Northend Chapter of PSAS?

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Would you like to see a North end chapter of PSAS formed?

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Well-known member
RF Premium Member
Mar 23, 2005
La Conner, WA.
There are a few of us in the Northend that have been talking quite a bit about a Northend Chapter of PSAS!

Would you favor this if it were to happen and would you be involved?
Yes, I think this would be a win/win situation for both PSAS and many Northend Reefers/Aquarist. In our very busy life schedules it often dificult to burn a whole saturday (3-5 hour travel time figured in) even for a hobby we have such passion for. For many of us, myself included it was only the 'Bob Moore Frag Swap' and the BBQ that was attended. I/we should attend more than 2 out of 10-11 meetings anually and believe that if they were within 30 miles most would attend more often.

There has been alot of talk about starting another Club but personally think that an addition to an already established well ran organization such as PSAS would trump all other options. I would also like to get more involved and having a closer meeting area would be prudent in that decision. I'd leave it up the curent BOD for how to control it but would think by adding an Asst Secretary & Asst Treasurer couold be done.

My .02, Todd
I agree Todd that this would be a win win for everyone! As I was talking to Tom this evening, the North end could hold their monthly meetings on a different day, that way if any one from the North wants to go to the PSAS meeting down south they can and visa versa.
I'm in favor.
As (other) Todd says, it is often tough to drive several hours to attend a meeting. I would also support splitting meetings 50% South and 50% North, but I suspect that would decrease attendance from the southenders and would not be a good long term solution.
I'm not sure what the downside would be to have a north chapter. What are the concerns from those opposed?

I thought they were splitting the meetings up between the north and south this year. The first meeting this year was at Adams (south). Then we had the Rain Forest meeting (I would call that midway). Last month's meeting was in Redmond (north) and next month's meeting is on Whidby Island (way north but we are still going). Am I wrong here? I will also add that there was very little north end attendance at the last meeting or at the Rain Forest meeting. I think Adam was calling out for people to offer up their place or suggest a north end location for a meeting and I don't think he got much input. I know I'm new here but I just don't see the upside of splitting up such a dynamic, knowledgeable group. JMHO.
Hows it going Eric!

We arnt wanting to split up the PSAS at all, what were wanting to do is add a chapter to the PSAS that in no way would conflict with the PSAS at all. As you know, there isnt alot of Northend attendance and IMHO the vast majority of members are in the south. Having a Northend chapter will increase the membership base to PSAS as well as provide those in the north to learn from one another. Also by having meetings on another saturday than the South, it gives everyone the opportunity to attend a South, North or both meetings if they desire.

I try to make all of the meetings myself, but here this year has been absolutely nuts with business as well as family issues in California. I am certainly ready for the new year to begin.........LOL
I also agree to the addition. A Northend chapter would only be a positive addition to the PSAS, and could also generate more interest from this area. Participation equals growth, which is the only thing I can see being effected here. As with anything, growth is a good thing. The Pacific Northwest is a rather large area, and to minimize the club down to only the Seattle area would only stunt that growth. I know that there are members all through out Washington, but how many people from out side of Seattle, and Spokane are members of the PSAS. I would venture to say that there are quite a few. So since PSAS would not be in any risk from this addition, and the greater Seattle area would not be losing anything from having this chapter, I believe that this could be the beginning of something good for all.
I know there's many of us that live North of Seattle.
It's a big pill for me to swallow when I have to go to SEA-TAC. Not only is it forever away, traffic isn't getting any better on I-5.

I know there are several people on Whidbey Island that have reef tanks but do not belong to any clubs because most of the events are held in Spokane or Tacoma area. Reasons are easy why it's like that, that's where the population of reef keepers is the most dense. Just makes sense to do it that way.

Even if Membership grew by 50 people by starting up a "North-End" chapter and having meetings that had a 50% turn out, wouldn't that be worth it.

If there was some semi-annual stuff going on that was 3-5 hours a way and if I could stay in the area long enough to plan for it, I would be willing to make that trip. I also feel that others would also be willing to make that trip.

By having a North-End chapter it might even increase participation by north-enders in the southern meeting places cause we could car-pool, making it mostly our time that we were investing.

I can't wait to get home to make it to a meeting, where ever that might be. I can say that if it's an hour or two drive time, it's fairly easy for me to make that trip. If you start breaking that 2 hour travel time, it makes it difficult for most people to make the trip.

I know there's a lot of "I"'s and "ME"'s in this statement, but it's my opinion and feel that others feel close to the same way. I wouldn't expect a ton of members from Tacoma or south of Tacoma to make trips to the Everett area. Most of us have families and jobs. That just doesn't leave a lot of "ME" time left over.
Im interested too. Even if the meeting where in the Burlington area so its close to the I5 would make it much more easy and so much less time consuming because of the drive for us to the south end. I realize there is so many more people in the south end but it gives me the feeling that the psas is more like a south psas club.
I know that this is a poll. But there are 4 votes that are a no. I am trying to understand what the "NO's" are for. I do not understand the thought process from it. The PSAS will still be the PSAS. There will still be the majority of the PSAS members in the Seattle area. Everything that you know of will remain the same. Meetings will continue to be down there as they are now, with the addition of extra meetings up here. The sponsors will still have the Seattle/Spokane/Tacoma group buys, with the addition of the new chapter. Everything will remain the same, except the growth of the club, increased sponsorship oppurtunities, and personnel growth. I will put my vote out there.

