Chapter 5 Pt Fin
The Shrimps
....or I like 'em best deep fried w/a little bbq sauce on the side.
Let me state an opinion about shrimps in the nano setting. Very do-able as long as you keep in mind a couple of things: They are not part of your clean up crew. Consider them as your in-laws, an evil part of marriage, because they consume food like your fish, add some what to the bioload and can, depending on the family not be reef safe. They need iodine/iodide to molt and certain nano fish will find them very tasty. Other then the "cleaner" shrimps, the sand lot gang could potentially screw up any sand sitting corals in your tank when they start kicking up debris and this in turn could sicken your $65 open brain. I will put a blanket statement for the nano newbie: Stick with the "cleaners" in anything smaller then 30 gallons.
With that off my chest here are some nice options in the nano:
1. The Common or skunk or golden skunk shrimp. I have one and love that damn little hog. Coloring is sleek (car commercial, I know), friendly as all hades (likes to take rides on my hands, and his reverse imitation of JC walking on water is priceless), eats fish waste, and will help to clean necrotic tissue and parasites on your fish. He is Flo-bee of the ocean world. Will steal food from your corals but a DIY coral feeder will solve that problem.
2. The Fire or Blood or Scarlet shrimp. Hauntingly blood red coloring. Serves the same functions as the skunk. Pricey since it is from deeper water, intense lighting may keep it bunkered down in a cave during viewing hours. I don't know about you but if I'm paying 40 bucks for something I want to see it.
3. Peppermint shrimp. Known for the anecdotal abilities of consuming out breaks of the pest glass anenomes. Kinda like that girl you had nocturnal emissions over in high school, cute, but shy. Lastly, they have been known to "mistake" coral for their natural food source. BEWARE!!!!!!!!
Since I've stated my opinion on the shrimps for a nano reef, I will not get into sand-lot gang. Though I will tell you, "sexy" shrimp might not be a bad purchase. Search our threads and archives about them. With the smaller tank a "pistol" shrimp would not be a hot idea. Thats just moi....
If someone has another opinion, please post. I'm just going with my own experience and shared information is the key to this wonderful hobby. I gots to get some beauty sleep. I'll talk lighting next.....Mike.
The Shrimps
....or I like 'em best deep fried w/a little bbq sauce on the side.
Let me state an opinion about shrimps in the nano setting. Very do-able as long as you keep in mind a couple of things: They are not part of your clean up crew. Consider them as your in-laws, an evil part of marriage, because they consume food like your fish, add some what to the bioload and can, depending on the family not be reef safe. They need iodine/iodide to molt and certain nano fish will find them very tasty. Other then the "cleaner" shrimps, the sand lot gang could potentially screw up any sand sitting corals in your tank when they start kicking up debris and this in turn could sicken your $65 open brain. I will put a blanket statement for the nano newbie: Stick with the "cleaners" in anything smaller then 30 gallons.
With that off my chest here are some nice options in the nano:
1. The Common or skunk or golden skunk shrimp. I have one and love that damn little hog. Coloring is sleek (car commercial, I know), friendly as all hades (likes to take rides on my hands, and his reverse imitation of JC walking on water is priceless), eats fish waste, and will help to clean necrotic tissue and parasites on your fish. He is Flo-bee of the ocean world. Will steal food from your corals but a DIY coral feeder will solve that problem.
2. The Fire or Blood or Scarlet shrimp. Hauntingly blood red coloring. Serves the same functions as the skunk. Pricey since it is from deeper water, intense lighting may keep it bunkered down in a cave during viewing hours. I don't know about you but if I'm paying 40 bucks for something I want to see it.
3. Peppermint shrimp. Known for the anecdotal abilities of consuming out breaks of the pest glass anenomes. Kinda like that girl you had nocturnal emissions over in high school, cute, but shy. Lastly, they have been known to "mistake" coral for their natural food source. BEWARE!!!!!!!!
Since I've stated my opinion on the shrimps for a nano reef, I will not get into sand-lot gang. Though I will tell you, "sexy" shrimp might not be a bad purchase. Search our threads and archives about them. With the smaller tank a "pistol" shrimp would not be a hot idea. Thats just moi....
If someone has another opinion, please post. I'm just going with my own experience and shared information is the key to this wonderful hobby. I gots to get some beauty sleep. I'll talk lighting next.....Mike.
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