aquapod carbon and some bio balls yada yada yada, what did you use krish?

50watt ebo heater good enought for 12 gal?

extra power head?

im just in the planing stages still. I dont even know if this is gonna happen.

Lr? 10-15 lbs? fuji water movement?

cycleing thoughts.

depending on the filter material that comes with, ill soak in in my sump for about a month, then do a 12 waterchange jump start the nano,

maybe a snails and something else no fish just softy's
Lets see...:)

BB would be eazyer?
filter stuff that comes with aquapod carbon and some bio balls yada yada yada, what did you use krish?

Carbon I use and just hang it in a media bag in the back compartment of the nano cube. Bio-balls are evil:p I tossed them, the sponge and everything that can shoot up nitrates if not cleaned regularily. Your live rock will do all the work for you (biological filtration and denitrification that is) and a small hang on skimmer will pick up the slack along with water changes which I'd suggest her get. As for bare bottom...Depending on what she wants to keep, if they don't require a sand bed, then I'd say yes...Much easier bare bottom (personal opinion of course ;) ). I just feel there's less to clean and worry about and was the first setup for me personally that I went nitrate free. However, sand beds are not bad. You'll just have to make sure you care for it properly as having a small tank like a nano cube, you don't have as much stability as a bigger tank does so little things affect the tank much easier like allowing detritus to settle in the sand bed and rott.:)

extra power head?

Definately. The single pump that comes with the "all in one's" IMO is only good enough for "fish only" and not enough to provide sufficient flow that corals require not to mention not enough flow to keep your rocks from having any dead spots. Nothing 1 or 2 $15 maxi jets can't solve though:)

cycleing thoughts

If you use aged water from your tank, then it will help tons, not to mention some good cured rock from your tank. If you do transfer from your tank, then you should be good to go. If starting from scratch, depending on the condition of the rock and what die-off you will experience etc, time frame will vary.:)
she has a new intrestes in reef tanks now it seems. (long story)

but she wants to get a book fish and read it then make a move. Im pre gameing this hole thing already.

something simple eazy stuff to keep,

shes gonna need a heater, rock sand (maybe) movement refractometer thermometer a few test kits.

Im thinking i should start from fresh, buy uncured rock and cure it in the cylce. that why she would know whats going on. AND i wont exspose my green taxi folia 2 that tank.

looking at the aquapod 12, with the pc's not bad price.....

you said skimmer, whats small enough for that? i dont have to by another remora do i???!!!

ya when i red "bio balls" i though of you first, then i told her we would have to see what it comes with. and figer out what we wanna do.

guess ill cross that bridge when i get to it,

wish me luck guys.

better yet
wish her luck, (its gonna be at her house)
Good luck!:D As for a skimmer, they make a nano version of the remora which is what I use and works great.:)
I wouldn't really worry about a skimmer, I would keep it was simple as possible for her. I have been running my 12g Nanocube DX for 2 years now without any problems. I just do 3-4g weekly water changes, feed, Top off and occationaly scrape the glass.

My set up is pretty simple
Started with 13lbs of LR, and 10-15lb of LS
I have a surface skimmer over the intake.
Chamber #1 Just has Live Rock Rubble.
Chamber #2 Filled with Cheato
Chamber #3 50W Ebo, and MJ600

Here is a ton of info about my tank at 1 Year.
And how it looks currently
I have the 24 gallon power compact aquapod. You can count on horrific heat issues even in cool weather. I replaced the pump with a maxi jet 900 and it still overheated. They are just too tightly covered. I even removed the vent grate; still no good. The top had to be propped against the wall to keep the temp to 83. I finally bought a chiller used on RC.

Id not buy another aquapod PC. I know the halide have heat issues too but not like the PC.

PS when I said horrific, I meant the temp would hover at 84-85 sometimes.
(cough cough) fan?

how about that 12 gallon

K i didnt see anything on there sight...

i did find something called a current Usa nano skimmer.
I use a fan (5 inch) on a timer that cuts it on and off different times of the day and my temp stays at 78F and I have the 70w HQI. I just bought the 150w HQi so I'll see what the difference is. The main thing though between the pc version and the HQI is the pc version has an enclosed hood with an exhaust fan which I'm not sure how well it works. The HQI version, has a glass top that you can remove which allows for better heat transfer:)