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Okay thanks jamie. So you are saying it will look just like a sunset?

Not quite. The Tyree has the bright orange base. This one never got that for me and the original colony didn't seem to have it either. The best I ever got mine was an orangeish brown. The rest of the corals you got from me look to be doing well, so maybe it will color up more for you.
maybe i like they way it looks now. something different then everyone else has. Its good to be different:D
The base is getting more blue everyday now for the last few days.

glad to see the superman is coloring up for ya..
it grows good for me..
And I think what you have is the sunset,
Just wait to see if it's tyree!!!
Okay just let me know adam as there are 2 parts that grew out that are just yelling at me to get cut off:D

He/she is getting so big.


cant seem to get a pic of the purple tang. To little and fast.
What do you guys think this is? Some kind of bonsi? It the tips that are confuzing me, with the more pointy tips rather than the round tips like at the base. There is one branch on the right you can se that is rounded though.




very nice stuff fatboy being 16 and able to support this hobby alone is a task i bet for you. Your fish are beautiful. The rabbit has very nice colors and your sailfin has grown into its adult colors very nice. I also saw a dragon wrasse in one of your pics. Did you keep him and just replace your cuc after it eats them or does he leave the cuc alone? I love the dragon wrasse but didnt want the cost of replacing my cuc to often.
When I got that one, I was told it was a bonsai, but it never really colored up for me. It had some green polyps, but never the purple like it has turned for you. It is really looking nice.

As for the dragon wrasse He has eatan a couple turbos and a few little ones but I really dont have that many snails. Maybe 6 turbos and 15 Astraeas now. I did have a cleaner shrimp and a blood shrimp but he ate those.
When I got that one, I was told it was a bonsai, but it never really colored up for me. It had some green polyps, but never the purple like it has turned for you. It is really looking nice.

Okay thanks.

How the cube coming along for you?


and no i did not frag the superman monti. It fell on my torch and looked fine the next day and then all of a sudden the hole half of that side just whited up on me.