Newbies guide to the nano reef

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Stonogobiops yasha it's not a rash, but a relative newcommer to the landlocked reef display. I chose this goby as the first of many, because it seems to be as popular as leg warmers were in the 80's, curses upon Flashdance. It's coloring and pattern of a candy cane with yellowed highlighted fins make it a welcome addition to the display. They are part of the longray shrimp gobies association, so if you want it to show off it's normal behavior, lets all say this together class, our ultimate goal as responsible reefists is to mimic our charges natural surroundings to promote their natural behaviors thusly (is that a word in modern english?) letting them live long and "happy" lives. That being pontificated upon, you may look into getting it's partner in crime: the pistol shrimp. They will form a bond and cause all kinds of grief to anyone who dares tread on their burrow hole.

A less aggressive and timid subject, becareful how you acclimate to the display, after suitable QT. This little guy needs a sandbed and so does the pistolero scrimp. Also, he may be a great canidate for introducing in your 1st then put your slightly more boisterous in-laws in later. Feeding, small amounts at least once, but better yet, two-three times a day of marine based meaty foods. Again I stress try to get them to eat marine greens just to get the best variety of nutrition.

To wrap this up, since it's discovery and classification in 2001, the Yasha or Yashia goby is perfect for the nano. Maximum length at 2", brings nice coloring to the tank and will exhibit a neat relationship if paired with frito the bandito. Enjoy our Happy day of treasonous sedition.:lol: Mike.
Cryptocentrus cinctus, it's not the latin name for the Crypt Keeper. This is me newest addition to my nano, the yellow prawn or watchman goby. This guy is pretty neat in a Gary Oldman kinda way. One second taking on the role of defender of its burrow, to becoming a wall flower the next, when scoping out a potential threat. Nice golden yellow hue through it's entire body, flecked with bluish spots aroung the gills. Seems to swim better backwards then it does forwards. Or mine is a sandwich short of a picnic. It is definately a bottom dweller keeping near it's burrow when not actively hunting pods to dine on.

Feeding: gobies in general and my own observation with this particular one is it feeds near the bottom. Since my clown is a hog, I've varied the ways food is delivered to the tank. Usually using a small burst of pre-soaked from the medicine dropper, to get the clown and skunk shrimp to the surface. Then a second more violent one to get food near the bottom so Juan De Jesus Que Miguel los Santos Nachos can get his fill. These need to be fed on at least a two a day schedule. This guy will eat anything: rotifers, mysis, spirulina brine, cyclopeeze and anything Ocean Nutrition offers. I do soak the larger foodstuffs with primereef, zoe and selcon, rotating the soak daily.

These may attempt to take out smaller ornamental shrimp and will not tolerate another of its own kind, same sexed. If you can find a mated pair, they have been known to do the horizontal hokey pokey in captivity. No danger to your sessile inverts has been found by yours truely.

They are real shy, I got mine, it was a small juvey who is now starting to come out of its shell. I've thought about a pistol shrimp so they could be become bosum buddies, but I think I have enough movers in the tank as it is. That is the hardest part of nano reefing: knowing when enough is enough.
Take care alls youse guys and gals and enjoy the weekend. I'm working so, I will have to do it vicariously. Mike.:mad:
I wore leg warmers!

I love reading the updates on this thread....kind of like a box of never know what you're going to get. Wow, did Forrest Gump ruin that line? I can never say it without the accent.

I'm glad you posted about shrimp goby pairs. I'm upgrading the 12 gallon nano to a 29 gallon, and a shimp - goby pair is going to be a must for the tank.

Also, I can attest first hand to a bi-color blenny developing a taste for SPS. Grrrrr.

On a side note, since I know you're a Cubbies fan....there was a lot of shouting going on at my dad's over the fourth weekend.....with the Sox vs. Cubs games :rolleyes:. Nice garbage thowing ;) :p
A little something different....

....figures you did Nikki. BTW I've given up all hope on the boys in blue. I wish your team success....(just finally choked the bile back down)....

Safety first is what we practice... as the old dity went when we were ankle biters. Reason I'm taking a little pit stop if you will, is I had an experience a few days ago that could've really ruined my day.

I was going to remove an unsightly piece of broken off live rock that was really doing nothing but ruining the feng shui of the tank. Luckily I put my fingers (go right ahead and call me an idiot) on the piece where I had a good visual to prevent injuring myself with a jagged edge. Well, I shook the piece violently (well not that bad) to clear any squatters that may have taken up residence. By accident, I glanced at something that I did not originally see when I picked up the piece. Can I getta aya-men-ah for the big kahuna, cause I found another hitcher that may have caused me a wasted trip to the ER thinking I was poisoned. I had a tiny rock urchin stuck to the rock. Nice purple hue to it. Ran to get one of my handy SW guides, took a pair of forceps and ever so gently detached him from the rock and commuted his death sentence to a living hell in my world. Yes, thats the way I roll y'all.;)

Moral to the story, just cause you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.
Puh-leeze (emphasized by two head jerks to the left side) be careful when putting los manos en la tanko! ....let the midnight special shine a light on me.... CCR. Mike.:rolleyes:
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The rest of the goblinoids.

