Active member
As many of you may already know This years North West Coral Farmers Market was canceled. This was due to several reasons but low attendance to the previous two CFM was most likely a factor. After talking to Steve Tyree it sounds like the NW-CFM is not coming back until 2011. For me it was an event I looked forward to all year. It is the North Wests opportunity to be a big part of the national reef keeping scene. My question is, if the NW-CFM does come back to Portland who would make the journey south to attend? I know it is a long way for many of you but it is a great event and could use your support. 2011 is a long ways away so if we can show enough support maybe we could convince Steve and Art to bring the event back sooner.
If you have not heard of this event here is a link:
If you have not heard of this event here is a link: