Millipora Addict
Ok, so I have a roughly 3" derasa that has been doing great, growing good and generally enjoying life. Until this afternoon I noticed that it was most of he way closed up with about 8-10 of my small 1/4"dia nassarius snails crawling all over and inside of its shell. I thought that was odd so I cleared them all out and tried to feed the tank heavy thinking maybe they nassarius were hungry? (I know long shot but i was the only thing I could think of). that didn't work, not more than a half hour later they start harassing it again. So I clear out all the snails again and just moved he clam to the rockwork in hopes that will detour them. Has anyone encountered this before? because I sure haven't.
PS: as a side not I also have a similar sized crocea not more than 4" from where the derasa was that they've totally left alone.
PS: as a side not I also have a similar sized crocea not more than 4" from where the derasa was that they've totally left alone.