....or things that go bump in the night.

Since there seems to be about 5 thousand of these family members (what a reunion that would be) I'll list some more, if there is any behavior or diet concern that is different than the ones previously mentioned then I will become the Shell answer guy and give y'all a hint or two. :shock:

Rest of the shrimp goby interspeciel (not sure if that is a word) nano specials:

Amblyeleotris fasciata Wheeler's shrimp goby <= 10g
Amblyeleotris guttata Orangespotted shrimp goby <= 10g
Amblyeleotris randalli Randall's shrimp goby <= 10g

Cleaner gobies as their name implies, will function like cleaner shrimps:

Gobiosoma multifasciatum Greenbanded goby <=5g
Gobiosoma randalli Yellownose goby <= 5g
Gobiosoma oceanops Neon Goby <= 10g
Gobiosoma punticulatus Redhead Goby <= 10g

The last group I will put down are perfect size wise for our minnie minnow buckets but I need to put in a disclaimer: these may nip SPS corals, and their resting patterns may cause irritation to LPS as they tend to perch, possibly causing the polyps not to fully extend as it sits on it's lazy dupa.

Gobiodon acicularis Needlespine Coral Goby <= 5g
Gobiodon citrinus Cintron or Yellow Clown Goby <= 10g
Paragobiodon lacunicolus Blackfin Coral Goby <= 5g

My eyes are crossed right now, feel free to pipe in on any goby you've had and in 100 words or less, would feel that particular one would be a most excellent canidate for the nano reef. Enjoy the heatwave, Mike.:razz:
My life will be upside down till Sept. then into the concrete mixer.

I just got news that the last class of promotions will occur just after Labor day. they haven't said the size of the class, but I was only 20 out. They've never promoted less then 50. Im in shock right now, but will update with a few select nano fish before I tackle the clowns. Be safe everyone and thanks for all the encouraging words. Mike.:eek:
Pseudocheilinus hexataenia

.....or the sorta chillin' six shooter....the six lined wrasse. Adds a major splash of color to any tank it's put in. It's three types of fish rolled into one. A cleaner, pod eater, and scourage to ornamental shrimp. Reddish, orange, purple w/a jigger full of yellow, easily identified by it's 6 dark stripes running from eye to tail. This is a fish for 15 gallons on up and would need to be added after all the less aggressive fish have been established due to it's shall we say: FEISTINESS. Should not mess with any fish it's own size or larger. Primarily a carnivore, mixing in sea greens will keep it at optimal health and keep it's color lively. A darting swimmer in need of cave-like surroundings. The big beef with the only type of wrasse small enough for the nano is it's propensity of feeding on certain small shrimp. Be wary of adding this seemingly nerd of the reef. Take care peoples, Football season is right around the corner and I'll try to get more updates through before I become a couch zombie.
I have a 6-line wrasse in the 120 gallon. Definately a cool fish to watch zooming around.

Stay safe out there Mike!
Synchiropus splendidus/picturatus

Oh, lord in thee high heaven, you sent us not one, but two of your most dazzling, diminutive creatures to be perfect for our smallest and humblest nanos. But being you are the biggest Parrot-head this side of the Pecos, the smartest of any at the Microsoft think-tank, and the biggest jokester outside of Jackie Mason, you have conditions for your gifts to your most humble servents....("testify" shouted from the rafters)

The Mandarin gobies, if one wants to be it's shepard, must toil, for typical marine canon, cannot provide the daily bread these wonderous fishies require to live, Ay-ah-men-ah. We must turn back the hordes of Satan, who plant in our minds the seed of evil that says "Get 'em." The sustanence required by the lords very own acid trip, that a living factory of copious amounts of living rock and Live Sea Sand to produce the ever end of the food chain...the pod. These creatures like your favored sheep are constant grazers. The size of the chapels we provide our flock will never be enough for these strange tie-dyed flippered fellows. Yet, if may perchance upon one that eats like the rest of your humble flock, GGGGGGGETTTTTT IIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTT immediately!
You have just won divine grace, not to be confused with Keno.

Remember before, not are we only dealing with space issues, but the issue of ethics is number two for us nanoist. Group hug peoples, and stay cool cuz it's bad out there. Mike.:evil:
Thanks Nikki, was inspired by this whole Mel Gibson incident and anytime I can "give back" to the church, I never pass it up.;) Oh well, I'm still exhausted from last night, power outtage in an area that contained many senior high rises. I sometimes forget that the elevators don't work when this happens, nor the AC. If I wanted all this excercise, I would've taken the fire test.....................:shock:
Yeah, but then you'd be more into BBQ'ing and cooking than reefkeeping....
'sides, you wouldnt want to sleep your life away would you?

It was a great post Mike.

maxx said:
Yeah, but then you'd be more into BBQ'ing and cooking than reefkeeping....
'sides, you wouldnt want to sleep your life away would you?

