Newbies guide to the nano reef

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Good coverage! Just to add....make sure the fish introduced are compatable with each other, and don't grow too large for your nano. Some fish may be fine in a 20 gallon, but wouldn't do so well in a 12 gallon, depending on stocking, etc.
NaH2O said:
Good coverage! Just to add....make sure the fish introduced are compatable with each other, and don't grow too large for your nano. Some fish may be fine in a 20 gallon, but wouldn't do so well in a 12 gallon, depending on stocking, etc.

Thanks Nikki, I've got 30 things going on through what is left of my mind. Though them announcing one last sgt.'s promotion off the list I'm on does help quite a bit. Now only if the chinese government would get off their dupas and get the adoption schedules back on track.... good news is the sox seem to be tanking, the flubbies are creating false hope, and the Bears 1st exhibition game is this weekend....bonus, I'm OFF. Football, Wiggles concert and the Bristol Renaissance Faire, my plate is full this weekend. I need it badly.:shock:
The Wiggles and a Renaissance Faire....da Bears will be a great palate cleanser! :D.

My brother and family went through the Chinese adoption process, and brought home a wonderful baby (turned 1 year while they were in China) last year. I wish you all the best!!!

"Get wiggle.......wiggle all ten toes! Woooo!" :lol:. You know you have it bad when you can name all the Wiggles and know what color they wear :lol:
ONe of the guys in my department just adopted a Russian boy....I expect he'll be singing all these songs soon also.

maxx said:
ONe of the guys in my department just adopted a Russian boy....I expect he'll be singing all these songs soon also.


Trust me, I curse Walt Disney every chance I get. But, these songs are so, so, so, addictingly simple, you can't help to break out in "Henry the octopus lives down in the deep blue sea..." Kinda quells a domestic real quick, cuz they think you're part of the rubber gun squad.
Need to vent folks....

14 years. This is the longest job I've ever held and it amazes me that once you think you've heard it all, a new excuse comes out've left field and like a punch to the kidneys, leaves you too stunned to remember why you actually came in contact with said person. Some of the best I've heard and can acurately remember:

1. "No sir, that was my twin brother who has the warrant, I'm a year older then him."

2. When asked how many feet were in a yard the answer was "Thats a trick question office, it all depends on how many people are at the party."

3. After pulling a person over at around 1am for no headlights and asked could they see okay the person took off their glasses and said "Sure, I just got my new glasses yesterday."

4. Stopping a fella for urinating on a building in an alley "But it's my house."

5. "I'm seeking political asylum from the American government" as the person walked into the station.

6. Standing right in front of the Sears Tower, I was directing traffic during lunch time when a person yelled out "Excuse me officer, but where is the Sears Tower?" The laughter elicited from the crowd of people waiting to cross the street was better then any response I could come up with.

7. "I can't believe this, I'm the one who called the police and I'm the one going to jail."

8. Sitting behind a vehicle that was stopped at a stop sign for about a minute and asking that person what were they doing "Waiting for the light to turn green."

9. After retrieving a burglar from a drop ceiling "I was just looking for my dog, he's a Jack Russell, man can they jump ."

10. After asking a salon full of older women about a flasher who exposed himself to them and then asking the general description of the offender the officer asked when trying to get a weight on the male asked how big was he? A lady who was probably close to 70 stated " He was small." While using her thumb and forefinger to indicate about two inches.

Hope this helps, enjoy. Mike.
Those are all better than what I've heard so far...
but one of my favorites was the kid who hit my patrol car, (while it was parked, and I was in it...after I told him to pick up the trash he just threw on the ground in front of the trash can...), and tried to flee the scene...and he found me waiting for him at the only way out....

"Uh, I was just coming back to talk to you."
Uh, huh....your under arrest for leaving the scene of an accident. Is there anything in your pockets that will hurt me or stick me?"
"No sir."
"Whats this? This looks like marijuana..."
"uh, thats not mine."
"Who's is it?"
"Are these your pants your wearing?"
"Are you wearing YOUR pants?"
"Uh, yeah I guess."
"Well has anyone else been wearing your pants today?"
"Well, I guess its yours then, isnt it?"
"Uh..........yeah............................ Am I going to jail?????"

I quit speaking to him at that point.

cool thread!!! very cool indeed...lots of things to learn... and i'm enjoying all the things written here.. simply the best thread!!!

more power and more comments!
Holy Shniickeys, I made the paper.

Usually when one in law enforcement makes the newspapers, A. They were killed, B. They were indicted. On a rare occassion they get touted for doing a job well done. PM me and I'll give you a link to a good laugh.
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Awesome Mike!!! I caught the link before it was edited. Congrats! Did Lollypop the clown make you any cute balloon animals?
Awesome Mike!!! I caught the link before it was edited. Congrats! Did Lollypop the clown make you any cute balloon animals?

