Next MACNA September 14-16, 2007 in Pittsburgh, PA

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I can't believe you aren't coming, Nicky. I was practicing Guitar Hero last weekend in anticipation.

ROFL! Steven, we'll have to rematch sometime. Perhaps we could also get Anthony on the ole' Guitar Hero, too. Enough drinks, and I bet he would :D.....and I'll have camera in hand :lol:. You better keep practicing because I'll be out of newbie beginner at some point :rolleyes:. lolol

sryder - I'm not that I have to keep my eyes out for suspicious vehicles marked "MACNA or Bust". Hopefully, if I'm grabbed I am cleaned up and don't look like I just rolled out of bed. That would be scarey :eek: :rolleyes:

Boomer - I have a good buddy of mine (Brian Tucker) looking for you to give you a big hug from me. Don't listen to any of the stories about me though!

Also....Chuck has a birthday coming up, so you all can celebrate it while he's there!!!!
So where the heck are you dude?!?


I was at the hospital. My mom went completely nuts. I mean she was "Rachel" nuts, that's how bad it was. It was scary. We had to check her into the hospital. It turned out to merely be an electrolyte imbalance and they had to fix her ADH (I think) hormone and get her Sodium up to 120. She got to go home last night but it was silly to do it. Chemo started this morning so she is back there right now.

Not only that. I took a short break and went home. During this short break, Cherokee slipped out of her collar so my 13 year old blind and partially deaf dog was wandering aimlessly around Maryland Heights. I did all the things with the cops, APA, Humane Society, etc. She's not been found and I'm "choosing to believe" that she is making some family with little children real happy right now.

I was at the hospital. My mom went completely nuts. I mean she was "Rachel" nuts, that's how bad it was. It was scary.
We had to check her into the hospital. It turned out to merely be an electrolyte imbalance and they had to fix her ADH (I think) hormone and get her Sodium up to 120. She got to go home last night but it was silly to do it. Chemo started this morning so she is back there right now.

Wow, well, I'm glad everything is under control now.

Not only that. I took a short break and went home. During this short break, Cherokee slipped out of her collar so my 13 year old blind and partially deaf dog was wandering aimlessly around Maryland Heights. I did all the things with the cops, APA, Humane Society, etc. She's not been found and I'm "choosing to believe" that she is making some family with little children real happy right now.

We all missed you Curt!!
We all missed you Curt!!

I cannot tell you how much I wanted to be at MACNA. I REALLY needed to have a few hours of fun. I also wanted to meet some people face-to-face (you know who you are) but sometimes "You don't always get what you want......but if you try sometimes, you get what you need".

Maybe next year.

My mom is alive and her prognosis is that this particular cancer has a lot of Regiments that are effective against it.
Sorry to hear that Curt, wish things would of been better for you, like you said maybe next year, heck maybe I'll get it go:)
Sorry to hear that Curt, wish things would of been better for you, like you said maybe next year, heck maybe I'll get it go:)


Thanks bud!!!

I have another weird hobby. I like to know how to say Hello, Thank You, and Good-Bye in any language I hear. One of my mom's nurses was Czech and I got to learn that one this weekend. (Her name was Eva and she was HOT). :)

Until we finally get to meet face to face, please let me know Cajun (and yes, I realize it's a dialect and not a language) for;


I had a bunch of guys I had to meet at the Holiday Inn for drinks that I promissd I would be there.:D And at the airport, found out secretly from a guy, that his boss was giving/sending me a $300 dollar gift after our talk, which has to do with another hobby of mine.:D
Until we finally get to meet face to face, please let me know Cajun (and yes, I realize it's a dialect and not a language) for;


We have many ways of saying each, I'll actually have to think about this some, as I hear it daily & don't realize there is a difference:oops:, I'll make a list.
Sorry to hear Curt! best wishes... I was looking forward to meeting you. Hopefully next time.

Sara, I was fortunate enough to meet and have a drink with Boomer. I guess you weren't hanging around in the right spot :)

Nice to finally meet you after all of these years (10-12??) Boomer
I guess you weren't hanging around in the right spot :)

Actually, I was hanging out with Morgan from Inland Aquatics, James F. (the clam guy), a friend of his, and a few other people I don't remember now... lol
Chuck - I should have sent you with a button with a picture of me, so folks could feel like they met me :D lolol.

Glad all had a great time! Boomer one of these days we will cross paths. I promise, you won't forget me....although I don't know if that's a good or bad thing lolol. Let's hope next year my schedule works out for either IMAC or MACNA.

Curt - give me a jingle when you get a chance/feel up to it. I have some info from the friend in remission with the same type of cancer as your mom....she wanted me to pass it onto you.
Curt - give me a jingle when you get a chance/feel up to it. I have some info from the friend in remission with the same type of cancer as your mom....she wanted me to pass it onto you.

Sure thing Nikki. Tonight my mom (on some drugs that affect her judgement) decided she was going to drive. She ran right into a retaining wall and really beat up her car pretty bad. She was confused and just started walking down the road. Technically, she left the scene of an accident. We're lucky she didn't get arrested.