It was a great post Mike.


I always ask a bed wetter what their full time job is. All kidding aside, rather me walking away from a fire then trying to fight it. As a CFD Battlion Chief said on a news piece "We're not the police, we don't run towards a man who has a gun..." Amen. Stay safe, Mike.
"We're not the police, we don't run towards a man who has a gun"

Find cover. The shoot him.

Think McFly, think....

Remember, they are very well paid adults who get to play with their hoses in public and not get locked up for it....
My brother in law is a StL City fire fighter on the Rescue Squad....he works his butt off.

The guys in my town OTH.....well.....lets just say they run code to E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

"There's a cat stuck in a tree! GO!GO!GO!"


Anything to be able to use all those neat toys they get. Yes, metropolitan anything, work their tales off. Only because of packing a hundred pounds of manure in a 5 pound bag. I feel for smaller departments because A. everyone of the citizens own a gun. B. you're usually 10-99, (by yourself) w/your back up 10-15 minutes away. C. if you make a mistake, your tookus is in the ringer. Just stay safe, and LYAO daily. Mike.
Thee Anenome Fish: Amphiprion

.....or why is watching Shakes the Clown such a closet activity in America? Before I put my two cents in on the subject I implore you to look at the linked thread that Elmo18 has been laboring on for a long time, a great read on the clown fish:

My own experience with the clown is my very first fish purchase, the Amphiprion ocellaris as a small, tank bred juvenile. When I first got him, he developed lymphocytis, but with keeping the water as pristine as possible and regular feedings of quality food, he/she fought it off.

BTW, I'll always refer to the clown as transgendered, not because I'm insecure :p but with the sexing issues of this species, I guess it's okay to call them he/shes. Hey if the bigwigs at Disney had no problem, neither do I.

Behavior of the Amphiprion: Basically anything goes. The best is when they do their own version of the Westside Story, sharks dance. Posing for us to be entertained, I would hope, but it's more of a warning to others, "I'm nuts I tell ya, nuts, now help me get this squirrel off my tail..." You'll find them swimming, lounging, laying flat or in any number of posistions. Thats just them. The one thing I've noticed, is a stress induced behavior is for them to swim into the tank's flow and swim toward it as hard as possible. Another is not eating, duh.

Hosting: with our tiny tanks and lesser lighting set-ups, don't worry about not getting the clowns unnatural/natural soulmate, the anenome. Wait a minute Mike, you've stated before that in order to keep our charges happy, we have to keep them in a state as close to as what they enjoy in nature=natural behavior! HA, got you now, ya hypocrite...Guess what, the clown will host in virtually anything, right back atcha buddy! Mine likes a clump of bottle brush. He sleeps and more importantly, defends that patch as would a Victorian era virgin before her wedding night.

Feeding: this should be the most you ever see a clown swim. Lazy by natue, they do get feisty during feeding, mating, brooding, and defense of the host. Feed a variety of frozen foods, adding greens when you can and make sure foodstuff is small enough for their mouths.

This applies to the true and false percula fish. Either one is a joy to own and have been known to live as long as 20 years in captivity. There is the barometer peoples. I'll get into other nano clowns later. Bye for now, I get to work my day off. At least the heat wave broke here in the midwest. Stay cool, Mike.
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....or the radical jihad movement of the reef dwelling community. Ideal in size for the nano, you have to take in many considerations when you decide if the dottyback is right for you.

Good points: A.Coloring is spectacular in most species of this family. B. Free swimmers for the most part, you'll see a lot of activity from these lil' buggers (see bad points also). C. Most make meals of flat worms.

Bad points: A. In general in a nano setting, they are highly aggressive to other peaceful fish. B. AKA "shrimp slayer" of the nth degree. C. Tend to lose their brilliant coloring if not fed a varied diet.

With my hat in hand, I ask you to seriously consider everything I've laid out before you make an impulse buy on these, pretty, but potentially deadly sea daggers. The one that could be recommended by your dear old Uncle Mike is the Pictichromis porphyrea or Magenta dottyback. They tend to be "less" aggressive and may find a nice niche in your glass box.

Toodles, stay cool, and safe. Mike.

....not to be confused with the sweet lovely lady who spoiled the bejeesus outta ya. The Gramma Royale (a shout out to the froggies out there) is another in the grouping I like to term as a nano reef terror. Size is ideal but disposistion and tendencies to nip and eat sessile inverts and shrimps may make this a noosh noosh in our little tanks. Therein lies the quandry we put ourselves in, when we go the nano route. Primarily a carnivore, feed enriched meaty foods getting the greens in when you can.

If I sound like a broken record on certain posts, it's because I've found from personal experience that continued hammering of certain points upon my thick slavic skull, are retained much better.

Guess what, we'll be going to go into the sessile inverts very soon. I will tackle this with as much banal wit as I can muster. Too bad Gregorian chant does not translate into printed text too well. Next up, coral.