She had a look of horror on her face when I asked for an anatomically correct male draft horse. In regards to clowns, we had moved to an apartment about half a mile away from John Wayne Gacy's house about four days after he was pinched, so my formative years with clowns are, shall we say, not pleasant.
Last hijack of my own thread. I'm starting a new chapter on my career on Monday. The call came and I accepted. The good news is since it's 8-4 training that I'll have more time for my wife, daughter and will be able to start back up on this thread. Thanks one and all for their patience, Mike.
Feed the little frockers....

...without ending up on welfare.

Let me start this shindig off with a disclaimer: I am not a marine biologist, zoologist, nutritionist, horticulturist, numerologist, scientologist nor a card carrying member of the Mensa Society. What I am is a smart alleck, ball busting, spouse, father and part time marine aquarist who read a lot, guessed a bit and had the luck of the marine gods shine upon him a time or two. None of this should be taken as the gospel according to Mike, but just a anecdotal ramblings of a mad marineist.....

Before I start on my own drivel I implore you to read up on the following two master pieces done by leedca on fish and dietary needs:

Now for the informal do's don'ts and might be illegal in your jurisdiction of residencey.

What: Since who, is not necessary in this discussion, I'll skip it and get with the substance. What you should feed to our free swimming creatures? I've lamented before, most fish suitable for the nano reef are either carnivores or omnivores. For anyone not up on their dead languages it's kinda like the difference between the menu of an Irish pub or a French bistro. Yet, since our little boxes o' glass cannot provide the fishes the variety in their diet they can obtain in the wild we must vary what we offer. I've had success with the various foods for my two metrovorous fishes: mysis, spirulina brine, ocean plankton, oceans nutrition formulas 1 and 2, reef formula, daphina, rotifers, and cyclopeeze. The only flake offered once a week would be O N formula 2 flake, and Marine S pellets, once a week both stored in the freezer, thanks Steve S.

Where in the tank, dummie!!!!:)

When This is like talking politics in a tavern. A very touchy subject, amongst the salts but like I've learned after forteen years on the job, every one tells a smidgen of the truth it's our job to extract, interpret, and summarize in a intelligible manner. I'm in the twice a day camp myself. Going with a very light feeding of the tiny pod-sized food after the lights have been on at least 30 minutes. My clown is very brutal when the lights come on, so the wait gives him/her a chance to work out the crabbiness. A third of a cube or two scissor shavings of cyclo for the 1st feeding. The second or before I go off to work heavier feeding is the larger frozen food stuffs that have been soaking in a supplement since the first feeding.

How....much? I gave you a guide for the two small fish and cleaner shrimp I have once it came to the pod-like meal. The larger meal, I use a whole mysis shrimp as the standard: my clown can eat 4-6 at a sitting, my watchman goby 2-4. The cleaner will eat till it bursts, so he don't count. With the gelled frozen meals, I slice small portions from the cube, into a small bowl, I then start mincing the portions into bite sized pieces and let thaw for a minute. Then slowly putting two-three pieces into the tank a time, giving the fish time to work the food into their stomachs. I've found this helps keep food off the bottom, trust me my nass's have plenty to scavenge.

Why why not? Whats the fun of shelling out all that cash for these colorful ocean dwellers just to starve them to death, thinking, falsely I might add, that the live rock and sand will sustain their nutritional needs. FEED THEM.

There are many strategies for feeding when and how much. Go with the one that will keep your fish vibrant in color, active and healthy. The other important area to address is, over feeding will cause algae outbreaks and a possible nitrogen cycle, both are not good. Strive for the somewhat perfect balance and the beauty that is returned will be your reward. See Yaaaa, Mike.
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Sorry one and all. Had a major crash (computer) and have been recovering all my lost stuff. I will get into corals shortly, but have been busy at work. I'm going through pre-sergeant training, in the detective unit and since I'm assigned to robberies, tis a busy season. Mickey the Mope needs to xmas shop too, I guess. Anyways, hope everyone is well and how about the Monsters of the Midway? See how this game against the Pats go before I get overly homer on everyone. Oh, a little update: My mushroom has become 4 seperate individuals, the xenia is being constantly trimmed (fragged) I have four-five stalks on the back wall that have become my clown's full size bed at night, will take a pic, he/she lays on it sideways, the goni colony doesn't elongate as much as it used too (I may need to feed more often) but it's tissue at the base of the colony is thickening, coloring on the polyps is darkening and I'm getting (drumroll please) baby polyps (excuse the layman's term). Well, I should be going back to training soon, so I will be able to update. Look for something real soon.
Good to hear things are cool. I knew you were busy w/ work...tis the busy season after all, and ya cant exactly expect the nimrods to start acting like normal people just cause its the holidays....
Had to laugh when I saw Borat as your avatar....I kinda figured that would be your sort of humor.


He's got enough idiots to take care of...he doesnt need any more work...

