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I have always just fired everything up right after letting it set for about 10-15 minutes, never had a problem.

Make sure you have a beer or 3 around in case you have to sit back and think about something. I think you are good to go, take pics :)
ah, yes pictures.. i should do that more often.
i just got a new digital and the awesome thing is that its water proof to 20 feet. i posted some coral pics up a while back from it.. does well for macro's, but i haven't taken a single picture with it out of water. lol
likely next weekend. i have some other things i want to get done first, (the box for the dj power strips and a few other things) and i also have a lot of football i'd like to watch this weekend ... but if i get going early tomorrow it might be tomorrow.. i like to give myself both weekend days when i do stuff like this so i'm home for a a while after i finish them just so i can keep an eye on things.

once its transferred i have to actually start making descisions too, and i'm just not looking forward to that... lol
LOL, now that is funny :). Could be.................... what do you think? Whatever you decide on is probably gonna work, cuz you did think it out, but there just may be a thinking limit, not sure.............................. let me think about it.

sounds like you have enter the "moron cycle" :)

when u coming to check out my setup ?
might give you some ideas :)
Only kind of the moron cycle since its not a constant change type thing.. but with the thinking thing, yeah, I'm pretty sure your right. Once the fuge is ready to be stocked, I'll likely just pull the trigger on something without a second thought, regardless of all this hand wringing leading up to it.. I think the bigger part of the problem is taking so long to be ready to get the fuge online, or at least offline and cycling. Its taken time, and since it has, I've had plenty of time to research and worry and plan and think...
Having to move things, I have to move all my electrical (power strips and such) so I'm trying to get that handled more correctly too. Even with labeled cords, figuring out which one is the skimmer or whatever is a pain and just throwing that "mess" under the stand could end badly. It sits on top of the sump cabinet now, where its somewhat shielded from water drips and spills. With the new cabinet with the fuge on top, its not going to work to have it there, and so if its going to end up underneath the stand, its worth protecting it a bit. I'm building a box for the DJ power strips today (once I figure out where the best spot to move it to will be), so I can try to get the electrical moved, and that will clear the way to get the be able to swap the sump.
This is part of why I haven't been to see your tank yet Kirk although I have spied the webcam. I need to get this stuff done so I can avoid allowing the moron cycle to worsen. The more time it takes, the more hand wringing there will be, and I've already researched to the part where I think I understand all the pros and cons, and now all I'm finding it tangent and caveats. So, as much as I don't like the decision part, I need to get to it and through it, and deal with whatever the results of it are. :)
Now see, its like you totally aren't paying attention here. Have you not seen how many words it takes me to express my thoughts? Paper/pencil and my writing hand do not get along at all! :)
How deep is the sand in your fuge Carla? Do you do any maintenance on it? I'm fairly certain I want to go with a DSB in the fuge for no other reason than to watch it get colonized and worked, because I love the little stuff as much as the big......

if I avoid the fire drills in our home today, I plan on taking a "behind the scene" video of my tank...MAYBE this will give you inspiration on setting up your tank.

as far as the webcam goes, you should notice there are 3 new fish...two falcula bfs and a declivis bf..
I'm jealous of the angels Kirk, as I don't have a tank large enough to really make them happy, and even if I weren't worried about the nipping (which I am a bit until things are more established) I can really only do dwarfs. The coral beauty in my 60 is about the best I'm going to be able to do along that line although I have considered a flame for the 75.
What I have learned over time though is that I like the little fish the most.. That is probably due to the smaller tank size to start with, but I also like the idea of 'lots of little fish' as opposed to anything large. Larger fish in a 75 seem to dwarf the aqua scape to me. Its not a 'bad' thing, it just kind of doesn't fit the look I prefer. The larger of the two blue/green chromis I have borders on feeling too large to me. The look of course scales with the tank as it gets bigger though and when I eventually move to the larger tank, I'm sure that will change too.

Behind the scenes stuff would be awesome. I like that stuff almost as much as the eye candy pics, and it helps to see how others manage keeping all the plumbing and electrical and general equipment from just ruining the view while still being able to maintenance things correctly.
My sand bed is 6" or so, and I don't touch it, learned a long time ago that was bad juju. I would have to think it is doing it's job tho, one of those set it and forget it things.

Do you see lots of life in it when you take the time to look? My only worry about them at all is that somehow I won't end up with enough life to 'work it' for me...
yes..i see spaghetti worms doing their thing and nassarius snails come to the surface when food hits the floor.