Nassarius harassing derasa

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Millipora Addict
Sep 2, 2007
Federal Way, WA
Ok, so I have a roughly 3" derasa that has been doing great, growing good and generally enjoying life. Until this afternoon I noticed that it was most of he way closed up with about 8-10 of my small 1/4"dia nassarius snails crawling all over and inside of its shell. I thought that was odd so I cleared them all out and tried to feed the tank heavy thinking maybe they nassarius were hungry? (I know long shot but i was the only thing I could think of). that didn't work, not more than a half hour later they start harassing it again. So I clear out all the snails again and just moved he clam to the rockwork in hopes that will detour them. Has anyone encountered this before? because I sure haven't.


PS: as a side not I also have a similar sized crocea not more than 4" from where the derasa was that they've totally left alone.
Hmmm nassarius sanils are kind of the vultures of a reef tank, so normally when you see them all over something it could mean that they sence some kind of weakness or degradation in the clams health. Not much you can do besides doing exaclty what you did, so keep him in the rocks and keep a good eye on the clam.

good luck

Hmmm nassarius sanils are kind of the vultures of a reef tank, so normally when you see them all over something it could mean that they sence some kind of weakness or degradation in the clams health. Not much you can do besides doing exaclty what you did, so keep him in the rocks and keep a good eye on the clam.

good luck


thats exactly what I had thought. Checking on the clam again today its looking better and the mantle is coming out but it seems like its almost split perpendicular where one half is extending normally and the other half is retracted somewhat, not significantly but still inside the shell.
I dont kow if you could write it off just yet Mike, It could have sustained damage to a portion of it and the snails are reacting to the healing tissue?? perhaps removing a portion of the tissue that had died?? Best thing for now is to do what he has done and then keep an eye on it for futher degradation. If you see that then time to get it out prior to it crashing in your tank.

Well as of right now the clam is looking allot better, he undamaged tissue appears out about 90% of normal but the rest is still fairly recessed, not as bad as this morning but still recessed. after moving it to the rockwork the nassarius have left it alone.
Several years ago I had a lot of Nassarius snails in my tank. I brought a clam home from a LFS that I was working at that was in excellent condition that I had been watching prior to bringing it home. Within less than 24 hours the Nassarius snails descended on my new clam and killed it good. Within minutes of putting the clam in I saw the Nassarius emerge from their hiding places. I believe that certain species of Nassarius are better with clams and some are worse. This is my personal experience.
since my last post the clam has actually been doing very well, opening back to its normal amount and it appears from the shape of the mantle that it must have had a pinched mantle in that area as one part appears to be gone and is growing back. as of now the clam is doing great.