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New member
Jan 17, 2012
Hello. I'm new to RF and just wanted to introduce myself. I'm mechanically inclined, but can't spell worth a darn so I appologize ahead of time for any mis-spellings.

I live in Central Illinois and currently have a 20 Gallon freshwater tank at the house and a 10 Gallon starter reef tank at work with a 10 gallon sump / filter unit. My ultimate goal is to build as close to a natural eco filter system as I can. My lighting on my reef tank was built out of scrap rolled alluminum, a light switch, plastic electrical box, and two lamp builder kits. I'm using 2 compact florescent 6500K 23Watt bulbs. Seems to be working pretty well so far and it was cheap to build. Meijer has the bulbs on sale right now if you can find them in stock for $0.79 (I bought one store out of stock). Currently dealing with an aiptasia problem and my file fish keep dying before they eat it all. Anybody had any luck with Berghia Nudibranchs?

Welcome. I'm in seattle now, but from champaign-urbana originally. Lots of good info here. I am running a refugium, that works great as a natural filter (macro algae grows, using up phosphates, nitrates, etc.) Take out handfuls of it and toss it to remove from system. I also have a sump going loaded with LR for more filtration.

Not sure how far you will be able to go with corals using 2 23W CF bulbs. I use one of them on my fuge though, and it works great. I'm a bit over 700W on my main coral tank, but it has more depth than yours. Might have a bit more algae problems using the 6500k range. But sounds like a pretty sweet DIY lighting system.

People around here have had great success with berghia nudi's. Once the aptasia is gone though, they will die as it is their sole food source. Make sure you don't have any predators in your tank that will eat the berghia before you add em in. They like to hunt in packs, so for a 10, you may want to add 2 or 3 to get started. (one finds food, signals location to others, then they decend and eat, from what I understand.)

Anyway, welcome to RF!
Welcome to RF!
As to using nudi's, I put 5 in a friends aptasia over-run 40 cube. Not a thing happened (that I could see) for three weeks.
Then... aptasia started going away. So awesome! It's on week five and while there are still some aptasia in the tank there are fewer every day.
I did get to see one of the slugs on the glass the other day. It was much smaller than a grain of dry rice when I put it in, now more than an inch long!
This is a bad cell phone picture, if I remember I'll post a decent shot when I get home.

Where did you get the nudi's?

Welcome to RF!
As to using nudi's, I put 5 in a friends aptasia over-run 40 cube. Not a thing happened (that I could see) for three weeks.
Then... aptasia started going away. So awesome! It's on week five and while there are still some aptasia in the tank there are fewer every day.
I did get to see one of the slugs on the glass the other day. It was much smaller than a grain of dry rice when I put it in, now more than an inch long!
This is a bad cell phone picture, if I remember I'll post a decent shot when I get home.


Where did you get the nudi's from? I checked yesterday and it was going to cost me as much to ship them as to buy what I needed for my tanks.

You can get them somewhere online, don't remember where though. They aren't cheap. Sometimes our LFS has them, and maybe more often we get them from another reefer who has cleared up their aptasia problem (as they die once the aptasia is gone.)

But, they aren't cheap if you buy them...

Welcome to RF!!! :welcome: Bummer on the Aiptasia...I was fortunate enough to never have a single one in any of my tanks. Going to knock on wood now lol.

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