I'm with Floyd (tat2z-21) and Todd (NWDiver) on this as for those who have voted 'NO' what exactly are you apposed to ???
Putting the proverbial shoes on the others feet if this great club was headquartered in the Bellingham area wouldn't the majority be thrilled about adding a Seattle or South-Sound-Chapter. The whole of "Puget Sound" is a very large region and all of us are effected by our heavy traffic on the roads so it is a Big Deal to spend another 1/2 day of travel even for something FUN. So by extending the club northwards and possibly adding an additional 20-50 members plus thier knowledge & experience, I don't see a downside

While I'm not a paying member of PSAS, I do have an opinion and since this is in the General Forum, I'm going to express my Not that I wouldn't anyway! I know an awful lot of you and consider myself friends with a whole lot of you. Even though I've not paid dues, nor ever attended a PSAS meeting, these issues are important to me, as they should be to all PSAS members.

Okay, for at least 3 years, there has been controversy about the meeting locations of the PSAS club. In the past, I've read about possible solutions, including alternating meetings, north one month, south the next. For some reason, even though that was discussed, it never happened.

The club is the "Puget Sound" Aquarium Society. Puget Sound covers a whole lot of area, which all of you are aware of. It does seem, that in the past few years, the majority of the meetings are held in the southern portion of Puget Sound, with a few more centralized. For awhile, your meetings were held at a college campus, in Bellevue, I believe, which was a bit more centralized. I don't know if you had higher or lower attendance, at that time.

I don't know about the procedures that would need to be put into place, to add a "North Chapter." I don't know how that would effect finances, club officers, etc. Would you have separate officers for the "North Chapter?" Would you stick with your existing officers and add a "North" liason member to the BOD?

If done right, with a lot of thought and communication, I can see a North Chapter being successful. It would open up the opportunity for more people to have meeting options. Having more meeting options would encourage more people to join, in order to attend meetings. Having more members join, does a few things.

Brings more money into the club coffers
Enlarges the membership base
Encourages more socialization, communication, cooperation and hopefully compromise

In the past few days, since this thread was started, I've actually been giving it a lot of thought.

So far, I can't see any negatives, unless this is done, without a lot of thought and communication.

Some possible negatives, if this isn't done properly.

PSAS has, in the past few years, already had issues with little cliques here and little cliques there, that don't seem to want to compromise.

I can see the possibility of this "addition," turning into a fiasco, with a North Clique and a South Clique, not being willing to communicate or compromise with one another. If that happens, it'll end in disaster, hurting the club, overall.

So, that's the only negative I see, however, it's a potential big one.

So far, with the votes and comments I'm seeing, members who are "FOR" this addition, are giving their reasoning. I'm not seeing any members who are "AGAINST" this addition, giving any reasons. Let's hear the potential Pros and Cons. Why are those that are against it, against it? Heck, there may very well be very valid reasons against this proposal. We'll not know, unless those members are willing to speak their minds.

I'm sure we, as adults, can all speak our minds and give our opinions, while still keeping the conversation peaceful and respectful.

As an addition, since this is a general poll, that may effect me in the future (I do plan on eventually joining PSAS lol) I will also vote. However, I'm going to wait a lil' to hear more feedback, before making my final decision.
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Amen Sid!

As I was talking this over with quite a few people, we had discussed have members of the North act as a Liason with the PSAS BOD, doing all of the work in getting new members, organizing meetings and drumming up some sponsership up here in the North end.

I also suggested we have our meetings on a different weekend than the PSAS, that way if people wanted to attend the PSAS meeting, they could and Visa versa!

I see this as a Win/Win for the club and with the Liasons or what ever the BOD would like to call them,working closely with the BOD will minimize the potential problems that could arise.

I too would like to see some discussion as to why people shouldnt feel that this should happen. Right now, Almost 70% would like this and just think about how many people that are out there in the North area that done even know about RF and have chosen to not join PSAS due to everything being in the South end so to speak.

Just my 2 cents worth :)
Sid pretty much voiced my concerns with this addition of a chapter. I for one would like to hear what you have planned for the financial part of things; 2x the meetings means 2x the door prizes, 2x the space requirements and associated costs, possibility for 2x the speakers and so on. As far as getting more sponsors Who are you talking about? The only places that I can think of that are up north don’t have saltwater, don’t want to have anything to do with the club, or already are sponsors. I don’t want to have a knee jerk reaction to this and feel that these are questions that need to be addressed for me to feel comfortable to make a judgment call.
I guess that I just want to know that there is a well thought out plan that this isn't just going to be something thrown together that we are going to regret later.
Sid pretty much voiced my concerns with this addition of a chapter. I for one would like to hear what you have planned for the financial part of things; 2x the meetings means 2x the door prizes, 2x the space requirements and associated costs, possibility for 2x the speakers and so on. As far as getting more sponsors Who are you talking about? The only places that I can think of that are up north don’t have saltwater, don’t want to have anything to do with the club, or already are sponsors. I don’t want to have a knee jerk reaction to this and feel that these are questions that need to be addressed for me to feel comfortable to make a judgment call.

Possibly 2X the membership dues, as well.

I don't think the club pays for speakers at every meeting, just the big ones that are held 2 or 3 times per year. Those ones, in my opinion, would be a "General" meeting, for all "chapters" to attend.

Door prizes, also, aren't given away at all meetings.

If meetings are held at member homes, or LFS, there is no cost associated with a meeting place.

I have no idea about Sponsorship, since I'm unfamiliar with a lot of the stores in the area.

I'm also curious as to why this thread isn't also being posted on PSAS's forum?
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